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A member registered Dec 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the comments! :)

The game was meant to have another mechanic that we were unable to implement before the deadline.
Hopefully, we can fix it after the voting period.

You got it!
We were unable to implement an important part of the game before the deadline: the pending mechanic.

We will make it work after the voting period.
I definitely look forward to explore it in the future.

(1 edit)

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!
From that perspective, it kinda makes sense. But it is streching the theme's scope a bit xD

P.S. Your game is really funny! Good job! Keep working on it!

There are some holes in the seabed that you can go to.

We need to figure out a better way to focus the player's attention on those spots. Maybe with sound effects or some fish swiming around them.

Thanks for the feedback! 

The game looks beautiful. Congrats!

In terms of visuals I would suggest removing the small noise from the wall when the are further away, most of the times I though they were stars in the sky. maybe populate the sky with such starts. I don't think this affects the gameplay that much though ;)

Sometime the progression can be a bit too challenging, particularly  in the first platforms. I'd suggestion easing a bit the learning curve in the first couple minutes of gameplay.

The sound effects are on point!

Everything works together very nicely and the feels very coherent even after 20 minutes.
Great job!

Great Job!

The controls are so good! Love the jumping out of water feel. When you can seamlessly jump from one water area to the other without bouncing in anything it is so satisfying!

Putting a timer on it would be could. The mechanics are working so well that it deserves a speed runner mode :)

Thanks for the comments! 

The shaders are still giving us headaches! We want to build it in WebGL but we are having some problems...

We are a students group - @gamedevtecnico - and some members that wanted to invest in 3D and others in 2D. That's why we went for those two environments. Either way, we will try to merge both aesthetics together in the future.

Thanks! Your game visuals look dope too!

We went for a similar visual aesthetics as yours by using oulines in the 3D worlds but it is not working perfectly :(

Have Barotrauma on my game backlog for a while, might give it a try in the upcoming weeks!

The minesweeper vibes are real. It would be funny to see a little bit of other mechanicas, such as bombs or placing keys to open the chest. Still a lot of blocks for 48 hours! It looks great!

Funny concept.

The art style is pretty cool too.
I like the fact that the points change over time even when the scene is static!
Did you used a point cloud shader, or something else? 

I also feel that your game would be perfect to tryout clayxels.

In terms of gameplay, the only issue to me was that it is hard to see the ball hitting the paddle.
Maybe orbit the cam a little bit around the paddle and tilt the paddle a bit more?
Also, I don't know if it was intended, but you can double click everytime the ball hits the paddle to make double points :p

Overall Good Job!

P.S. This was my best score and took me ages to get it :(

Hello, nice to know you enjoyed the concept!

We were trying to test if taking a different perspective on the classics would produce something interesting.
We managed to achieve at least something playable, yet not very enjoyable!

We started working way after what we wanted (around Thrusday) and doing the controller was a fun challenge but drainned too much time from the actual game design and visuals.  Our original plans were to add a double jump, wall jump, blocks falling down, dashes, and see what the game feels like.

We will keep working on the prototype in this Summer and see if it has what's needed to reach the next level!

Thanks for organizing the jam! :)

Thanks for the update and award! Can you kindly provide an e-mail address to send the details? Should I send it to

It was really interesting to participate in Sugar Game Jam. We worked really hard in order to use all the potential of SUGAR Engine and, as you can see by our list of features, we think we did quite a good job! Without disregarding the effort other jammers made to deliver their games, we feel that the Jam's results are a bit unfair. 
The first concern relates to the fact that allow users to update games after the deadline is over. As expected, we did not update our game after the deadline to avoid any issue with the results. Although we understand such lack of control is responsibility of, we would expect the jam's organization to take this into account when judging the entries.
The second issue - and the one that bothers us the most - is the fact that most of the remaining entries of this jam did not follow the proposed theme. Few made references to "sugary sweetness" in the text describing the game, but no concepts related to the theme were included in the actual game. 
As already said, we really appreciate all the contributions made to this jam! A competition is no fun without other challengers! Still, we need to share our thoughts on the entries' evaluation because we feel it was unfair. 

We understand that some developers may fix some bugs after the deadline, but the theme is such a hard constraint for the development of the game that should not be considered so lightly in the game's evaluation.


Thanks! Looking forward! :)

(1 edit)


There are some minor UX problems with the game. Unfortunately we did not have the time to tackle them all so the player might find himself in a strange situation.

The actual bug inside the game has to do with the absence of cards in the library when starting the match. 

To solve it, you need to redeem your cards before going into a match. Since the cards are procedurally generated, before starting a new match the player must redeem (which is actually create) the cards in their library to have some components to select inside the match . When a new account is created the player has 6 cards to redeem. To redeem them, you just need to click in the cookie:

As previously mentioned, you just need to redeem the cards in the library by clicking the respective button. We also added a simple hack that procedurally generates a new card when the key "R" is clicked inside the library. It helped during testing and might suit your needs now.

Additionally, we just found out that when the game running in resolutions above 1366x768, there might be some issues rendering our font. Please consider using 1366x768 resolution or lower resolutions.

If you find more issues, please let us know


Hi guys just like the title said:

"Your time sheets to claim your prize money if you win!"

We are not really sure what you mean by this, like the time each member of the team spent on this project?

Thank you!

Thanks. It makes sense that there should be a chain of responsability assigning such roles.  

However, I need all members to create alliances. Since this is not possible for this jam, I'm going to do a minor workaround that wouldn't be acceptable for a production product but, hopefully, it will serve the purpose for the game jam. Hope you understand.

Thanks again.


So, the only user than can create an alliance request between two groups is the group owner, and this role cannot be interchanged between users? This is, user 1, the group owner, cannot grant user 2, another member of the same group, permissions to establish an alliance with other groups?

Still, the groups that I'm using were created before any user joined (using the admin panel). How can a user be the owner of such  group?


Hello again, 

Since the last time we talked, I've managed to use a lot of the API successfully. Still, I'm finding some issues with the features regarding Alliances. When trying to create an alliance between two groups, I've encountered some problems when calling CreateAllianceRequestAsync.

The method always returns an error even if I change the request's auto accept property. I've tried a bunch of stuff and ended up verifying if the users were actually in the requestor's group. Indeed, it was. However, when inspecting the Data model in the admin panel, I've discovered that no user inside the groups has a role assigned to. I assigned the only available role ("Group") and then tried to create an alliance. This time it worked! Looking for ways to assign roles in the code, I haven't found any method that enables me to do it. Maybe I'm missing something but how can I solve the problem of having group member's default role be empty? 

Thanks in advance!

Hello again,
Thank you very much.  I missed the login part, namely in the same example you gave. I thought to retrieve details about the game, such as the game's id, a login wasn't necessary.
Still, I don't think I'm going to host my server. The one you provided for the game jam suits my needs.
Thanks again!

Nice! Hopefully, I'll be able to customize the UIs.

However, now that I'm directly trying to instantiate the SUGARClient, I'm getting some errors in the following (simple) code:

        _sugarClient = new SUGARClient("");
        GameClient gc = _sugarClient.Game;
        var game = gc.Get();

If I execute the code above, I'll get an error on the third line, when calling gc.Get(). The log I get is:

I'm not able to get any usefull information from that Log. Do you have any idea of what is going on? 

Thanks in advance.


It was very helpful. I'm going to stick with the second option. 

But you mention the need to use the SUGARManager to control the UI. Is it mandatory? 

What if I have my own manager for the UI? It looks like it is not easy to decouple the SUGAR Unity Manager from custom logic for the game. 

Should I try to use the SUGAR API directly?

Thanks a lot.


I've started to play a little bit with your Unity Client and found some troubles when changing the default interfaces.

My goal is to create new interfaces for the log in, registration, and other functionality available in SUGAR's API. However, to what extent can a developer change the default interfaces?

After adding the SUGAR prefab into a scene, I'm not able to remove the components for such functionalities (Account Unity Client, Evaluation Unity Client, etc...). Does this mean that to create custom screens, I need to work with this components and link some "custom panel prefabs" to each one of them? If so, seems to me that this approach compromises the extensibility of the framework. 

I was not able to find on the documentation any detail about this. Can someone please advise on this subject?

Thanks in advance!