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A member registered Feb 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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WOWIE! That’s a lot of time! Thanks for playing!

WOWIE!!! That’s some great feedback! The crystal was originally implemented in order to prevent players from just running away from the enemies. All enemies move pretty slow and can be easily outran by the player and, since all enemies have a windup attack pattern, it’ll mean the player rarely gets damaged and can dodge all day long, but I see where you’re coming from. Those stupid green bats just suck to take advantadge of!!!! (which is bad on my part lol)

This isn’t explained in game, but the Glitch Gun will actually make an enemy “angry” which means that they will focus on ONLY YOU for 5-10 seconds if they are hit by a bullet. This means that you can spam some shots at all the enemies that are attacking the crystal to temporarily make them focus on you allowing you to do your crazy setups with the green bats. I thought about adding an indicator to show that the enemy was angry or explaining it in the tutorial but alas I didn’t have time to do that.

Thanks for the feedback! :)




Yea the tutorial was kind of a last minute add on, mechanics in game could of definetely been explained better in order to not overwhelm the player, but I am happy to hear that the game was still fun though. Thanks for playing!


Thanks a lot!


Thanks! I was afraid that the idea would be a bit too complex but I’m delighted to hear that it’s fun!



Very nice game! The whole shtick felt unique and the puzzles are quite interesting even though I personally found them a bit too easy. The art was pretty good and the level transitions, OH the level transitions are just top notch! The only negative things I have to say is that, in my opinion, the game didn’t really fit the theme that much except for the fact that there are dices in the game, not a whole lotta rolling and instead just a whole lotta sliding. The game also lacks any sound at all which is a huge bummer in my books.

Overall I’d say that this is a great submission! Nice work 👍

Thanks for the nice comment! I might look into making a full game out of this and thanks for the suggestion of the camera zoom and minimap. I tried to add arrow signs to kind of guide the player where to go and that kind of worked but I will be looking into adding a camera zoom of sorts so thanks for suggesting that!

Thanks for the feedback. I will be looking into fixing that so thanks for bringing it to my attention!

Thanks for the nice comment!

Haha thanks a lot! I wanted the diffculty to scale as you climbed the mountain and I think I did a pretty good job of that. I’m not the greatest artist so some areas of the game might look empty but hey it’s all a big learning experience. With every game you make the more you improve! Anyways thanks for the nice comment!

I have now updated the game to fix that pesky soft lock and if it still isn’t fixed you can press R to retry from the last checkpoint. Thanks for the nice comment!

Oh thanks. I should always read the rules first I am so stupid lol

(1 edit)

My game has a soft lock that makes the player unable to move and thus it requires that the player must restart completely from the beginning. I am simply wondering if I can update the game and patch this bug out or add a retry feature and will doing that make me disqualified?

Thanks for the kind words! You can turn down the volume of the game in the options menu if you think they are too loud.

Haha thanks for the kind words! You can get a lot done in just 72 hours. Working solo on a game can be hard but with enough practice you’ll be able to create amazing games. You just gotta keep on practicing that’s all.

Thanks for the nice comment! And for the bug I’m sorry you had to restart. The chances of that happening seem extremely low from my experience as it seems you need to perfectly land on the edge of a block. I will be looking to fix that after the jam ends so thank you for showing that bug to me. A restart button is also a good idea so I will implement that too.


(2 edits)

I’m just wondering since then I could decorate the itch page after the deadline instead of using precious time on cover art, screenshots, gifs etc.

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I think copying and pasting code is not allowed according to the rules.

The rules say: “No premade assets are allowed in this jam. That is, no art, sound or music assets. All the code, art, music, sound and design must be made exclusively for the jam, within the duration of the jam. So no making assets for the jam before it starts.”

Idk if that means you can’t copy and paste but I wouldn’t copy and paste just to be safe

I think I have a good idea for a game. I have just started working on the game and it’s going pretty well I think.


We thought that players would place the new blocks they now have access to so we didn’t feel the need to really add any text to explain that. But thinking about it now maybe that was a stupid decision idk.

That’s intentional

Hey thanks for your kind feedback and yes the easy diffculty was intentional. As Musehive stated we have had previous jams were we made the game too hard, so this time we made sure the game is easy by giving way more blocks than the player need. But if you want a little extra challenge then you can try to win with as little blocks as possible.

Does this only happen in level 2? Have you tried placing all of the platforms you have?

Hey Jonas, when will the 10k WYS wishlist sock reveal happen? Please Jonas… It’s been months since then… and I MUST KNOW WHAT THE SOCK LOOKS LIKE. OK thx bye.

I think it’s asking for a file that does not exist, hence the FileNotFoundException. It seems to be missing the “C:\Users\MatthewZ\OneDrive\Documents\build.bc Runner\Temp\StagingArea\Data\Native\build.bc”. See if you can find that file and maybe it will work. You should probably also try googling your error and looking for an answer online.

What does the error say?

Wow. That has to be the best reply to an answer I’ve seen in ANY forum for a long time… xD

(3 edits)

Yes there is. You need to build the project with WebGL and then plop the build files into

First you open the build settings

Then you switch the platform to WebGL (if it isn’t installed then it will instead ask you to install it)

Then you build the game which will take a while…

Afterwards Unity will open the folder which contains all the files, select all those files and make them into a ZIP

Then on itch change the kind of project to HTML

Lastly, upload the ZIP file on itch and check the “This file will be played in the browser” box to true

Save and view the game page and you should be good to go! If you have any extra questions just ask me.

(1 edit)

Could I join you? I am also a unity programmer, I can do simple 2D art/pixel art and make pretty mediocore music and sound effects.
If you want to see some of my previous work I would recommend these:

My discord: RCJ15 #5240

Interesting idea. But it gets quite boring after one or two levels. Maybe shorten it to 10/15 seconds as 60 is way to long and players will most likely get bored and quit after a few levels. A better tutorial would also be better as bombariding the player with alot of text at once is a bit much. Maybe take it one step at a time, first introduce the sun meter, then the water meter and then the way to gain sun/water etc.

I could see this actually becoming a pretty fun and franctic game about balancing your sun/water meters.
Also how does this game fit in with the theme? Just wondering as I didn't quite understand how it fit the theme.

The game wouldn't load on the webgl page so I sadly can't play or rate your game.
Hope you'll fix it eventually.