Love you, thanks !
Que Bab Studios
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It's the first game that I tested which took this way of the theme. Like really nothing can go wrong.
Thar art is cool, the effect when you jump of the first time is really cool !
After the first jump is a little redundant, though I would prefer to hav more a puzzle to find how I can suicide myself to pass to the next steps
I'll played, comment and rate your game right now ! :) if you could do the same, it would be awesome !
Going to play, comment, and rate your game ! here is ours :
Just played, commented, and rated your game, please rate us ! :)
Just played, commented, and rated your game, here is ours (we're lacking 5 rates)
Just played, commented, and rate your game, here is ours ! (5 rate missing :( )
I will try your game right now