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A member registered Jan 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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That was incredibly nice! Loved the art/gui, and honestly the moment with the sweater got me a little it was super sweet

This was really great! The character expressions were indeed really good, and I also have to give compliment to the flickering text as well for its emotional emphasis.

hope you also enjoyed the rest of the demo as well!

Thank you! Really glad you enjoyed it!

YEAH my friends took a look and the PC version had a corruption problem, likely stemming from the upload bottlenecking my wifi at the time I was putting it up. I just put up a new version with a couple of teeny fixes that should hopefully work.

For sure! Thank you very much!

Heck yes, thank you very much!

I'm glad you like said character! He's unfortunately going to be important later on

(1 edit)

Adding extras are the funnest part of adding name entry! (enter some of the names of the other characters in the vn and you'll get a bit of bonus dialogue!)

Thank you! The support on twitter def helped me push through to finish the game lol

Thank you very much!

Don't worry about missing too much, the check mainly just adds a censor to the image at the very, very beginning of the true route

Truth be told out of what I've released this is easily the tamest of my titles so far, maybe if the jam was longer (no hate at the length) I'd have added more creepy moments? But it's why I mainly tagged it as creepy rather than outright using a horror tag, since a lot of the creepy factor is mainly just buried in what's implied throughout the story

Joining this jam ended up being a good oppurtunity for me to further push against my own percieved limitations in art - my first and last two jams I'd used a minimal amount of my own created assets beyond basic character sprites (and not even that, in regards to the last one) but this title required me to draw much more, as it wasn't something I found I could portray correctly with stock images and while I don't have high skill or polish I am happy with how they turned out.

It also is the first released VN I made that branched out (pun intended) beyond being a straightforward kinetic novel, even if its not the type of game where your choices seriously impact the plot. It (and the art thing) did result in me putting a lot on my plate, but thankfully I had both the time, and managed to keep pushing myself to actually get it completed.

I was a little wary and considered not bothering with the jam when the theme was announced, not because I disliked it but because those two previous jam VNs I made ALSO used the unreliable narrator and I thought I was a dry well by that point - so I am glad that about a day into the jam I was struck by and took inspiration via a certain plot twist I'd heard about long ago in a certain video game to make this title, instead of forcing myself to come up with something more direct or, as stated, giving up entirely. (and as for the video game in question, it'd probably be better to talk about that... not here, so I can go more into spoilers)

If I had two specific regrets with this jam it was that I didn't include a certain CG I had in mind for moment in the true end (I did, by that point, burn myself out from drawing so much more than I'm used to in recent times, and I just couldn't make it look not goofy no matter how I tried to tackle it) and that I didn't do a more thorough spell check (I typed out the general scenes in wordpad (no spellchecker) and then most of the dates in the game's script as I went, then just reread each part in chunks as I added art assets which, in my game jam fugue state, of course my eyes glazed over a lot of the mistakes this is a very bad way of doing things) before releasing the game when I did have the time to pop the thing through a spellchecker (I've made a corrected version that'll I'll be swapping to post-jam)

I also have to say I mildly regret playing 17/19 of the other entries back-to-back nonstop over maybe 7 hours and avoiding sleep the way I did by the time I forced myself to stop I was just, incredibly motion sick and nauseous, still worth reading them all of course and I trust my ratings and memories of playing them I just should have done it slower

god I love the art style on this, plus the dialogue was a whole lot of fun

The vibes absolutely rocked and the way the narrative was set up was really engaging, especially since it allows you to piece together who the culprit is without necessarily spelling it out for you

That line about the toilet paper is going to live rent-free in my head for at least a week

Thank you very much! Though the reason for the limited visuals and sfx is that was written for O2A2 (granted, I could've made a sprite too)


Thank you very much!