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A member registered Apr 12, 2016

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kinda felt like feathering the controls in a racinh game? I just held left and then alternated going forwards and backwards to stay at the smallest fastest size, then kept moving the mouse to the right to rotate around the tower
got weirdly hypnotic on hard mode, completed both difficulties
if you don't want that strat to work you could spawn obstacles on all sides all the time, instead of just where the player is

on my second playthrough I found out how to go waaaay high in the air.
(so high I couldn't see the map for a few seconds)
love the architecture, and that you reduce the color palette on distant objects! I wish more games did that instead of plain old fog.

You probably figured somebody was gonna do this, but here it is, I gathered every bucket/trashcan in one station. This took... a while.

Also found a lil guy named sin! Ominous.

I technically got to the end, but I used cheat engine to run the game at a faster speed so I could quickly get back to where I was each time

Tip for others that play: Ctrl+C works on the text if you select it and keep the mouse held down when copying. Good for level 14.

I only realized I could do that afterwards...

Cool game! Being able to design your gun as a bullet factory is fun. If you expanded on this idea, I think you should try having the inside of your gun get damaged when the player gets hit. The player would have to design the gun to have parallel mechanisms so it is tougher.
Unfortunately, it gets too easy when you realize that resource transport lines can handle multiple types of resource at once:

I managed to get this score by taking advantage of a bug. If an enemy dies to multiple bullets in the same instant, they give more points than intended.
I had a fun time iterating on designs! (up until I discovered the cheap strategies.)

This reminds me a lot of reYal and KITSUNE.control, except those games have you control a meta level down by pressing keys instead of using physics. (KITSUNE.control in particular, since it also has you lining up larger multi-layer moves)
Fractal tic-tac-toe is like this too, with smaller board placement determining where on the big board you go.
(also some multi-board pinball games?)

I wonder how many other game genres this can be applied to?

(1 edit)

ok bugs probably don't matter in something like this, but I still feel obligated to report a crash I found
I think it was because I hit the ball so slowly it got -0 velocity on collision maybe

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object o_ball:
Cannot apply sqrt to negative number.
at gml_Script_check_ball_collision_gml_Object_o_ball_Step_0
gml_Script_check_ball_collision_gml_Object_o_ball_Step_0 (line -1)

once you get the drill, you can use the drill's ability to snap you to the grid to jump 4 blocks in height, sorta like the quick-turn in pac-man speedruns.
(with how many 4 block tall things there are in Ziggurat, this might be intentional?)

also it's possible to softlock by switching off blue, entering the main menu, leaving the menu with the player's position in the center of the A, then when you come back with blue switched on again you'll be stuck in the A without ctrl+Z doing anything. (since it doesn't undo level entering)

for anyone that wants to disable losing your upgrades on death: edit main.bundle.js at around 63539, or ctrl+f for "_this2.maxStorage--;"
put a // before  each entire line with a -- in it to disable that

(1 edit)

Sorry to add to this, but the last update didn't fix everything for me. (Playing the downloaded version, browser version works fine)

Before the last update, the colored areas filling up didn't display at all.

After that update, they display and fill up, but if I click them they freeze, and I can't drain resources from them.

This is with a blank save with only the shoveller active.

Neat game! Took me a while to realize I could put stuff on the floap, game is really hard without that lol

the speed boots that happen even when you aren't holding shift feel random, though given they kept throwing me off of the mountain at a specific spot I guess they aren't?

Neat game otherwise! Also fyi for other players, "Q" plants trees.

The thought process for making a move in this game at level 5:

"Okay, so if #0 taps downward, #1 will stand on the right button, making #2 walk over the down button, making #3 stand on the right button, making #4 walk right."

"BUT, I want #4 to only move one tile right, meaning #3 has to walk down over the right button, meaning #2 has to hold the down button, #1 has to walk over the right button, #0 has to hold the down button."


I love trying to wrap my brain around that, but it's waaay to tedious to do nine levels of this. The amount of time and moves required seem to increase exponentially. I just got to level six after an hour and I think I'll stop there.

I'm surprised that this isn't the first time I've seen a mechanic like this though. I've seen it once before in "reYal" by xrrawva, although that doesn't have the mechanic of holding a button down.

Just stuck to one color scheme and made a bunch of characters that might be jester themed enemies. It's neat how strong of an expression you can get out of a bunch of diagonal lines and pointy bits.


once you get banks, the banks output money and you can direct the money to the garbage pile to make more garbage

I beat it! The weird momentum of the saws was interesting to deal with, but because of how re-used the animation was I able to get used to it.

Is there anything in the lower left room in level 7 except more saws?

This is a cool concept, but there are some features from another minesweeper variant called mamano sweeper that might make this better.

The first those features being the ability to defuse a mine and see the number at the mine's location. I think that would increase visibility and prevent 50/50 situations from happening as often.

The second feature is that you could put multiple mines on the same tile, which would prevent mines from blocking off visibility of areas as often by bunching up the mines.

Reminds me a lot of noita's overworld, but this was made way before noita. Cool game, though I don't have the patience to solve it.

I managed to make a delay component that takes advantage of the delay added in by the game detecting loops, and I made a circuit that counts up constantly up to 8 bits!

(DELAY only has a delay on turning on, 2DELAY is delayed on both turning on and off)

I like how crazy the bloom gets when you spawn a lot of lamps

I did it!

...With the help of AutoHotkey ;P

You need to have 10 of a tool, then select the tool and click a villager.

Games like this always break when the numbers get really big, but I've never seen them flip flop between positive and negative like this before. Neat.

I think the game juice for  clicking was pretty good, but there stopped being feedback for how fast the autoclick was going.

Got stuck at making ash, but neat game. 

If it were me instead of changing what spawns when you dig, I'd have the player open up new areas using things they had crafted. It can get way too hard to get sticks once seeds start spawning.

I like that this game didn't bring out the completionist in me too much. Some other games I've played to relax wind up not being relaxing because I wind up trying too hard, but this one didn't cause me to do that.

Took a bit to find a folder with interesting images that wouldn't overload the program or my computer, but it was neat!

I got this bug too on the level after this, and I think I know what causes it maybe? In the level this person is showing, I managed to exit the level before dad did. Then in the level right after, it only let me complete that level when I completed it before dad again.

To complete the levels before dad, I used a glitch where if you have a reprogrammed/possessed robot's code open when the level ends, it gets permanently reprogrammed with what your code page 0 was when the level ended with its code open.

Hope that helps!

oh  n o

I guess I win? (pretty sure this is a bug)

I love that you can automate throwing money into garbage, thus gaining a net positive garbage loop to use for nefarious purposes such as selling babies and gaining large amounts of negative money. I wish you could have lines output to multiple places so you wouldn't have to alternate which garbage pile the cash goes to.

I like the new UI!

Took a bit to figure out that I have to click the WAILA to open the guidebook, not sure if I missed a tutorial message. Maybe the WAILA could hilight  on hover like the magnifying glass does or something.

I also found that since the repulsion core doesn't repulse through frames or wire, you can use a bunch of frames and wire to cheese the end of the tutorial.

I feel like all these biochemical things make more sense when put into an interactive medium. Good job!

Cool game. Wish you could move machines around like in fractory, though.

Is the 5th reference library supposed to close the game? Good game though.

if you use a macro to mash the keys this becomes a flesh rocketry simulator. :D

This was great! I like that the post-game introduced new mechanics.

maybe it's something to do with quaternions vs euler angles?


Not sure if you are adding more to this or not, but for suggestions:

  • a memory viewer
  • the game saving so you don't have to complete it in one sitting (esp. if more gets added)
  • It seems like sometimes the wires were pointers, and other times they carried the raw data? That was a little confusing at first.
  • A puzzle based on recursing in/out would be neat
  • Would be nice if there was more visual distinciveness to components so you could understand stuff at a glance, but that might be against the art style idk, and the setup makes it inevitable that it's a mess of wires and squares anyways, so maybe it's part of the challenge?

Kinda wished it scanned multiple drives, since most of my screenshots aren't on the C drive. Was cool though!

I know it would be unrealistic, but being able to reatatch limbs to make a weird humonculous would be cool. It would fit with the horror aesthetic, doing horrific things to a person in a dungeon.

This game reminds me of the dr mods from wxsand, where you could kill and revive someone over and over, doing weird things to them, like giving them illnesses or zombifying them. Except you can't revive him in this, other than resetting to the beginning. That would be nice.

If you ever want to add something that is magic/scifi, you could keep it in the aesthetic by making it eldritch magic I guess.