Funny, I was thinking of this game just the other day, I was wondering what came of it. Good luck with the demo and I look forward to seeing how much you added!
Its a nice game! i could see myself playing it n my phone to pass the time a bit.
My game is this To Shore Once More . Where you need to last for 30 seconds against a swarm of creatures, and possibly bring back some good haul while you're at it. Time creap really got to me on this one, but i think i did well on this for the first game i've made in months, if not year or two.
Feeling alittle tired so decided to throw this post out there for the heck of it. Imma making a unity 2d game with a plain idea but not feeling too motivated (just cobbling togeather code atm), so just asking if anyone has some ideas or hints to bounce aruond or possibly if someone needs a partner. for what its worth i'm fairly confident in my C# programing skill