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A member registered Feb 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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This was made with plain js + wrapper for Mersennen-Twister, entire code can be viewed in your dev tools

First AntiWhyCardCult reply

Doing it on the left fixes the bug that throws you out because then you will be able to climb the numbers until top where you can then climb the left wall from the right and get above // YOU WIN 

That's why you increase the difficulty over time :p

I'm guessing there's a mechanic where the player gets time back for each tile they clicked, you could decrease that amount

Ah okay, sorry you experienced so many bugs

Hiding file extension doesn't really change anything as images are marked with photo icon, textfiles with notepad++ icon and viruses with the white file :p but I get your point

Are you supposed to be shot around at high speed after you picked up an envelope? And are skins supposed to not do anything and is the score supposed to be a 10th of the points? I'm super confused. Also the timer goes into the negative after the round ended ^^'

Sort files by type makes this a bit easier but really interesting idea of a game

I feel like I missed the point of the game

I won the game woo \(^-^)/ Chill game, quite short still fun

I won the game woo \(^-^)/ Chill game, quite short still fun

Loved it!

"The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140_1.dll was not found."

Thanks ^^ I thought about putting actual houses as tiles but with my pixel art skill that would've looked worse and I couldn't find anything good on the internet so I left it this way

You will not be able to beat level 100 anyway, dw ;) but I really suggest you to try level 10-15. If you want to skip ahead a bit just type level = <number> in the console while your in a screen between levels

Really great graphics but as already states the player's success feels really random. Ontop of that the AI moves way to fast, sometimes they already ship their package before the requests has popped up. These two things make it quite frustrating to play in my opinion. Great game never the less and I hope you keep working on it after the jam

I do not understand this at all

I really really like the style of the guy and I was looking forward to playing this since I saw your game in progress screenshots ^^

Got to 5239 until my dad insisted that I did something for him and didn't understand why I couldn't stop the game. Now my finger hurts from wishing over my touchpad :p

I completely ruined the premise of the game by not having a mouse and not being able to scroll. Was still fun tho 

Took me a few mins to figure out what you had to do, few instructions might have been helpful ^^

Got 4 presents at most ^^' guess I'm not made for this game

I guess I did something wrong.. but I also couldn't click fast enough cuz I don't have a mouse with me. Music reminds me of older city sims and I really think it fits the game

Played it quite a bit (highest score in the 60s) would like if there was a counter to track your highest score and also once the game goes too fast the jump takes longer than a controller needs to reach the platform so two get shot at once making it impossible to score much higher

Never the less great game ^^

Had enough time for a brute force path finding. Actually used it in two cases once for generating the map and once for the actual pathfinding of the cars. But it's really nothing special, if you want you can check the code of the car pathfinding in car.js > class Car > findPath(x,y)

Thanks! :)