Thank you for the support,
I still re take a course on the subject, the head that is supposed to be poseidon is not a success :-)) ..
it was really hard to create the mesh the proportions the edge flow ect ... I finally managed to create blender animation to unity... I had no energy at all after for the rest :-))
I really enjoyed your demo and for 4 days of work it's really a good step .
and yes we have worked on the "subfield" aspects of the video game and yet it is such an important step
I didn't implement any controller or gameplay... it's just not what I was aiming for at that stage.the goal at this stage was to make good models and correct animations...the code is everywhere not necessarily in a game loop .. code jam shader is code, and many utility code in blender..
but thanks for your message
many thanks for your comment ..
i choice always the most simplest solution, entity component system :
the most simplest solution to build map (random walker ) && generate monster (simple % )
and the most simplest i find ""IA"" ;-) (hum ia .. hummm)