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Real Human Games

A member registered Feb 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your very detailed feedback, really helps a lot

Want to play more of this! Fun mechanics, interesting puzzles and cute art stlye. Well done!

I love the art style. Game is very challenging but fun. Hope this gets developed  and polished further after the rating is over.

very Creative concept, very well executed for 48 hours. I would recommend playing with a friend

Couldnt figure out what to do but the style and animation is amazing.

Just a normal text adventure without any creative or mind blowing content.

Everybody should play it to the end to confirm this.

Unfortunately I am really bad at this

Fortunately this is fun anyway

Could'nt figure out what to do at some point but would like to see it further developed. Keep going

interesting mechanics. Looking forward to further updates if the rating is over.

the limited artstyle made it easy to keep an overview of this little chaotic gameplay, well done.

Next time we will brew a different tea then, just for you. But I'm glad you had fun anyway.

Thank you very much, Jampot1802