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Renegade Productions

A member registered Oct 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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How would you beat this guy? Find and Replace?

Give it time. Word of mouth works slowly, but it's worth it.

That last line... Agreed, 100%. Way better than a Fauxbucks-based 'adventure'.

Those 3-7 results... I love it.

Reminds me of the Central Casting books, all those options on the D20 tables. 

Nicely done.

Very nice.

20 Creative Commons Dungeons :

For those of you who are itching to make maps like those of the old days, here are two tutorials to do so. 

Have fun.

Clerics Wear Ringmail -

Paths Peculiar -

(1 edit)

As mentioned on the landing page, OSR games (OSRIC, For Gold and Glory, etc.) are the focus of this jam. Submissions should be usable with one or more.

This said, all editions of Dungeons and Dragons (OD&D, B/X, BECMI, AD&D 1st Edition, AD&D 2nd Edition, 3rd, 4th and 5th Edition) are viable as well. 

- Copyrights and Attribution -

Also, when in doubt, make it free.

- OSR Logo Clipart -

Black -

Blue -

This looks like fun. Might be able to work it into my current game.

These look like worthy enemies. 

Looks neat. This guy an enemy, or a friendly?

I was wondering the same, adding certain things and marking them as for certain systems. (Glad someone mentioned White Box too.)

Always a pain when a font you like is locked behind a commercial license. Birthright's Minister for one.

As alternatives, try FontSquirrel and 1001 Fonts. They're packed with fonts that are free for commercial use, including one of my favorites: Leander. It's a good header font.

Should be, yes. If you're concerned about trademarks and copyrights, the thing to keep in mind most is is what you're making for commercial purchase or not. 

If no, and you're not using artwork or images that require a commercial license, you're fine. 

Much appreciated. (Those Cthulhu pieces are giving me some new ideas.)

Much appreciated.