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A member registered Jun 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! I do see what you mean. Some parts of the level are a bit too far. Even the camera is not able to show where the next platform is. I will definitely try to make it better next time.

This is a pretty fun game! I liked the style overall. There were some lag spikes but that can be blamed on my computer, so that's completely fine.

The controls felt very good and all around responsive. The art style is pretty neat too.

This is a really nice game. The controls are responsive and the game looks good as well.

Thanks for commenting! You're right that this is my first time engaging in game development. I understand the problem with the camera and will fix it in a later update. As for the theme, I should have made it a bit more clearer what I was going for so everyone would understand, but, it revolves around the mechanics of using your boost to complete the level quicker, but it decreases your coins by 1, the total score is calculated using both the amount of coins you have and the time it takes to complete the level, so there is a min-max element to the game. Basically, my idea was that when a machine (player) "overheats" (boosts), the parts of it starts degrading (coins), even though the work done by it may be 2x normal amount of work (speed boost). But, again, I should have made it a  little bit more clearer. I also understand what you meant by the main menu needing a bit more love, truthfully, I would like to make a complete overhaul for the whole UI aspect, but I didn't know how to do it, so, again, it will be done in a future update. Thanks for playing!