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A member registered Nov 09, 2017

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What part? Have you tried scrolling down?

Note that there's no walls or anything, just locations of points of interest in relation to each other.

(1 edit)

Thanks for responding!

Also, one last thing. It wasn't initially obvious to me that you could read examined papers by pressing the E key. I just assumed that it was all pictogram based until a bit into the game.

I know it's always listed at the bottom but maybe put "press "E" to read this!" on one of the first pages or something?

I want to avoid spoiling people so I've just uploaded it to imgur

I'll update my post with the link

(2 edits)

Spoopfest build was rough around the edges but I definitely had fun figuring it out. The reward at the end was very cool although I wish there were more camera controls and that there was a POV view.

Firstly, the lighter should autoquip to the hotbar like the other lightsources. It was annoying starting every run doing that until I figured out where to go and no longer needed it. Also it sucks and I'd recommend a better way to limit it than just having a poor radius. Maybe only being able to use it for a few seconds at a time (with a cooldown) or something?

The hints should be made more prominent as I only noticed them a while into my first successful run. Also I'm not sure if the equippable candle is in this build.

Everyone else has said it but the enemy in the first part is a real pain to avoid unless you know the trick. Unsure if the lockers were much help because they were too fast and pretty much an instakill to an unaware player. Not sure about the second enemy in that area as I managed to sneak past them without issue.

The other enemies were fine as they were slower and it was easier to get into a hiding spot.

Doors should have visual feedback when unlocked because I can see players getting confused.

I think it should be more obvious that solving the vent puzzle opens the door to the next area. It just spawns a bunch of t-posing NPCs and I didn't make the connection until my second playthrough when I was doing a speedrun. Also when you write the push hint text there should 100% be a pushies joke.

There's obviously a bunch of other stuff like the item interact texts being mostly wrong and a large part of the second part being unfinished (nothing interactable upstairs and the asylum area with the pig is mostly just a few hidden items with some cool décor) but that's not really a big issue atm.

Ps. If anyone needs a walkthrough, I've made a shitty vague map at

I really like the (not) potty sounds. Are they original or did you use a sound pack?

(1 edit)

Wow. Not really into TF or much hypno* but it's really impressive just how *steamy* a Pico-8 game about a shiny low resolution orca can get.

*outside of it being a really horny storytime that you play along with. Not unlike Blue's Clues.

Part of me wishes that it got naughtier but a lot of what impressed me was how horny it got without being sexually explicit. Pure unadulterated fetishism.

This is cool.

Been playing the Xmas demo, just some quick notes:

  • Need to exit the pause menu to quit and load saves
  • Elevator is busted in the latest build
  • Doors back to main area don't seem to work. Icon appears in the top left but nothing else.
  • If you quit, the pointer doesn't reappear on the main menu.
  • Fall damage voice line sounds incorrect
  • Rotating held objects is really slow
  • Lift doesn't display the current floor
  • No way to delete saves

I'm assuming that you've already caught this but in the new build, you can't return to the main menu from the pause menu.

Also, I know that the lighter is supposed to be a last resort but currently I feel that it gives out too little light to be useful.

I'm assuming that this is a symptom of these being single level compiles but I'd just like to note that if you die, you can't respawn.

Is there anything after the giant blue candy (the last on the meter before the arrow) or is that it? I'm not even sure if it's possible to match two of them...

Really liking what I'm seeing so far. There's some QoL improvements and a funny easter egg that I found. Will have to test the list feature more thoroughly though.

What sort of stuff have you got cooking up for the AI? Obviously it's still early but I'm interested in what sort of behaviours you're implementing...

Also, did you mean to write 1.2 in that last paragraph or is 1.2's release still imminent?

(3 edits)

Gave this a playthrough. Had a damn good time but I'd like to note down a bunch of issues that you're doubtlessly already aware of (and hopefully some ones that you aren't!)

Objective trigger for the first mission is misplaced. I only discovered the "find the green portal" text after looping back while exploring the island.  Found the "Avoid Detection" marker this way too as it's only on one of the many possible routes to the mainland.

Water hazard around the level is a bit ill defined and comes out the ground in some places. Caught an enemy running through it but didn't catch on printscreen.

A LOT of objects are non collidable. I understand that some of this is to make the chase AI's job easier (Trees etc.) but when you fall through giant stuff like ships in the ocean it's kinda jarring. 

The AI also glitches out when you get to certain elevated spots. I'm fully aware that I'm being a parkour-y bastard (and it's rather easy to abuse geometry to get to places you shouldn't) but these spots are just beside (and sometimes IN) the normal playing field. These are places a regular player would try, not just a trickster like me.

It's also currently the best way of escaping enemies as they have an annoying tendency to either be too persistent and scooby doo chase you around the entire map or give up after you turn the first corner.

The strange usable diaper pack near the exit portal on the side of the main island is nonfunctional.

Not sure if this is intentional or not but enemies are almost completely invisible in the darkness. There's a nice example of good visibility in the long courtyard before you get to the mansion gates in the first level where the area is completely dark but the patrolling enemy's silohette contrasts nicely against the fog.  I see that you've added red rim lighting to them and glowing eyes and diaper tapes but it's very subtle. I also see that there's some quiet sounds for some nearby enemies (although I'm playing without headphones on, my PC's fans were like a jet engine and I just notice that I had the sound turned down so it's hard to tell if they're loud enough)

Obviously this issue (if it even is one) requires a lot of tweaking to get right so it's just something to keep in mind.

Saving and reloading resets everything (including your inventory) and it's completely disabled after the first level (possibly to avoid softlocking).

Enemies phase through doors instead of opening them.

If you crouch and fall off ledges in a certain way (hugging the wall), your playermodel clips through the camera.

The second and third levels have tons of copyrighted placeholders from Tykables to Abena to Johnson's powder.

The locker teleports mess up if you activate them from an odd position. (Usually climbing on furniture)

That wolf girl in the chase sequence isn't very good at keeping up. (and her diaper texture is a copyrighted placeholder from ABU)

The t-pose jumpscares are pretty lame. I *hope* that they're intended to be mostly comedic/sexy because jumpscares are rarely a good addition. Maybe OK as a "caught" animation though.

Anyway, I'd just like to say that - despite the obvious issues (it's an alpha, after all) - I was having a whale of a time.

The models are excellent and I like the 2d menu art too.

The atmosphere is SPOT ON (in the first level and in the resort level). I especially liked the rustling trees and shifting lighting (both spotlights and mystical glowing) in the first level.

You are well rewarded for exploring off the path and there's lots of nice little setpieces like the looming cooling tower in the background or the broken railways.

All the little nods to other horror games like the lantern and the herbs were cute.

The puzzle system is cool and I really enjoyed opening the lock box.

Definitely enjoyed the freeform stealth bits more than the heavily scripted chase sequences though.

So yeah. Please don't read this as me bashing the game, I see a lot of potential and it's clearly had serious passion put into it.

Anyway, here's the bit where I shamelessly suggest stuff for future content:

I really like the enemy models. Maybe sneaking about, trying to get a peek at them should be a mechanic? (Certainly what I was trying!) A bit like an inverted Amnesia: TDD.

If you win the game I think there should be a POV lapdance mode ...and maybe in general have sequences along the campaign that are like a sexy version of Outlast. (and if we're going full sexy Outlast mode, maybe the option to play as a male character?)

Ps. I've got a big 'ol .xcf file containing labelled screenshots of goofs (and a bunch of enemy shots that I liked) if you want it.

Haha, this rules!

The aesthetic was really cool and the dino art was definately arousing. I want more cute gay dinos in the full game!

The music was execllent and if I didn't know better I'd have assumed it was composed by the "powerful bad boy" himself Eric Shumaker.
(The sound effects were kinda irritating after a while though although I'm pretty sure that was intentional lol)

There was one minor gripe however.

I know the sex option was literally right there but I didn't pick it as I assumed in standard porn game fashion you'd only be teased until you beat the minigame.

This was incorrect and while it was kinda my fault I didn't even know there was actual sex until I saw a screenshot on this page and replayed it.

I'm sure many other players may miss this as well.

While I appreciate your forwardness with the sex (We've all played THOSE games that take millenea for the characters to start fucking) I think it would be a good idea to also present it after the minigame.

Overall a great game. I was not aware of your stuff previously but now I'm SUPER HYPE for Gator or Zebra!