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A member registered Aug 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Okay, thank you. I'll make some modifications and explain it again.

Currently, the software does not support translucency. So, if you need the shadow, finally process it in the image processing software. For example, Photoshop. Change the shadow to semi transparent. Remove the shadow component if it is not needed. I usually end up dealing with shadows. In Photoshop.

Another issue is that the software cannot be maximized, and the default size is maintained after opening the software. The green background cannot be deleted.

I know where your problem lies, don't save it in the root directory of the software. You can save it to the desktop without any problem. Or try changing to another save path.

Hello, this is also the first time I have encountered this situation. May I ask where you come from? I come from China. Is there any way? We can remotely check and let me help you see what the problem is. I have been using the Win10 system and all the saved functions can be used normally.

Currently only supports Win10.

Hello, the size specification of this set of materials is 32 * 32 pixels

I'm really sorry, I missed these two characters. I have re uploaded the materials, you can download them again.


Hello, I only tested on my win10 computer. I haven't tested other systems. What system is your computer? How to export png images correctly, the first thing to pay attention to is the total number of frames of your animation, and then the total number of frames in the lower timeline should be set. The second point is that the exported image is based on the green square background. The green background squares must be placed one by one. There should be no gap between them. Finally, you can press the number 4 key to export the png image.

I haven't tested on Apple computer yet, because I don't have Apple computer. Your news really gave me a big surprise. How did you do it!

After entering the software, press F1 to view the user manual. If you have other questions, you can leave me a message and reply as soon as you see it~Thank you for your attention and support~

First enter the software and press F1 to view the software manual. It describes various functions in detail. Press the space bar to play the animation. Px2d is a frame animation tool. We implement animation by modifying the components on each frame. You can quickly modify each frame by copying and pasting frames. There is an action library folder in the software, which contains the actions I have made. There are currently 8 basic actions, including standby, walk, run, attack, attack, defense, use of props and death. Users can modify their own actions based on these. You can also make your own actions. The first item in the menu bar is to open the file. Click it to open the file in the action library directly. Thank you for your attention and support~.~

In the future, component expansion packages with various styles and themes will be launched~


Yes friend, you can certainly use it in commercial games. All the stuff I sell can be used in commercial games.

Yes, of course. Resources can be used to make commercial or non-commercial games. Thank you for your attention and support ~ I will continue to work hard to provide you with better resources ~

Well, a friend of mine advised me that my shelves were a mess. Resource packs are also not detailed. So I temporarily closed the other resource packs. I plan to put the sorted resource packs on the shelves again after rearranging them. My friend, thank you for your attention and support. I will put the sorted resource package back on the shelves as soon as possible~。~

Friends thank you for your attention and support. I will continue to work hard ~. ~

You're right, my friend. I really need to rethink my plans. It really feels messy right now. A friend mentioned this to me earlier. Friends appreciate your attention and advice. I will adjust as soon as possible ~. ~

Friend, I have repackaged and uploaded. Thank you for your attention and support~。~

OK, thank you. I see. I will repackage and upload. Since I've only been on the platform for a short time, there are a lot of things I don't understand. Thank you for your clarification

My friend, I'm running a half-price weekend promotion. You can check it out. Thank you for your attention and support. My license is that you can use it to make a game. You can also modify the material and use it in your game. Prohibited is that the modified material can not be sold or given to others for use.

Thank you for your support~。~Other kinds of monsters will follow.

Thank you for your support~.~

I have sent the newly built wooden house to your mailbox. Please note that check ~

Wow, we're on the same page~~~

Ok, no problem, I will continue to make more houses. When it is finished, I will send it to your email.Thank you for your support~~。~~

I am waiting for your reply anytime. I'll be sure to take care of this for you.

Hello, I am a newcomer and this is my first time to meet this situation. I don't know how to deal with it. What you said is instead of another asset, how should I operate on this platform?

Yeah, it's all planned. Later I will post scenes and monsters and other resources.Thank you for your attention and stay tuned.

My friends, they've all been updated. You look at。

Ok, I'll send you a message after the modification. Thank you for your support.

Hi my friend, it's true that the size of 96 by 96 was not enough due to the use of some large weapons. Now the size of 144*144 has been adjusted. I can change all the resources in the previous 96*96 size to 144*144. Unify the size of all resources to 144*144.

My friend The Shield warrior I updated~

Ok, no problem. I thought the 4 by 4 would be easier to use. I'll readjust it right now.

Thanks for your support, I will finish the archer and Sorcerer series as soon as possible.Hello, are you doing game development?

Yes, archers and wizards are also in the works. I also have knight characters in my plans. And some vehicles.