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A member registered Mar 26, 2022

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Glad to hear you won't actually have to see the guy who screwed things up so much for you; I think you mentioned that having to see him in the courtroom would be likely to aggravate your PTSD.

Is there a huge minus to also opening up a SubscribeStar page?

FYI - i at least cannot run the .apk; I get a message that the package is invalid.

Please don't beat yourself up about the delays - I mean, if the phrase "circumstances beyond your control" doesnt apply here, it can't ever apply anywhere.

Ah, so you dont necessarily plan on taking us the the characters' entire lives, up to or even after the point where the travel back in time occurs? :-)

There are those of us who follow MNF and not MNM. We appreciate the effort to complete the promised content.

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FYI - i think there's a minor typo in the paragraph describing the MC. It refers to the game as "Obscure Desires," presumably a name that you changed at some point.

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Just a note - I skimmed through the DevLog page for My New Family. The page usually shows one picture next to each entry. The most recent render that I can clearly identify as MNF rather than MNM was for Easter. Of 2020. Just saying.

(Note - this is to explain and justify my comment. By no means is it meant as a significant criticism)

Kind of sad that I'm subscribed for My New Family, and i only ever seem to see renders for My New Memories....

I haven't shaved since 1983. I also haven't been told I look like Jimmy Osmond for that same period of time. Feels like a win to me.

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Again - every PayPal transaction has both a buyer and a seller. So, if people can buy something with PayPal, someone else is selling that thing.

If no one was allowed to sell such things via PayPal, then there would be nothing for anyone to buy, so in effect buying such things would not be possible either.

If you mean PayPal might shut down a seller's account due to violation of terms or too many chargebacks and such, but would not shut down the accounts of the people making the purchases? I imagine that's correct.

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I believe that the biggest problem the devs are having is that this message being sent makes the change a fait accompli.  There's no warning, no indication as to something that could be changed to avoid this step - they go from being fine as far as they know, to being prevented from using itch as they have been for years, in some cases. Content that was completed over a year ago, if not longer, is no longer able to be sold.

If this is because the dev theoretically violated the TOS of one or more payment processors, then the devs involved would probably appreciate knowing exactly what said violation was. In the PayPal TOS, the only thing straight-out banned is obscene material. And the judgment on what is or isn't obscene tends to be subjective (as a Supreme Court Justice said regarding one case, "I can't define pornography, but I know it when I see it.")

For quite a while now, Patreon has not allowed content with incest on their site. That's frequently been dodged by changing relationships (mom becomes landlady, siblings become roommates, etc.). There's at least one VN I can think of on this site that makes little to no sense, unless you mentally translate these relationships back to what they "should" be. In many cases, such VNs are constructed so that a simple script can be added to change these relationships to incestuous ones. If that sort of thing is causing the problem, then similar solutions could be applied here; the dev would just need to know that.

By not providing such information (which might be provided to itch), the devs are left with a situation where they can't get around the problems - both because they aren't given a chance, and because they wouldn't know what the issue was.

While I realize itch is a small operation, they presumably use the services of lawyers (something most devs wouldn't think to do, even if they could afford to). The refusal to provide details may well be something that comes from lawyers. However, I would tend to think that knowing that a dev's content may violate the terms of service of itches payment processors, then telling devs to set themselves up to use those same payment processors for that same content is deeply unethical, and could be borderline illegal (it could be construed as providing bad legal advice - telling someone to do something you won't do because it might violate a contract). Note: I am not a lawyer, and I've never played one on TV, but I have seen almost every episode of Law & Order (et al.)

I'm not saying any of this is contrary to itch's stated policies, of represents a specific change to those policies. However, it does seem like itch policy may be being enforced more strictly. I believe it would greatly help the developers if itch could:

 - Explain what has caused them to terminate the dev's ability to use itch to handle individual payments and sales tax/VAT/whatever on same;

 - At a minimum, explain that there are explicit reasons why each dev has been picked out (even if for some reason itch can't divulge what those are);

 - If there is a common set of underlying issues that can affect devs, publicizing what those underlying issues are, so that devs who may not know they may be violating TOS get the heads-up, allowing them to try to resolve any such issues before they become an actual problem;

 - Consider signing up with a payment processor that doesn't put the same limitations on the content; and finally

 - Consider requiring a minimum share percentage, if only on content marked NSFW. Not a popular move I'm sure, but if devs with such content place a heavier burden on itch, that has to be covered somehow.

Note: If one can use PayPal to purchase "sex stuff", others must logically be able to sell that same "sex stuff"; otherwise, where is the money going?

I have used PayPal to make purchases on websites that provide adult materials.

At some point a version 1.0 was apparently released. However, from what I've read on another website, that version didn't work; the only workaround given there was to use the script.rpy file from the chapter 4 release (presumably allowing access to the chapter 4 content, but not the "final" content. Dev's Patreon page has been removed.

Thanks! I greatly appreciate the clarification, and will shift my play accordingly. Looking forward to playing the latest update!

As previously asked - any idea when the Android version will be available?

My reference to versions was simply one way other developers have used the itch tier system. However, a point of clarification will determine whether this has any relevance to you. If impaid $10 today for release 1.3 (no longer listed as early access), will that purchase allow me to download 1.4, 1.5, etc. when they are out of early access. If I paid $25 today to get 1.4 in early access, will I be able to download 1.5, 1.6, etc for early access? Or do I have to pay for each release separately? Also, if I'm busy and don't download the early access version of 1.5 when it comes out, will I still be able to download it when it drops to a lower price point?

If paying $25, $20, $15, or $10 on itch lets me continue to download newer releases when they hit that price point, then setting matching itch tiers and simply moving releases to a lower tier when appropriate might make things clearer and simpler. If that's not how you intend for it to work, forget the idea. And, maybe no one finds the changing prices constantly confusing or irritating. Just a suggestion.

I believe itch has an option for you to require certain purchase prices to receive certain versions of a product. With other products, I've seen options like $X gets you the base version, $(X+Y) gets you the bonus version, and $(X+Y+Z) gets you the premium version; or, the most recent but 1 version is free, but to get the most recent version you have to have paid $X.

The suggestion, therefore, is to set the prices for how soon someone can get the most recent release (for example, $25 to get it as soon as it's released, $15 to get it after 2 weeks, $5 to get it after a month). Then, you just move the new release down through the "tiers" (yes, like with Patreon) as it gets old enough to open up access. This would let people buy in at the level of "freshness" they want easily. Right now, if I'd be willing to buy in after a month, I have to be sure I look in at the right time to pay (or so I assume), and have no access to an older release once a newer one exists. Among other things, pricing is clearer and more visible; even though I know what you're doing, constant price changes make things feel unstable.

It works! Thanks!

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I can't install either. The error I get is "There was a problem parsing the package." This would seem to indicate a problem in the structure of the package itself.

I already have Install from unknown sources on, and I uninstalled the previous version - no change. 

Thanks! Wasnt expecting specific dates, natch. :-)

Others have asked how long until the game ends. I'll ask a question that may have an answer the Arcadean is closer to knowing.

How long until Act 2 ends? As i progress, im seeing the available empty hearts for the girls, the available empty slots for training, and the available property options filling up. It's unclear if there are things that will be added or opened before Act 2 ends, or if what's achievable now defines the limits for Act 2. I wouldn't be surprised if Act 2 is complete before this summer ends.

Related question: will there be a delay between the last Act 2 update, and the first Act 3 update? One can imagine a desire to perhaps frontload things a bit, to really get into the act. There may be new locations, new or altered character designs, etc. If the transition is anything like going from Act 1 to Act 2, there will be a certain amount of exposition necessary to prep us for the new situation. The normal (at this time, at least) weekly update cycle is very nice - but could become impractical during the transitional phase, at least. Any predictions, especially if Act 2 is as close to completion as it feels?

Ask everyone. I think you can get one at home, one at school, and one from your gamer friend.

When I saw this was Papa Bear's adventure, and the description said something about "a base under the s...", I had to look. When I found out the s was "sea", I was terribly disappointed.

A big part of me was hoping it would be "spooky old tree."

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I believe i read elsewhere that the hard drive with the bulk of the AFOTA supporting files on it was lost, stolen, or destroyed, meaning OnemanVN would basically have to recreate the entire game from scratch, or have a complete "recast" midstory.

If I'm passing on bad info from elsewhere, please correct me and let me know.

The supplements are for Lily's special dinner, and require a purchase from the store. Once they're ready, you can take them in your room.

As i noted in my first message, you may have to unlock the ability to access files under the Android directory; I don't recall the directions, so Google for those.

Once that's unlocked, it's as simple as bringing the old and new directories up, and copying the contents of the files/save subdirectory from the old version to the new one.

You need a tool that can copy files to or from the /storage/emulated/0/Android/data directories. I use X-Plore File Manager, which you can get at the Google Play store. You may have to Google for how to enable it to access those directories, but it can do it.

Then, you just have to copy the files folder from the old Greener Pastures save location to the new. If you reinstall before copying anything out of the old location, and avoid playing with the new version, then the old location would be the one with a files subfolder, and the new location would be the one without a files subfolder. Copy from old to new, confirm your saves now show up in the new location, and uninstall the old version.

In v0.12 - my hint with Lily is "Take the supplements"; however, I cannot find anyplace where I can do that.

I appear to have missed something. On the stat screen, slots 2,5,9,14,19 and 20 are girls I still haven't met. From other comments, I assume 2 is Aoi, and 5 is Fumari.

On the map, I have not unlocked the fourth location outside the house.

13 of the other 15 girls show as done for the current update. Ai's hint is "Something must happen"; Otome's is that I need to meet and progress with a number of girls outside the house. As noted above, all the other girls I have met are finished for now (including Kaori and Yuri; Meiya; Sanae (who is actually in the house with Ayase), and the gym and library instructors).

My understanding was that I meet Aoi at the "corner" Street at night (I'm assuming that's fourth row, first location on the map). I've just played through a full week, working at the store each evening; I end up at that location when night starts, but them am immediately moved to my room.

Sunday events: just caught the mouse (grammar note: one is a mouse, two or more are mice).

My current hint says I need to progress with Otome.

I did take the girls to the beach once.

Can someone tell me what I'm missing? Did I mess up the ability to meet other girls by doing something earlier?

My apologies - everything worked fine after I restarted my tablet, and other things showed the same issue before. Thus, almost certainly not anything to do with you!