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(1 edit)

The negative outcome of submission comes at 150, it will be game over (I'm gonna change it to a long scene though)

Now that I think of it, maybe I went overboard with the pill at Ursus, getting it down to 0 inmediately. That needs a bit of tweaking.

Another update. There's a way to run the game on joiplay: Go to Configuration-> HTML and enable all options. Save changes. Now you'll be able to save and load savefiles on joiplay.

Ok, you're right. The game's saves are no longer working on joiplay.

There is an alternate way to run this game (I learned about it today). Install File Manager Plus from the Play Store. Once installed, go to the .html (Index.html if you didn't change the name) and open it with your favorite browser (I used Chrome). And it will open it, I played and the saves work now.

I'll make a devlog post later to let everyone know. Thanx for the warning.

It's weird. I'm gonna test it myself in my phone later today.

Uh, guys, sorry I didn't realize the patch notes were in the draft section and I didn't publish it... so there it goes.

I'm sorry, it was supposed to be on the changelog... and I didn't realize I didn't publish it so there it goes. Just in case, it's: sub

It can't be, I use that code for testing almost daily. it's slut

Yeah, that's the code

Ok, this is a spoiler, I'll put the answer below

Dalton will reject you no matter what you do on Malcolm's house. Now, If you kiss him, you'll notice that the romance went up. That's your clue to know that he still cares for you. If my memory doesn't fail me, you should have 80 romance with him if you were successful on the restaurant date and kiss him after Malcolm's dinner. You'll get the good ending.

In case you want the bad ending, you should fail either at the restaurant date, or refuse to do anything at the end of Malcolm's dinner.

Heh... I see where you're going with that, male preg is hot. I have a FtM LI planned (not Mark though), and I can go this route with him. Unfortunately, I have some storylines planned before that.

The cheat password is ursus

Thank you <3

Wow, I never tested on a device like that, in android, I tested it using joiplay. I have the instructions for it on the download section.

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Ok, to answer the question

That battle is to protect your mind and save your life, if you lose the battle, your mind will be destroyed completely without any chance to recovery and you would fall into SCS hands.

You may see the effect of the will lost as losing, but that actually made the MC to get through this. What Max does on that evening was reckless and totally stupid, risking the MC's mind completely. Anyone else would have lost it (he was intending to do this to Luke instead of the MC)

But I agree it could have been an standard sex encounter, since the mechanic of that mission was already different. Heh, I guess I made it more difficult than I should have. I'm noting this feedback for the Ursus storyline I'm doing.

(2 edits)

As far as I know, no. Firefox is my default navigator and I don't have any issues, neither with the saved games, or the gallery.

There was an old bug, with one of the updates (0.20) where I named it differently by mistake (index.html instead of the correct name Index.html) If you had a save with a different named file, and you try to load up another, it will say about the Web Storage API. There are two ways to fix it: One is clearing cache/cookies of the browser which is... not ideal)

The other one, is to load the old html file (if you revert back to the last version that worked for you you should be able to load the game). When you're inside the game, erase EVERY SAVE on the list (you can load up your most recent, and save him to a external file. That's fine, you can load it up later) and then coming back to the latest version, and there you have it.

Another easier solution would be to switch to Chrome, Edge or Opera.

On the online version, they aren't working. However, the offline version works. It's a limitation on the number of files that itch allows, and let's just say the game have a lot.

I'm working on a solution for this, but mean while I suggest you to download the offline version.

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I don't want to enter into spoiler territory. But there are two points (besides the initial gain on level 2 if you start the romance)

1) At the date in the restaurant, where you get attacked.

2) After the dinner at Malcolm's house.

If you take the correct choices there, you must have over 80 on romance with Dalton. Now you can proceed with the rest of the story, including the SCS initiation. The relationship seem broken because he rejects you, but surely you noticed, especially at the dinner on Malcolm's house, that you STILL gained romance points there. Something will change on the final mission against Malcolm if you have that score. I need to know at what point you are to tell you.

One clue to the good ending: After the SCS initiation, if you don't see the warped self in the dark world sequence, you're good. Just grind until the 100 job progress points and you'll reach the end of the storyline.

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Whoa whoa, let's start slowly.

1) I'll consider it, but that part is more like a game over screen. The true bad ending happens if you fail Dalton's romance, and there is way more content after the dinner. Let me give you a tip: By the time you get to the infamous initiation test on SCS, if you have 80 on romance points, you'll get the good ending. Otherwise you'll get the bad ending.

2) After all the SCS thing, if your romance is over 80... you might get what you want. Remember, when I say good ending, I really mean it.

I can't be more specific here because spoilers but everything is listed on the JCS part of the help section, there you'll find how to get the good ending with Dalton.

Hi Alissa! I'm not planning to add more BDSM for Dalton for the moment. The most BDSM one is on the date at the bar, when they get down to the dungeon. If you haven't seen it yet, drop a message here (but you can also find it on game's help).

I'm not discarding more scenes with him on other storylines, but I have my hands full at the moment. Yeah, I know, it's not the answer you expected. Dalton is one of my all-time favorite characters there :(

Is not that easy. A game can take you for Dom/Sub paths for certain characters, other will only have a dom or sub paths... tagging with an "Only dom content" or "Only sub content" might not be accurate for some games (for example, mine, where you switch off between those two).

But I can understand the frustration of a player looking for dom content, only to find the MC is a sub (I tend to write more to the sub part, but I'm working on that and making my next storyline balanced between those two), I added a part on my FAQ section in my game description addressing that. If the game includes BDSM or content that features dominant/submissive behavior, it should also include a little description about this.

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Thanks, I'm glad you like the game. Expect a new update next monday. Luke is performed by Beau Butler.

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Try this one. I'm gonna update the in-game discord link with this.

HG2 Discord Server

I like your suggestion. I'll update the FAQ section of my page and I'll consider making an external spreadsheet or something listing who's a top, bottom or versatile. I still think is kinda spoilery, but if you're warned before going there, I guess it's alright.

The warning as soon as the player meets them... I don't think I'll implement it in my current project. It's kinda like spoiling that this character will have sex with you (I still consider fun to discover that character might have, or not, sex with you. For some characters is pretty clear, for others it isn't), and I'm on a point in the development that is not possible (well, it could be. but doing that for every character would take weeks, and I can't afford that), but it's definitely something to consider when I start my second project, who knows. I'm not closed to that suggestion either.

It's good to have these discussions, there can be solutions for each case, even in complicated ones like mine.

Yeah, my game is on the contrary, very heavy on non-vanilla kinks, I should have mentioned that. That's why I placed so much emphasis on the kink listing, and ways to warn or avoid them.

But positions? honestly, when I play NSFW games I don't even care if the player is top or bottom, I just go with whatever content the game has (there so few of gay games, and even less bara games. Refusing to play a game because it has only bottom/top content doesn't work for me) and I don't even question myself about that, I enjoy both content. Unless the game throws me a kink that I don't like, that's where I start questioning. But positions? I never did.

Maybe my mistake is thinking that everyone is like me. I'm still not sure how to avoid this problem on my game. A comprehensive listing of each character is a no-no, my game is text based sandbox, it has many characters already and with each update the list grows exponentially. I see that this can work on VN that has a handful of characters with CGs.

And putting a big, red warning at the game? If I say my game have only bottom content is a lie. There is top content there. So I'm not sure how to proceed.

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Regarding dom/sub content:

I don't agree about the whole premise of being dom is about you deciding how things go. Unexpected things happen, sometimes you think you're the top dog but then a bigger one comes. People can outsmart you, or even overpower you, having to suck up until the time is right to show off who's the boss. And that's what I tried to do on Max's scene (by the way, you can blur the heaviest content on that scene, but that was a feature that I included starting on 0.20 so you might have to bear with that on prior versions. I apologize for that). He won over you unfairly with the drug, and then you manage to come to grips with that and give him a proper beating later.

In the scene with Malcolm... remember you're infilitrating on his company. You're not in position to make demands to him. Even if he wanted to bottom, he would have used you like a human-sized dildo. It's not believable that get in his house like a gorilla and start shouting him to bottom for you. That's illogical.

Now, having said that, dom content is not my strong point, but I'm trying to improve it, and certainly I need to improve on that regard. Since it's a recurring theme in my game, you can expect more dom content in the future.

Now, back on the subject of the Top/Bottom positions:

I must admit that when I first read the article, that flew over my head, I didn't even consider it, I always focused on separating the heavier kinks from the vanilla ones, and I thought it was enough. Obviously it isn't.

It's hard to focus on both positions when it comes to the story encounters, especially on those where the MC have to satisfy an specific character and the scene is all bottom (or top, for example on Vince scene), in my game there aren't many scenes that have both positions available. When an unavoidable scene happens, and the MC needs to satisfy the NPC , it's not logical to refuse and then proceed with the scene as if nothing happened. It doesn't work that way.

But it's not the first time a player tells me about that, maybe I should take account on that when you're the one at top or bottom , I'm mostly a bottom and I tend to write a lot leaning to that side. On my next storylines (prison and Ursus) I'll do my best to balance them out. I've been working on that for months, but I still have ways to go.

But I'm not quite sure on how to solve this problem, games can't be perfectly 50/50, Chelay's game is focused on top, mine is on bottom (with some top content on it), and I've come to a point that I can't even list how many characters have X or Y preference because it would a long and spoilery list. I guess I can include a section of the FAQ in my game description about the positions... but I'm going to write it in general. I guess for VNs that doesn't have many characters a complete list would be ideal, but for larger games it isn't.

I agree, I also went overdrive and listed all the kinks in my game, some people say that I went a little too far by listing them on the FAQ section of my game's description, but I think it's good to list them all when you have very ... ah... exotic kinks, like watersports, fisting or BDSM in the game.

But I don't list when or how they happen. One advantage I have is that they can be avoided before they happen, so there's also that. Adult games really benefit by being upfront about the content in the game.

Man, you're an artist. Such perfect bara dudes...

The password for cheats on 0.20 is landlord. It will change on 0.21 though.

The game does not need to install, just run Index.html file after you unzip the Grizzly Grove folder from the zip file. I recommend using firefox or chrome.

On Android... it's a bit more complicated but yes, it can run. In order to do so you need the rar app (or any app that can unzip files) and joiplay (both of them are on the play store). After you download the .zip file from here, open it and unzip it. Please note the directory where you unzip them. Then, open the joiplay app, push the "+" symbol and find the game's folder, and open the .html. There are more detailed instructions on the "Download and install instructions" section when you download the .zip file here

After you extract the file, you should see the Index.html file  (There are three folders. media, Lib and fonts and a file named Index.html). Your browser will open the game. Assuming you're on windows/linux, I recommend you firefox or chrome.

No, I don't have planned incest on this game.

hmmm, maybe that is caused by the change on the online version. Sadly, older saves probably won't work after I made the change some time ago. The only solution would be starting a new game. I would recommend to use the offline version though, until I get an online host. Sorry for the inconveniences

0.20c is the latest version, the next one, 0.21, will drop soon.

I guess you're talking about the lvl 2 mission at the governor's house.

First, to start dalton's romance, you need to find Luke before 5 turns and having 50 of friendship of him. If you don't meet these requirements, the romance won't start.

In the battle, these are the skills you need: Oral Top, Oral Bottom, Perversion, muscle, kink bottom and anal bottom. If your stats are low, you might lose the battle (there's a bit of luck involved even if your stats are high, as every battle in the game).

Thank you for your kind words. There will be other storylines in the future, stay tuned.

Unfortunately, that drug is only used by Max's boss organization, and you can only fight him directly at JCS storyline... but we'll have a gang storyline, and since Max boss won't be dealt away directly on the other storylines, his drug will make another appearance annoying you to no end.

I never thought about the stepdad thing with Luke... but nah, too complicated, it happens too late in the story and you know what kink I'm skipping on purpose here.

I'm happy to read that you like the game! To answer your questions:

1) No, he isn't planned as a love interest.

2) Sylas is the uncle. You can't find him because he doesn't live in Grizzly Grove. Initially, I planned that the MC could call him, and raise their friendship with a special bonus at the end... but I had to discard that. I may have to remove him from that list in the future

3) There is already an inventory button on the left menu, right under the character info button. There you can see what items and equipment you have.

I agree. It's always the same subject.

Man, your crusade against visual novels is boring and repetitive.

I'm glad you like it! unfortunately I don't have plans for Dalton, but there will be a sub focused BDSM storyline. But it will be with a different master.