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Recent community posts
As shown by the "History" posts in my releases here on, you'll see that all of them have been updated multiple (even tens of!) times - that's because I produce an update whenever I see room for improvement or find a bug or an error. Maintaining the releases on multiple platforms would be (and actually was, in the past) a time-consuming pain.
To be honest, yesterday's update is nothing special: it only improved the manual a little bit. But, of course, I'm glad you liked it :) Thanks!
For more interesting developments, if you don't do it already, keep an eye on QUOD INIT EXIT IIo's development log ;)
(E grazie anche per lo "strepitosi" - anche se sono uno solo.)
Ah, sorry, I thought you intended to focus only on the QIE games.
I'm more than happy that you noticed the common backstory and that you appreciate it! It's purely ornamental, but I found it fun to connect totally unrelated games in such a weird way. At some point I stopped as I could no longer afford to update the manuals (especially those formatted for printing, where changes can be painful or even impossible) of the past games and re-package and re-release the latter every time I added a new game to the "saga".
Thanks for considering the games worthy of a video :)
However, to be honest, until QIE IIo is finished, the series doesn't amount to much: there's QIE and then there's QIE IIm, which is only a 16 kB, 1-zone version of QIE IIo (and such zone is a smaller version of one of the zones included in QIE IIo - in fact, when/if QIE IIo is released, QIE IIm will be probably retired).
Thank you.
Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the issue.
A few questions:
* which version of the game are you playing (you can get it by typing in a shell: Version "Ring around the World")?
* what are the machine specifications (Amiga model, CPU, OS, etc.)?
* the first time that an object duplicated, what was it and which was the recent sequence of actions until that event?
* could you send me the savegame, please (it's in the "snapshots" directory)?
The music track "Prockressions" was written while fiddling with the RETREAM guitar (shown in the demo itself) after it got fixed and overhauled. It was not made for Hertz Overload, but rather Hertz Overload was made for it.
Thinking of a way to let others enjoy the music brought the idea of making an Amiga production, which immediately suggested the creation of a player capable of a sufficiently high quality. In the past, I had never tried CPU-based audio playback, but a quick experiment showed that it was doable and quite easy. That led to the development of a set of tools that generate and play sound files in custom formats aimed at minimizing the CPU load (later released separately as part of the AQA package). The tools proved that the Amiga can reach remarkably high frequencies (much beyond 70937.9 Hz), which pushed me in another direction: making something more artistic than a player, and that simply meant... a demo!
Hertz Overload was being made for no specific demoparty. When it was almost finished (May 21st, 2024), I checked out which demoparties were about to come and found out that the 68k Inside 2024 was only a few days away! It looked like I could meet the deadline (May 25th) easily, but, of course, on the last day all that could go wrong went wrong, so I could not make all the little changes and additions that I had planned.
Thanks for the report.
1) That window is intentional. The conversation explains it all.
2) There is no place in the game where an item duplicates when picked up: can you provide more details, please? Which item, exactly? If you can reproduce it, could you provide a screenshot or, even better, a video? Does the issue happen when resuming the game from a v1.0 snapshot (savegame)?
Hertz Overload is a demo (i.e. demoscene production, a piece of software that combines technical prowess and art) for AGA Amigas that focuses on delivering very high quality music also on those old machines. "Very high quality translates" to: 2 true stereo channels, 14 bit resolution and 70937.9 Hz sample rate.
Who can't run the demo on an actual Amiga can see it in this video (beware: due to technical reasons, the audio of the video has a sample of rate of just 44100 Hz):
THE CURE is a demo with quite peculiar origins.
At the end of 2017 I derived the graphics system at the core of the demo from another system of mine. Since then, I have been occasionally tinkering with it while trying to come up with a game that would make use of it, but I failed: its visuals were too stressful for the eyes and unsuitable for small/medium-sized graphical elements; the system was clearly more suited for a demo (in fact, some people proposed to make a production of such kind with it), but I kept on ruling that out because I prefer making games.
Until, one day, what was happening around the world changed my mind: I just had to say something - and that could be rather effectively done with a demo. In the past, I had already tried through a book, but, since I'm Mr. Nobody, my message reached only very few people. With a demo I could reach somebody else - very few people again, but still some more people. Therefore, although part of my motivation was to make use of the system, to have fun doing so and to give the Amigans a production to enjoy, the demo's main purpose is to say something.
Thanks for the appreciation! I hope you enjoyed / will enjoy the demos on your machine.
Somebody else in the past mentioned Magic Carpet and, since I didn't even know the game, I checked it out on YouTube: the game's engine is so much more advanced than PVE that honestly I can't see where the vibes come from (well, OK, both are voxel-based - at least, MC seems to use voxel as well - but that's all there is to it) - that said, you're totally entitled to your own vibes, of course ;)
Glad you're enjoying the game and thanks for the report!
A freeze like that never ever happened, neither during the development nor during the countless hours of testing (both on emulator and on a real Amiga). Also, nobody ever reported such behaviour before (or any other bug). Therefore, I'm quite surprised and clueless.
Could you provide some detailed information, please?
What is your machine?
What is your emulator?
What are the emulator settings?
What version of AmigaOS are you using?
Did you run the game from floppy, CD, shell or Workbench?
Which OS patches do you use (if any)?
If you did not boot from floppy or CD, what other software was running at the same time?
Was it the first time you talked to the lady?
Did you talk with other characters before?
Did audio keep playing?
Hi stechman, glad you like the game, and thanks for letting me know :)
Sorry, but porting is not happening - please see the AGA version next? discussion here on this board.
That said, please note that the game runs also on Windows, and should work also on Linux and MacOS through Wine, so you should be able to enjoy it anyway.
Congratulations! It's a great pleasure to know that you've finished all the missions, and I'm glad that you submitted your records to the online standings :) I see that you've set the best time on several missions/phases, so congratulations also on that!
The fact that you've finished the game is a huge compliment itself, but thank you also for the spoken compliments!
If you feel like, spread the word about BOH and my other games ;)
Edit: almost forgot... did you see the ending as well?
As promised, here's the complete answer.
At the beginning, there are 4 automatic passages, so the player has to decide which one to take. There are also two message points that say:
- «The right direction is x degrees.»
- x = 5/4*pi
By exploring the accessible areas after picking up the automapper and without taking any automatic passage, the map layout reveals to be X-shaped and the 4 automatic passages are found right at the end of the segments that the X is made of. The x = 5/4*pi clue tells us that x is about 3.927 radians. The other clue suggests to use degrees, though: x also equals to 225 degrees, from which it is easy to see that the right automatic passage is the south-west one.
The passage leads to an area that surrounds the areas explored previously. This is X-shaped and has 4 automatic passages as well. Beside each automatic passage is a message point. The message points say:
- A
«You need x/75+A-2.» - B
«You need x/75+A-2.» - C
«You need x/75+A-2.» - D
«You need x/75+A-2.»
Given that x is 225, the expression is 225/75+A-2 = A+1. The mission briefing says "Maths and... imagination", and this is where imagination has to be used: "A+1" is to be interpreted as "the character after 'A'", i.e. 'B'. Therefore, the passage to take is the one whose message point says 'B' at the top.
Finally, the scheme repeats once more. The 4 message points say:
- 500
«You need 1000*cos(x-pi/4).» - 1000
«You need 1000*cos(x-pi/4).» - NEGATIVE
«You need 1000*cos(x-pi/4).» - POSITIVE
«You need 1000*cos(x-pi/4).»
The result of the formula is -1000, so the automatic passage to take is the one who message point says "NEGATIVE".
Thanks a lot for defining BOH a "gem" and for playing it with so much dedication!
I designed the mission X almost 6 years ago, so I didn't remember anything about it: I had to play it to provide an answer ;) I have it, but I'll make a complete walkthrough and post it later today (no time at the moment).