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Raw Egg Development

A member registered Apr 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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The 4th level, I think it happened because I double-clicked on the level too quickly

Hey there, thanks for joining our jam!

I almost can't believe this was the team's first game jam. Overall, I felt it was super well-polished, the gameplay was simple but clean, the world building was intriguing, the take on the theme felt very fresh, and I was easily invested into the characters. 

The gameplay is overall smooth, the only nitpicks I have are that you have to pick from dialogue options with the arrow keys instead of WASD, and because the areas within a map tend to be similar, it can be easy for the directionally challenged (me) to get lost, especially since some of the areas are a little too long and empty. 

The UI itself is intuitive, nice to look at, and easy to understand. My only nitpick here is that font can be slightly hard to read at times, and I could not for the life of me pull "Aveline" from her dialogue box, that "A" is just too fancy. 

Visually, what can I say. The art is gorgeous. Absolutely stunning for a game done in a short amount of time, the world felt very alive, the maps were intriguing, the designs were great, and it was just so nice to look at. I loved the character designs, the parallax layers, everything felt great. The only things visually that felt slightly off were the character's walk, since it doesn't look like her legs cross at any point in time, and the platforming tiles felt somewhat out of place. There's only 2 instances where I thought the camera was wonky, which is at the very beginning, when you move over to the left guy (who, I think, shouldn't appear until after the old lady's request is done) the camera zooms in making you feel like there should be something there when there isn't. The other time is at the very long area of the forest, where if you come from the right side, the camera starts on the left and then zooms over to the right. Tiny nitpicks though. 

Audio-wise, virtually no complaints here. The music was great, the audio feedback was good, nothing felt jarring or out of place - except, maybe, for the characters speaking. I immediately got Animal Crossing vibes out of it, which felt out of place in the extremely macabre setting. It might be that the audio was too high pitched, perhaps it could have benefited from being lower pitched, but without hearing it I can't be too sure so don't take my word for it. That, and if you sped through dialogue, the speed at which the dialogue sound came through was a little disconcerting. Perhaps skipping through should just stop the audio. Otherwise, it definitely sounded great. 

Overall, I thought the game was, although simple, fun, extremely interesting to look at, and the characters and visuals really sold the world building.  Super well done for a week's worth. Totally solid game guys, and congrats on making your first game!

Hey there, thanks for joining our jam!

A cute little prototype for sure. The overall gameplay is simple, easy to understand, and I could definitely see this being more fleshed out. Even with the current mechanics, I think it would have been nice to see even just one puzzle level to really feel the direction this could go in.

The UI is cute, I like the logo, the character design, the little light source box in the bottom left corner. The art overall is very cute. The sound and music design was also on point. What is there is pretty polished, and I have no criticisms to point out. 

Even from the prototype, I can tell it definitely would have made for some interesting gameplay. Would love to see a more fleshed out version for sure. 

Hey there, thanks for joining our jam!

A matchmaking concept is definitely a cute one. The gameplay and controls are simple and easy to understand. Great work on the overall concept and design, the big doe-y eyed characters and their outfits are cute, although having them all be T-posed felt a little weird. 

Loved the writing, the characters were fun to talk to, and the different endings with different characters were interesting. I even had them all be single at one point just to check it out, and great overall coverage, I can feel the work that was put into the writing. The only issue I had was that there was a lot of dialogue, which in general is a good thing, but it's hard to remember all the dialogue, likes and dislikes, hobbies, etc. for each person when I have to talk to all 4 people and remember all of theirs before I can properly pick a suitable partner. I think a quick summary from each of the characters, either in dialogue with them, or some kind of UI to show some quick notes on the characters - even ones we could write ourselves - would be nice. 

Audio-wise, I felt like there could have been a bit more. More audio feedback, maybe some background noise of people chattering, something to make the room feel more alive. The music also kind of made me feel like I was on the final question of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire rather than a dating show type thing, it was a little too fast paced and hyped. 

Overall, cute little game, I enjoyed the writing. It felt like a little like a visual novel but also wasn't trying to be. I think it was missing a little "oomph" to the overall gameplay that could've made it a lot more engaging. 

Thanks for joining our jam! 

(1 edit)

Hey there, thanks for joining our jam!

Off the bat, I loved the intro and the UI. Very cute, great background, great effects, transitions, overall loved the look. 

The game itself was very fun, loved the puzzles, loved the uniqueness, felt super fresh.

For the most part the game ran smooth, I did have a random crash on picking one of the levels once, but that was it. The UI was intuitive for the most part, there are only 3 QOL change I would have made - having the movable characters be outlined or otherwise pronounced in some way to make them obvious at the start of the level, have the tutorial explain that the filling must come before the other part of the cake (which in hindsight is obvious, but not immediately upon play), and have a quick restart level button.

Visually, it looks very fun. The varied walls, tiles, etc. are very cute. I love its adherence to the culinary theme. However, if you are in a level long enough, the music stops looping. Otherwise, love the music, love the audio cues.

The gameplay itself was great, although I could not for the life of me figure out how to beat level 4, unless there was some interaction on some object I was missing. Overall though, I think it was great fun.

Congrats on finishing a game, and thanks for participating!

Hey there, thanks for joining our jam!

The controls are intuitive, although I wish there was more visual and audio feedback. I do like its adherence to the theme, and I think it's a pretty unique take on the tower defense genre. The game runs smoothly, and the UI is simple and for the most part, does what it needs to. However, I had trouble discerning when I could put down another cyst, and it took me awhile to locate the points at the top right. It also took me awhile to figure out how much it cost to put down a cyst, since the cost was never explicitly stated anywhere, which left me confused initially. It also took me awhile to realize that the cysts themselves weren't shooting, it was the infestation damaging the enemies.

Visually, there definitely could have been more variety in background, as it was kind of bland and not particularly appealing to look at. 

I spent a little over 10 minutes playing, and figured out that the enemies mostly came from the corners of the map, which left my infestation in a huge X formation instead of evenly spread out. This made the gameplay more simple, because I could just check each corner cyst, wait until it was almost dead, and then spawn another cyst, and could probably go on forever at that rate. 

Great job on completing the game, and thanks for joining the jam!

Hey there, thanks for joining our jam!

It's an interesting little take on the super hot theme. The slash movement felt weird, I understand that it's supposed to be used to close the distance, but I often had to use it as a dodge instead, since if I tried to use it to close the distance I would still get shot by a bullet. I also initially expected it to slash in the direction of movement, not the direction of aiming, which threw me off a bit. It almost felt kind of redundant, because if you took too many shots it usually means you're either not close enough to even use the slash properly, and the movement distance is generally way too short compared to how far away from corners the enemies usually are. As well as that, the player movement is a little too fast, in that a tiny bit of movement generally is enough for an enemy to shoot at you and have the bullet be almost too close to dodge. I think it would have benefited greatly from a key to slow down movement, in fact, so I could get proper peeks around corners, or see an enemy at the edge of my screen and still have time to react. 

Having the life friend is a fresh take, but it felt a lot like an escort mission, even though the friend had a gun, it was usually useless since you're always taking the lead, and it generally doesn't take the chance to shoot at enemies. Escort missions, I believe, are generally some of the most disliked mission types available, and for good reason. It is supposed to provide a challenge, but without being able to control what the character being escorted does, it tends to feel more RNG-based rather than a direct reflection of the player's skills, which can be frustrating.

The game itself runs smoothly, the UI is simple and it works, but the overall color scheme is jarring. A red floor, with red tiles, red walls, red enemies, and even a red page, all very fluorescent, isn't very visually appealing. That, combined with that visual effect that comes with moving, makes it a little difficult to look at. The audio feedback and music was good though, high-paced and arcadey.

I think overall it is an interesting take, but kind of frustrating to play. I think I tried about 10 times to get past that 4 man wall in Level 1, and just couldn't do it, even trying to cheese them and shoot them off-screen. The controls weren't quite there, because even a tiny mistake was extremely punishing. It could definitely use some polish, but I think the concept itself is quite fun.

Congrats on completing a solo game, and thanks for joining the jam!

Thanks for joining our jam!

Great job with the game! The controls are intuitive, although the mouse sensitivity is a little high, and I think the overall UI is good as well. The ambience was great, I liked the environment, the art, the puzzle, and of course, our main cat and dog characters. Love that you setup different poses for the cat all over the place.

I only have 2 main gripes about the game, and it's that there's no pause menu - pressing escape brings you straight back to the title screen, and that the audio levels for the cat are very different. Some are incredibly, incredibly quiet, to the point I thought it was just the dog walking around at first, and having to turn my headphones all the way up, only to fail, made the fail sound that much louder. It would be nice to have that audio equalized a little bit between the cat laughter from different places. I mostly noticed it when it was behind the player.

Small side nitpick, sometimes I would look at the cat, have him be full on on my screen, and I would still fail.

The game runs smoothly, the level design for the room and closet was nice, but I wish the design for the maze area had more to it. Even the same types of walls used in the initial room, just turned into hallways, probably would have made for better design. 

The sound design was nice, really added to the ambience, with the light constant static, the fusebox noise, the voice acting with both characters. Sound design is definitely the second most important thing in a horror game after gameplay, and I think you guys did a great job with it. 

The game was definitely a solid little horror piece, very self-contained, didn't overstay its welcome, and was overall pretty fun to play. Congrats on finishing! 

This is incorrect, those images were posted in public domain, but Instagram EULA does not allow use of other people's posted content freely. It is allowed under exceptions or limitations to copyright and related rights under applicable law, as in the people who have posted them are inherently the copyright owners. It is copyright infringement to copy, distribute, or create new works based on their works without permission from them, which the second Instagram has explicitly allowed but the first did not. 

Hi there, we know you've credited the artists you took the pictures from, and that's fine for the second Instagram account, but unless you can provide proof that you have permission from the first Instagram account from both the artist and the person who commissioned the works provided we'll have to disqualify your project. 

very cool game! 

Wow, this definitely feels like the love child of the Half-Life gravity gun and flash-era Portal. Really enjoyed all the different mechanics and puzzles, loved the narration/VA. Felt polished other than movement feeling kind of chunky at times. Would love to see this as a full-fledged game with better graphics. Might also be a good idea to have subtitles for the narration between levels, the volume was also lower than the rest of the voices. Great game y'all

Fun little jumping platformer game. Made me kind of dizzy because the camera was too zoomed in for the speed that the character was going so it made everything kind of whizz by. Good concept though.

Nice concept, loved the voice acting. I wish the character movement was faster, walking across the room felt way too long. 

Not a big deal or anything, but you could totally put those different folders for linux/windows into different download files. Also, the windows folder has a zipped copy of the game inside of it. 

(1 edit)

Love the art style, super cute. Gave me big Starbound vibes. The dialogue did feel a bit weighty to me, there were a lot of big blobs of text. It was also a little difficult for me to fight the enemies without getting hit, the hitbox felt a little small and the lack of knockback forced me to take the hits a lot of the time. 

I did have an issue, where when I was attacking and moving around, it would make my browser (Google chrome) try to add the page as a bookmark. Not a big deal, but maybe use a different key for attacking? 

I really enjoyed the art style and atmosphere! Sometimes I didn't really have a clue as to where I was supposed to be going, but just wandering around and clicking thing I was pretty much always able to find my way through. However, once I got to the prison cells, after checking on the dirty cell, the dialogue box was broken and all the way to the right, and I got a "Failed to load: img/pictures/Mio%202%20(%20suspiscious%20).png" error and couldn't do anything else. Definitely enjoyed it while I could though, love the worldbuilding and the outside grounds and collector bar were neat.

Physically could not leave the first level, it just froze at the cookie jar. Only thing I could do was turn my character back and forth.

Love the atmosphere, writing, and art, looks and sounds great. I wish it was easier to switch items out of the inventory and sometimes I would get stuck on doors and not be able to move anymore. It also wasn't obvious where I was supposed to put the items for rating until I looked at the screenshots. Very aesthetically pleasing though 

I liked the pixel art style, but the dialogue was really hard to read because of the font. Also, after I beat the first enemy I couldn't move or click on anything anymore. 

I liked the mechanics, user controls felt very smooth. Couldn't get any further after getting the son from the cookie jar at the end of the first level though. 

Interesting cookie-clicker-esque game. I like the art style, and I played through all the way up until the 9th monster, but after killing the twins it freezes up. 

I liked it! Short and sweet :)

(2 edits)

Cute! I was a little bit confused on the mechanics after planting the first beehive, I couldn't really figure out what to do until the merchant came along, and I think the coins are arbitrary because I could just buy everything from the merchant, but that suited me just fine haha. Fun little game!

Oh, but I couldn't hear any music or sfx at all, even with my music all the way up! 

Super cute ! Definitely loved the aesthetics, sfx, and music! I think the rain and snow melting mechanics could have been faster, but definitely feels super cosy, I liked it