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There currently are sounds for dashing through the fire, when the fire actually goes out and opening the doors.

I was planning to have kind of a sizzle while in the light and maybe some particle effects but ran out of time to work on the particle effects.

Thanks for the feedback

From the other feedback I've recieved I believe another tutorial room could've worked which was a mock puzzle, just to prepare players more.

As for the sound effects, I added a few but I wasn't sure about player movement making sound effects as you're a shadow and I was tempted to give the lights a sound effect but I thought have too many sounds in a room could've been a bit much(for example in the fire room having 10+ lights all having a sound effect playing)

Thanks for the feedback.

After I finished the current version I went through it to see if I could see anything that players may get stuck on, I hoped the sign would help players relate the theme of the room, going back to previous rooms would've been a nice way around that to see the differences, although it was so late into development and I had no idea how to reload the room as it was previously since the level transition just loads the scene again.

As for the dashing, the way it was set up, I'd have to completely rewrite it as it currenty charges in the direction the player is facing, meaning I'd have to rotate the actual player to allow that. I opted against it for this jam although it's definately something to consider going forward.

Thanks for the feedback, I was hoping to set it up so lines between the lights would light up while the connection was active so it would actually create the shape, but I didn't end up having enough time in the end.

Fun game idea and great art style

No problem, at least it wasn't that I submitted a version of the game that was breaking ^^

(1 edit)

Which room was that, Fire or Earth (not including the tutorial room)? The code is set up in a way where that hopefully shouldn't be possible as it checks the status of each light before allowing you to open the door.

I'll do some more testing, thanks for the feedback.

Really nice little game with interesting stealth mechanics and art style

(2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback!
For the lights I used AnimatedSprite2D nodes for the torch/brazier animations and then on the PointLight2D node I had a light texture I created by making three transparent rings, getting darker as they went out.

Here's what the texture looks like 

Very interesting idea

Really good job here, controls well, the gameplay is fun and the art is great

Really fun little game. Looking forward to the full version