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A member registered Nov 15, 2018

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I love the concept of the game! You really got me pat down right here, haha. The assets are very nice as well. I can't wait to see where you go with this! I can say I found a typo in the Jenesaisqoui, which would be Je-ne-sais-quoi (especially the inversion of o and u). Otherwise, in the way of suggestions, I don't have much yet with how small the game is so far, but maybe something like certain enemies being able to join your party if you lose to them enough or something could be kinda cool. Maybe keepsakes otherwise? Like, an item they give you once you've gone through their run so you can reminisce on your time together, so you can access their scenes without having to backtrack all the way, once the game gets bigger. Explanations for the stats would be nice, but I imagine they're rather placeholder for now, and would be expanded upon in a tutorial mode later on or something? Oh, maybe also learning skills from the enemies that defeat you, to use their skills against them or other enemies you have trouble bypassing. In any case, real great and exciting work!

Ah, I think I gave the potion of potential and beard serum to Wulfric, stupidly enough (the beard serum was before I decided to make him a tank. And he was way tanky enough to not need the potion of potential, I just wanted to spread the stat items a bit since one could only be given to Fucko). I did get the sea song for him, and I never actually equip the stinker, but it's true that for TP alone, and with enough attack, the slight attack downgrade on it will be worth (or was it crit dmg downgrade with what I had equipped? Can't remember). I also did the dying 5 times later, but I didn't think of dying with Fucko in the party so he lost that stat point too >>. I think that 30 something stat points he's missing out on does bring him down quite a bit. Would be nice if those stat point were like in a cumulative bank in which you could see how many extra stat points you've gotten, and new party members would gain access to the same number of stat points. He's still a little underleveled for now, but I've already been using the magical leaf so he's getting near there. Sad that he can't join the Fire dungeon, even though it's in the very cave he was occupying before leaving the continent.

Honestly, I'm quite surprised at the quality for a kink-focused game. Combat's interesting, and you get some funky builds with all sorts of equipment and stat spread you can choose from, the art is amazing, on all aspects, the music is bopping and memorable, the characters are fun and unique (and hot!), and even though they can feel corny at times, it fits the vibe, and the humor often gets me. Also, the dungeons are pretty fun, even though the only one I've done that was substantial yet was the fire dungeon. Truth be told, I'm kind of bummed that I'm not personally into sex scenes, otherwise it would've been just the best kinky game out there to me.

If I were to make a fair review however, there were a few sore points that stood out to me, like the ingredient grinding, which gets tiring and/or frustrating pretty quick, since they're not guaranteed drops and you often need a lot of them to craft everything.  

I think having a way to skip scenes would be good, if it's not already implemented, as sometimes, you can walk into a scene you already saw by accident and don't really want to sit through all of it again, despite the fast-forward. 

I believe the map should have a "click when on an area to try and access" rather than the "stop moving to get the prompt" mechanic, which feels awkward to use. 

There's also the fourth party member. I don't know if I'm just not using him well, but he's been feeling extremely lackluster as a battler compared to the others. Even charging for two turns to gain TP and boost crit damage, using a surefire crit skill afterwards, the damage output was terrible, and while he has pretty good HP, his tanking aptitudes and supportiveness are not very high/inexistant. All the while, the MC and Lace destroy everyone and Wulfric just tanks anything for ages while supporting the team.

This is all based on the public build, so maybe some of these things have already been addressed. Other than that, I seriously think the game is a gem, and you can clearly feel the effort and thought put into it. Great job!

Wow, that's some turn of fate. Finished the previous version of the demo today and just when I was wondering what paths were complete and what the ETA would look like, boom! You come up with the ending. Been a blast so far! Excited to see the rest of it, with all the smiles and tugs of agony!

I was myself a bit harsh when I wrote my initial comment. I was rather irritated from seeing the work the author put into doing something original and thoughtful and most comments on the situation being only requests for Leo and Chase to end up together. 

What I meant at the end by "almost impossible while they're together" is that they tend to keep each other in chains while they're near each other. They're a bit too taken into nostalgia and honeymooning to take the issues seriously until it becomes overwhelming. They could go to couple's therapy or something, but I don't really see them making that decision until they've reflected on what happened and grown more, and I'd see them only be able to do their personal growth while apart. 

I don't think it is actually impossible for them to be together, but the thing that would mostly aggravate me about such an end being present is that it would reinforce the feeling of that ending being the "good ending" and the others being the "bad/normal endings", demeaning their value in the end, as the true goal would be to find a way to have them be together. I am a hopeful romantic at my core, and I was pining for them to be together, until I saw the ending and reflected on what lead to it. I just think such an ending would be a disservice to the overall narrative. 

If someone wrote a fanfiction about them working through their issues and maturely growing to become a functional couple, I'd be all for it, but I don't think it's the type of narrative most common for fanfiction unfortunately. I still don't think it would be the best to include it within the game itself.

Just as a heads-up, this will be slightly spoilery. 

Asking for this is blatantly ignoring the entire theme of his route. It's about letting the past go. Hence the recurring theme of the anchor as an ominous figure. Both endings indeed leave heavy feelings, but that's the point. If you want an ending where Leo and Chase get back together, you get a train wreck. No matter how cute they can be together, at the end of the day, their relationship is not a healthy one, and because of the nature of the issues, it would be almost impossible for them to work through them while being together.