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A member registered Jan 28, 2020

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Seducing Rita, the Blacksmith, doesn't work after doing the Chaste option. It'll highlight if you mouse-over it, but clicking does nothing.

Also, selecting [Talk to Rita] and then selecting [Done] switches it to Elisa's dialog options (Talk to Elisa, Seduce, Leave).
There's a typo in one of Calum's new dialogs.
Talk to Calum > People > People: Compact > Softborn: "Nope, never me her." Guessing it should be met.

(1 edit)

Yay! More story! It's cool seeing how the different paths play out.

Found a bug: In the Gallery when trying to load Annie's scenes.
Pressing [Ignore] when the error pops up takes you to the Artwork section instead (with the "Show Futa | Hide Futa" options).

-----When Male/Female is selected-----

While running game code:

  File "game/scripts/Gallery/gallery_menu_navigation.rpy", line 30, in script

    call screen gallery_MaleMC

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 569, in execute_call_screen

    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)

Exception: Grid not completely full.

-----When Futa/Female is selected-----

While running game code:

  File "game/scripts/Gallery/gallery_menu_navigation.rpy", line 38, in script

    call screen gallery_FutaMC

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 569, in execute_call_screen

    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)

Exception: Grid not completely full.

------When Futa Only is selected-----

While running game code:

  File "game/scripts/Gallery/gallery_menu_navigation.rpy", line 46, in script

    call screen gallery_FutaMC

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 569, in execute_call_screen

    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)

Exception: Grid not completely full.

Voronica can be sweet when she wants to be. It's cute to see her like that. 🥰
Also, it's funny when she actually has to think about something. 😂

Will the "AI" generated tracks eventually be replaced with real music?
I'm fine if they're just a temporary thing until something real can be put in.

That being said, I'd rather have silence over any generated content. (Same goes for images; I'd rather have an awful hand drawn image over anything generated.)

(1 edit)

A nice Quality of Life feature that would be great to have would be if there were a notification that pops up before sending someone off if they still have parts to play in other characters' stories.

i.e. "Are you sure you want to send them off? They still have a role to play in x's story."
Another possible Quality of Life feature would be to give character stories dependencies on other stories in order to progress them.

i.e. Have Saaya's progress dependent on where you're at with Kaitlin; and/or Kara's progress dependent on Marisa's.
Both suggestions are just so we don't accidentally miss out on interactions between the characters.
Side Note: I try to keep everyone's Story numbers the same because, presumably, it'll have all of the character stories be at roughly the same place chronologically in the over-arching story.
However, not everyone has the same amount of Story numbers, so trying to keep them all the same ends up having some people get sent off too early. So have to keep some characters hanging around just so they can join in on other stories.
To combat that, maybe could add a Linear Mode that we can play where everything happens in the order it's "supposed" to and that way it'd be hard to miss any content.

There seems to be a bug with the Blacksmith.
The [Seduce] button works the first time for Chaste, but the [Seduce] button quits working after that. It'll highlight when mousing over it, but clicking does nothing.

It would be interesting to see what happens if Alexa gave herself a BJ.
Would she then be both a stamen and a pistil? Could she change herself like she changes others? Would alternating between drinking her own milk and her own "milk" create an infinite loop of growing?

• If it does work, then it could be an instant-win / game-over route from Alexa growing endlessly.
• If it doesn't work, then it'd be neat to see the characters attempt it and then be all "I guess it doesn't work." This one wouldn't need its own route and could be anywhere in the story.

I know you've said that you don't want to add any more routes, but thought I'd throw this out there just in case. 🤞

Do we have to replay through everything in 0.1.5 or will saves from 0.1 work in 0.2?

(1 edit)

Just bought this, but when I download 0.9, it links to a "Steam 0.1" version.
Is that the same as 0.9 or is it sending me to a super old version?

Also, how do you access Oliva's scenes?
The walkthrough mentions them, but they seem to be missing.

I replayed the episode so I could get both Kara and Maya to show up in the book.

Top row: Chloe, Lia, Sarah, Yuna, Megan
Bottom row: Robin, Kara, Maya, Gaia, ???

The "???" is the one that's still a silhouette.

Is the "Image 'cg movhart_same03_b1_start' not found." a code typo and an easy fix or are there actual renders missing?

(Trying to gauge a rough ETA since I want to wait and play the update once things have been fixed.)

Is the 10th girl in the game yet or still just a silhouette for now?

It's funny how Voronica always finds a way to be silly regardless of the situation. Whether it be what she says or the way she does things.

Really interesting to see the new bits of lore and such. Looking forward to find out more about it all.

(1 edit)

That worked. Thank you.
I was only trying to raise it with the random encounter people before.

Edit: The Merchant location doesn't want to be found. Spent ~4 weeks in-game Exploring and it's not appeared yet.

I got it up to 7/15 before this patch. When I loaded my save in this patch, it popped up saying I was at 7/15 still.
I've tried doing more seductions at the Docks, but it doesn't seem to go up any further.

How do you unlock 'Old Town'?

They look really good! <3 

Cool, another story quest!
With enough story, we're bound to find out why things work the way they do at some point. You'd think if what's going on was "normal," then others would've found out how to do it before Voronica did.

I like when we get full shots of Voronica because then we're able to see her great legs. Her sprites unfortunately cut off at her thighs, so we don't get to see her legs too often.
Maybe could do something when she changes clothes in the closet? *shrug*

Really cool so far! Looking forward to more story.
I like that the character sprites are animated.

It would be interesting if Belle could grow some eggplant. Also would be neat if plants could be cross-bred.

It'd be nice if we could keep playing after "beating" it instead of being kicked to the main menu.

(1 edit)

Did a fresh install and that seems to have fixed it.
Tried to fix it myself before doing a fresh install, but couldn't figure out what caused it and couldn't find anything helpful online.

(1 edit)

I keep getting this error. The demo starts out fine, but then this error starts appearing more and more until you can't really progress any scenes, save, or even quit out normal.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00action_control.rpy", line 243, in __call__

    renpy.hide_screen(self.screen, layer=self._layer, immediately=self.immediately)

TypeError: my_hide_screen() got an unexpected keyword argument 'immediately'

(1 edit)

Yay, some more story content!

Noticed a bug. First growth I chose Sensual, then I tried out Feral with the big grow. When her fullness is at zero and she's in the halfway house, her orange suit doesn't appear on her and instead she's in default clothes (outside, she has it on though).

I usually just keep both the growths to Sensual, but since you can do the big grow unlimited times at the moment then I sometimes swap it over to see the differences in some of the animations.

She looks so pretty! 🥰

To be fair, it's never been a concern with any of the past Space Hamsters. And it's not like it was a huge story spoiler.
At the moment there doesn't seem to be any similar situations coming up to worry about, so this particularly mischievous hamster is probably a one-off.
And having Nene's revealed form is fine. It'll be nice to have in the collection and usable as a wallpaper for the phone. 🥰

Don't worry too much about it. You've already got a fix in mind that'll resolve it. Keep up the good work! 👍

A lot of cuteness in this update! 😍
Looking forward to what comes next!!

The 2nd Space Hamster is a little bit of a spoiler for what comes right after and it kinda takes away some of the impact. Not sure you'd want it to pop in the moment though as it may distract from what's going on. And there's not really any room after to have it pop either.
Maybe when there's more game, it can be moved to pop a bit later on? For now, I think it's probably in the best spot it can be.

(2 edits)

Oh, okay. Thank you!
I never really looked at the button. Thought it just disabled the mode since it looks the same as when enabling it. 😅

(4 edits)

I can't figure out how to stop time.

There also seems to be a bug with trying to get Lucina to restock her shop?
It instead removes one of the out-of-stock slots for each time you ask her.
(If you don't have the Health, Mana, and/or Allure potions though, she'll actually restock those.)

Looks like she turned out well.

(6 edits)

Found a couple of typos.

Maven: "And I'll be a good little bitch you you, stud... you'll see..." - double you's
Talking to Kana: "I was just wondering if you'd heard from since you had that, uh... "chat", heh." - should it be, "...from her since..."?

(1 edit)

Will Lily's route open up at some point? She's had a card for forever.
Also hoping that Claire will get a route.

(1 edit)

In earlier versions, everyone was pregnant before I went to the island.
But now loading a save in 0.10.0 (from before the island) has the pregnancy locked on all the girls when it should be green.

Is that a bug or did they get un-pregnant and its availability got moved to later?

What if instead of cameos or collaborations you did a "Friends of Lycoris Radiata" button on the main menu?
Then could have it give more info about them in some way once you click on it.

Yay! More Kana! <3

- Upon initial load, the menu in the MC bedroom had a bunch of "Test" buttons. Leaving the room and coming back seemed to fix it. (I always save in the MC's bedroom.)
- Before giving Kana the potion, you can talk to Lyx and still duplicate the Kana Lead.

The passage of time thing is a cool feature!
Note: If the top bar is hidden and you're not able to see the Clock, then you're occasionally left sitting there thinking the game froze (and with Clock Audio on, that the audio bugged out too).

(1 edit)

Generic Female Student <3

Next update will be the Blender models?

(1 edit)

Just finished it and it's pretty good so far. That darn cliffhanger though! >.<

Unless you'll be working on both WRATH and DOGMA at the same time, it seems like it will be a bit of a wait until things pick back up where we left off in this game.

Looking forward to the next updates in both games!

Edit: I've gotten nearly all of the achievements except for two in Chapter 2. My guess is there's a couple of specific secret words to type in when prompted.

(1 edit)

I think the easiest "fix" would be to elaborate a little bit on how the version numbers work. (Maybe in that first little paragraph at the top of the game's main page?)
I haven't seen any confusion yet for this game about it, but I have seen it a couple of times for other games that did something similar with their version numbers.

It's fine that there's currently no harem route planned, but having everyone else's routes suddenly disappear feels like the MC suddenly starts neglecting all his other friends.

(2 edits)

Will the rearranging of scenes break saves?
I just got finished playing through everything again.

Side note: "1.0" usually implies a finished game. It may cause a bit of confusion for some.

Getting the same error here.