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A member registered Feb 26, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback!! Yes i agree, i never really learned level design, i think its hard and takes time. I spent too much time on the movement and mechanics, and the 5 levels weren't very thought out i have to admit. I'll keep working on it and make more levels. Glad you liked it, thanks again

Thanks for the feedback! I'll keep working on it to add more levels and mechanics 

Thank you, took me a while to figure it out, hence why the rest is rather barebones. I'll keep working on it, it was a really nice learning project

Thanks for playing and rating <3

Thanks for the feedback. Took me an embarrassing amount of time to get the core mechanics going. I will definitely keep working on it and add more obstacles, levels and mechanics. Perhaps also gamemodes. 

Simple but cool concept. Nice polishing too, gj

cool concept, i like it. i like the artstyle and music too. gj!

really nice! i just wanted to test for a bit, ended up playing for 20 minutes before i realised. nice one

unlucky. :( but still nice that you submitted the story, even though the game doesnt run.

wow! nice artstyle. also cool concept and smooth gameplay.  and you can never go wrong with funky music. well done!

i love me some relaxing idle game type. cool art style too. i wish there was an indicator for how long plants have left until they are grown. also a volume slider would be nice, music was nice though!

cool game! fun mechanic, there is potential for really cool levels

really nice! great job

Wow, really cool concept! Was fun, gj!

Cool concept! As DerKey said, my ray is also bugged, but its still playable. i like the idea there is crazy potential for cool levels. GJ

nice concept playing the levels twice with different sizes. also nice mechanics, the gliding and sliding was a fun twist. crazy amount of levels too. gj!

nice! funny this was one of the first that appeared for me, i also made a platformer.

after some time the jump sound effects stopped playing, and i kept getting stuck when growing in too small areas. i tried preventing that with a collision check in each direction that prevents growth when top&bottom or left&right are colliding.

nice graphics&music choice and nice polishing, although the camera "zooming" when moving while in small form is a bit disorienting at times.

also good job with introducing the mechanics at a slow pace.

i'd prefer if space was jumping and a different key was resizing, but cool game nonetheless

Thanks for the feedback!