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Ri Marbh

A member registered Apr 03, 2022

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Strange, I wasn't notified in my feed about an update. I only saw that it had updated from browsing in the developer logs tab. Weird. 

I tried downloading this update, and I got a warning saying that the page has been "Quarantined"

Any reason why this happened?

Wow. This game has updated a lot since I last saw it appear in my feed. Keep up the great work.

I wouldn't be too surprised. There are people that have bought NFTs.

Well, I have started playing in the last few hour and have already run into a shiny Pokémon. While also being completely out of Poke balls. Glad to see that some things never change. 

Wow, that is a lot add. Thank you for your hard work

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The first time I've heard about Funkopop in a few years was this post. They needed this type of blunder in order to be relevant for a short while. 

Thanks for the Update

There is a link to a Live Roadmap. It can be checked by anyone at anytime to see the progress being made. 

So I have been having fun with the game, but I noticed a few bugs. 

Edit - I typed a lot about what I thought was bug, but was me just not realizing more Pokémon had abilities like Normalize and Corrosive. 

There is another bug that I ran into in which I got a quest I already completed, in the wrong location. I got the Trickster Ghost quest again when I arrived in Terall cave after completing the quest before. I can not complete the quest even after talking to the Phantail Man again. 

The last bug I ran into is very minor, and I unfortunately did not get a snip of it. In the west of Wydred, after exiting the town, I was told I was not able to enter the town again, even though the man blocking that path had already disappeared. After defeating a trainer outside of Wydred I was able to enter the town again. I am glad it fixed itself, because I did not have a flying type on me at the time, and did not wish to travel far to get to a PC again. 

Anyways, I am having a lot of fun with Wild Lands. Thank you for the great game. 

Just started my playthrough, and I have to say, the scenery is amazing. Great work. Looks like it'll be an even better journey than Aether & Chaos. 

Fun game. I enjoyed discovering which Pokémon were changed. I liked the soundtrack, though it did get a little same-ish at times.  

I didn't enjoy trying to figure out what evolution methods changed. The only stone evolutions I experienced were for the Eevee line.  Which was frustrating because every few levels I was checking to see if stones would work on certain Pokémon, only to find out later that I just needed to level up

Actually this is the changelog for  0.21.8. So this is the third time now seeing the exact same changelog. Which is quite funny. 

I like this redesign more than Alune's. I really like the details of her arm and leg muscles. 

Though the overly shiny skin still bothers me a bit. Makes me think the redesigns are covered in oil. Asagi's breasts look very unnatural. There is no natural sag, and areloa/nips look like stickers. 

Most importantly though. BRING BACK ASAGI'S GLASSES! Thank you.

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As I was writing my first comment out, I took a look at the Patreon images. Which caused me to change an earlier paragraph and add a new one. I just wanted to add that I noticed the bowtie is actually the strings of the hoodie. I believed the design above would be her normal school outfit she normally has. So I was very confused why it did not resemble the school outfit at all. 

As I was looking at the Patreon images, I did actually find a new detail about her that I liked. Her painted nails. It adds to her character quite a bit. Though it makes the details of the flowers in her eyes worse. It makes it redundant to have flowers in both her eyes and nails. 

Also, looking at the side by side. I do like the decision to keep her hair as being slightly messy. 

Truth be told, I don't really like the redesign. I tired to give it time, and look at it with fresh eyes. I looked for minor details that I may like, and I can't find a reason to like it.

What bothers me the most would be her eyes. I noticed while looking for details, that she has little flower patterns in her eyes. I really don't like that along with her new thicker eyelashes. Honestly, there is too much details compared to the rest of her design that it is distracting and doesn't fit her character. 

Her outfit also bothers me. I liked the open hoodie, with the uniform underneath, but this new one does not look good. The hoodie is has no zipper and seems to cover the uniform, except for the bowtie for some reason? Like did she tie the bowtie, put on the hoodie, then pulled out the bowtie to show it off? Why? Also, it seems like the hoodie is a short sleeve hoodie with some sort of clips on the end that seems to have no use. Why is it short sleeved as well? It just looks wrong, especially with its front pocket so high up. Why does it go al the way up to her bust?

Speaking of bust, it just doesn't look right. They look padded or that she is wearing a pushup bra. There is no natural sag. Looking at the Patreon post, they look look to be slightly larger than in the old design, but as a comment below has said, they look too big for her.  

Speaking of the side by side Patreon images. The new design is too shiny. I get that she is supposed to look more "angelic" but that was accomplished by lightening her hair color. The extra shine on her skin is too much and can hurt the eyes to look at. 

I can see a lot of work has gone into the redesign, and it is very well made. But some of the decisions I feel like are a step back than a step forward. I do love your game, and I want to see it get even better, so I am sorry if my critics sounded harsh. I only want to make the game to be better. 

Personally. I like the transitions a lot. While most of them have been just a simple sentence. I like how creatively they can be used as well. Like with the "Silence" "Silence" "Silence" transitions. 

I like the style and the comedy. The music is really good as well.

Game runs well, and only problem I ran  into is with the calendar events. I completed the last step on the last day, but I could not collect my reward. Since a new day had arrived.

"Patreon trying to kill the children" is a fantastic quote to take out of context.
Keep up the great work.

Nice. I am excited to play. I will be back with my thoughts later. 

Me - "A delay? How many months we talking?"

Arc - "2 weeks"

I seriously would not have noticed a delay like this if it wasn't mentioned. Take all the time that you need. 

Thanks for the update. Looking forward to Part 3 even more now.

Words often can not properly describe loss and grief. Please take all the time that you need to process it. Though the process is never truly complete from my experience. I wish you the best, thank you for your work so far.

We'll be here when you are ready. 

Wait, this isn't a joke update? Colored me surprised. 

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Yippie, a game that is about and focuses on girls with small busts. 

I do wish more games would focus on that. 











I was so excited until I saw the release date. and remembered what today is.

Really GIF - Really GIFs

I was actually really hoping for an update like this. I was hoping for a chance to focus on one character. Though I do worry about what Sakuya would do if you reject her, I am also curious about what would happen if you only focus on her. Maybe she doesn't kidnap the protagonist during that path, or maybe nobody tries to rescue you?

Do Squirrel women have their hearts on the right side instead of the left?  Or is there another reason why the only armor she has in the on the right side?

Taking a quick look at the Patron page, last post was Feb 2023. So, its been a while since an update. 

Just to put this here before I see more people talk about it. The $50 price tag is not the "final" price.  The price is equal to those that Patreons pay. So as the complete build because available to more Patreons, the price will go down to match that.

Since the Patreons paid so much for early access, it is only fair that others pay the same.

Twxtter is one of the things I am glad I never got involved with. Though the slow burning of the platform has been entertaining to watch. 

Thank you for the update. Glad to hear progress is going well. Keep up the good work.

I ran into some of those problems as well, 1, 2 and 6 specifically. As for 3, evolution stones do work, but differently. You have to have the Pokémon hold the stone, then level it up. It should evolve then. 

Well, the last comment was made 144 days (5 months) ago, the YouTube channel is does not exist anymore. I don't have a Twitter, and that would be the only way to check to see if the game is still in development.

Wow, an update. First one that I have seen since following this game. Thank you for your work. 

I was just wondering if any of there will be an update to early scenes that are missing art? I remember that being my biggest complaint when I first played this game.

Another commenter said they have a Patreon page where there are regular updates. Seems like they aren't updating their Itch page at all. Would probably attract a lot more Patreons if they linked the page here. There isn't a need to become a Patreon to get the download either.


Yo, same. No update in nearly two years. I thought something like the developer passing away or something. Last Patreon post being not even two months ago gives me hope again. 

I believe you need to complete the previous minigame area before the next one can be unlocked. So completing the Elf Kingdom will unlock the Angels and Demons. The City and Countryside probably need to be at a certain level of influence as well. This is just a guess though, it is hard to tell what needs to be done to unlock certain things in this game.

Thank you. I was able to get it working now. 

I seem to have a problem that I have no idea how to fix. It has to do with saving. I  save at the statues, and while I have the game open, those save files are available. But if I close the game, and load it back up, my save files are all gone.  I looked through the comments, and saw that a www/save file was mentioned. 

I looked through the file that I downloaded, and while I was able to find the www file, but there is no save file in there. These are the files that I found: audio, data, fonts, icon, img, js. Am I supposed to add the save file myself? If so, how? I tried uninstalling and redownloading multiple times, playing to the point in which you can save, but the save file never appeared. I would like to play more than just the first few hours of the game. If someone can tell me what is going wrong, I would very much appreciate it. 

Just checked the patch notes. Some events are remade. A nice bonus for my new playthrough. Thank you for your hard work. 

Yeah, update. Time to start a new game.