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A member registered Oct 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the info. Is there a way to get the string that show[] prints to the listener, for example? That way I can get a clickable string, and copy it over.

I can see that me and selected can be used in the listener to copy data from the listener to the deck, but I am wondering how to just copy listener text to clipboard. I was thinking of creating a field and copying the data over to its text field, but I’m not sure how to get the lil representation of a value as a string without a little more complicated queries.

I also want to know if there is a way to reuse previous lines in the listener without having to scroll to them and clicking on them.

Decker community · Created a new topic Random values

I was looking at a way to generate random values and I couldn’t find docs of all the overloads of random[x y]. Lilt manual says that it takes y random values from x, but it needs to mention that:

  • it will use range x if x is an integer
  • it will pick one random value from x if y is omitted
(1 edit)

In Interact mode, is it intentional that text copied between rich text enabled fields does not retain font formatting?

Is there a function for creating a font interface from a font string, similar to image[]?

  • Thanks, didn’t know about dir[]. Will add that to the article soon.
  • I did check rtext but I wasn’t sure how to use it with the text widget, since I was assuming that rtext tables are different from ordinary tables.
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Although decks are pretty versatile and can serve as full webpages themselves, I found myself wanting to link decks from a homepage deck. The result is at https://razetime.github.io/decks/ , and the lil based code is at https://github.com/razetime/decks/blob/main/gen.lil .

I wrote a small writeup about it on my blog for people who don’t know decker or lil too well.

hmm, guess i’ll have to mod C decker to do what I want then. Thanks for the info.

i’d also like to know how to receive from stdin, if that will be possible.

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I am running decker on bash in linux with ./c/build/decker, How do I print to stdout from that process?

I have tried

shell["/usr/bin/env bash -c \"echo asdas\""]
shell["echo asdas"]
shell["echo asdas > /dev/fd/1"]

which simply returns 0 and do nothing. I am not sure how it works.

print["adasda"] just prints inside the decker interface.

definitely could use an update with more levels and maybe allow crushing the player to death, which would avoid many funny bugs.

Excellent game. Very, very intuitive with very little text on screen, pushes mechanics very far without compromising on the approachability of each room. Apparently there’s a secret ending, but i reckon i need a lot more time to find it.

Lilt’s write[x y] says it will write a value to a file, can it deal with image and audio interfaces? Can lil inside decker export data to a well known image/audio format?

alright, 4:29. Can obviously do better.

first try was a 6:46 and mostly because i can’t help falling down three screens and hating my entire life.

is it intended that the text fields are editable? you can lock them so they are non-editable, like a zine.

how does one find the upper and lower bounds of numbers in Lil?

An Array interface seems.. possible? I need to figure out how to expand the grid in place while reading the grid

I am attempting to solve Advent of Code Day 21, specifically part 2 of the problem, which just asks for the same solution on the 18th iteration.

My problem is that both the grouping method used, and the method where I manually construct the grid index by index are both extremely slow. They start slowing down massively at around iteration 15, and they usually get terminated after iteration 17 is reached (oom, maybe?)

I’d like to know how to improve these functions. my code is at https://github.com/razetime/aoc/blob/main/17/21.lil.

Is there a better way to get the characters of a string other than this?

each x in "str" x end

seems like dict is the most foolproof method. unless has the problem of ignoring zeroes.

  (),extract () unless first value by value from 0,0,0

Why does distinct not always return a list?

In the example for distinct elements given:

extract first value by value from "ABBAAC"

when all items are equal, this provides a single element instead of a single element list. I don’t know why, but in my head it seems more flexible to return a single element list.

This is what i ended up using instead, since select always returns a list. There is another workaround here since selecting the first element of each group in () will give (0), the default value, but at least that makes sense.

on uniq x do
  if x~() () else
    t:select list first value by value from x

go ahead, i have no problem with that.

After a lot of poking and prodding, I’ve made a simple flappy bird clone at https://github.com/razetime/decks/blob/main/flappybird.deck .

I was earlier trying to figure out how to calculate score, so I tried using pipe.pattern to store the flag for whether a pipe was already passed. It instead segfaulted Decker. I’ve tested the deck now a few times and it doesn’t segfault, but it might turn up after some playtesting. It’s otherwise been very fun figuring this out in decker.

for reference, the image string is


and this is a screenshot of what happens:

so I tried to get it from js-lil, and I couldn’t manage to copy the string out of the listener. After copying it and pasting it in the script editor, the string appears as an image within the script..

What's a good way to get an image string? I was trying `read["image"]` in c-lil and I was only getting the contents of the file as a byte string.

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Couldn't find the win condition.  None of my keys were firing a splinter. I'm assuming killing all of them was supposed to win you the game. 

It looks like theres a timer for movements so you're forced to move at the same pace as the other puppets. Makes the game feel spotty, try a different approach to that. 

Presentation looks strange and spotty. Definitely can be improved. Good luck on your next try!

EDIT: Played this on the Mac version. Works without any modifications.

The control mechanic feels more like stamina rather than control.  Otherwise I love the game and its execution.

I love this game, and would love to see a longer variant of it. I've also tried speedrunning it. It is really fun! 

I'm never finishing this game ever again. 

When I run this game on wine, It just shows a black screen. Any help?

You need to lower the game volume and make your voice easier to hear.