You can already get Othra to love you, and there seems to be an option with letting her choose what you guys do together, but since this game is very focused on Baras, Othra is unfortunately pretty low on the list of priorities. I'm sure she'll be available for that sort of thing in the future, but for now you can still go on cute dates and watch the fireworks with the cute couple and be a little polycule.
Recent community posts
I usually dual wield so that the two weapon's damage and affects add together. If you're trying for the most damage with a single weapon then you'll probably want a longbow with glafire arrows. As far as melee weapons, the glafire hammer would probably be the strongest. Your aim goes way down, but it gives you bonuses to HP, Dodge, and Protection.
The answers to that quest should be on the second floor of the misty abyss. The two skull markers on the top right that usually have a swamp monster should have a werewolf that has been taken over by one of them. I can't remember if you actually need to check the question mark in that spot, but I think you do.
I'm hoping for more Scrap content too. He's adorable. I hope we can eventually bring him to town, even just for the fair or something.
So far I have only seen scenes where you can cook with him and give him baths, and the scene that I think it a one time only thing where he and the protagonist "sleep" together. He's got stuff with Hao too, but yeah, I hope we can get some more from him.