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A member registered Nov 28, 2020

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(2 edits)

Where does the 3000 amount come from? LonaRPG uses a paperdoll system for Lona. In other words, the art isn't done from scratch for each pose Lona is in. There isn't a full drawn scene for each scene of Lona on her back with different levels of dirtiness, it just applies a dirtiness layer to pre-existing art. Same thing with clothes, piercings, and pretty much every status effect.

In other words: all it'd actually need is adding a futa status effect and adding a layer with genitals. Code wise it'd need to disable vaginal as an option and if you want to make it a bit more unique feeling, have Lona take the dom/male poses when juicing. In other words, it'd need to add said genitalia for each pose, plus the main doll, and on the nude pixel sprite. Excluding the pixel sprite, that's maybe 20 dicks, plus Deep One variants, but you could just disable it for the Deep Ones due to their backstory.

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Since LonaRPG generally uses paperdolls for scenes (that is, adding layers of stuff depending on circumstance), wouldn't that essentially be the same as having any other visual status effect (like dirty or piercings), just with adding male genitals and making it disable vaginal as a possibility? On top of just having potentially use the current male poses for juicing other characters?

(1 edit)

The developer himself agreed with several of those points. Combat isn't easy unless you make an agility build (or regen build). So it's broken in both directions. You either AGI build and breeze through or don't and you're screwed. So I either build a broken build and win with no fun or I don't and it's unfun.

Also, I never complained all equips being unavailable. I complained Sword Dancer needs a spear to use their level 4. Classes are already limited in what weapons they can use, so this doesn't make any design sense. Usually, the reason you'd do this is for a multi-class. "What do you mean by multi-class?" I hear you ask. This is when a class isn't just once class. So, for example, if it was more of: "Sword Dancer/Guardian" and every time you got a spell you got TWO instead, with contradicting weaponry so you had to choose one path or the other, this would make sense. In the current design, it doesn't. It's also not that the spear isn't available, but you can't get it without lockpicks, which only rogues can get. So inexplicably, Sword Dancer cannot use their level 4 ability without a lot of finagling, even then it's outside their namesake for no clear purpose.

No, I think the game is unbalanced because it's unbalanced. You either make a build meant to take advantage of the system math and win easily or don't and have no fun.

Also, I've beaten every Persona after 2, every Exile game after Crystal Souls, all of the old Fallouts, Arcanum, Lionheart, and more recently (since unsurprisingly, as an adult I have less time nowadays) Underrail and Age of Decadence. These all have not-so-easy combat. Age of Decadence is the sort of game that, if you don't build specifically for combat, combat will destroy you -- even then it's very reliant on luck. Underrail if you don't pre-plan your build, you will be destroyed, even when you do it's not easy. I'm well used to RPGs (there are many I haven't named), used to the grind, difficulty, and used to bad design (although I love Lionheart, it was a rushed game by a dying studio with several issues). The fact is, this game has an interesting premise with an undeniable amount of love put in, but it's an artificially difficult game since the systems are what make it difficult. There's nothing to master, it's either you build a broken character and Thanos snap the enemies or you don't and you have no fun.

I think the biggest thing I'd recommend is removing random encounters. The forest sequence was extremely frustrating because you had both on-map enemies and also random encounters. I always like the ability to try and evade,  so I'd probably bump up enemy counts where they're lacking (like the plains directly outside the town) and just straight up remove random encounters. 

Shops need to be rebalanced, for sure.

And probably make abilities not be weapon special. Classes are already locked to certain weapons, there's really no need to further add limitations. 

(1 edit)

It legitimately feels like no one balanced this. There's a clear amount of effort and love put into this game, but was the math done at all?

So, for one, Sword Dancer -- cool, I love the theme! I always like intelligent, sword-based fighters with various maneuvers... wait, where are all my maneuvers? Okay, I get a buff that takes a turn to use. Not the best, but not bad either. Next up...! Uh... weird... a party move? I don't think you get party members for a while... but okay. Ah ha, level four... spear ability? Why is this a thing? Why is it not just "double strike"? It's called "Sword Dancer", why am I given an ability I can't even use without a very specific weapon? Oh and boy oh boy, no one sells spears! Cool! Oh, there's one in the barracks? Good thing I can't buy lockpicks either.

And why is the fortune teller back in the port? Please move her to the main town so people who build a bit incorrectly don't have to restart the whole game. Also, also, making the pickaxe sale price 200 as opposed to 400 is just a kick in the groin. So if someone finds a pickaxe after they buy one, they only get to sell it at half price? What's the point of not making it the same price as the pickaxe?

Also, also, also why is there BOTH an ON-MAP ENEMY ENCOUNTER SYSTEM and a RANDOM ENEMY ENCOUNTER SYSTEM? This is crazy. Choose one.

For the love of god, balance this. There are tough games, but this isn't a tough game, this is a game filled with artificial difficulty.  And please don't have any round-long buff moves until way later. Make sword dance at least do some damage in the midst of buffing so it's not shooting yourself in the foot without party.

Speaking to Vickie about assassination the Lord's son leads to you getting locked into that conversation. Accepting or declining just leads back to the same conversation.

Battles in the sewers lead to a crash due to a lack of a certain track.