Here’s a place for all the game assets people want to show off. (:
Here’s a place for all the game assets people want to show off. (:
I noticed a few game didn't have a pause menu so I feel like this might be useful some later down the line. Even if this is outside of your normal engine I hope that my code can inspire other's solutions that may even help debug a problem they may have. Feel free to modify this code as you see fit, I can always rewrite or refactor any of this as needed!
Menu Transition Code: This is the code I used in Unity3D to make the menu seamlessly switch between each other.
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Menutransition : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject _StartingScreen; public GameObject _TargetScreen; public Animator _ScreenAnimator; public float _TimeDelay; public void Transitioning() { StartCoroutine(SwitchingScreens()); } IEnumerator SwitchingScreens() { _ScreenAnimator.Play("Swipe"); yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(_TimeDelay); _TargetScreen.SetActive(true); _StartingScreen.SetActive(false); } }
Floating Object
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Floating_object : MonoBehaviour { Vector3 startPos; // the height that the object will float above and back down from public float amplitude = 10f; // the time that the object will take to float to the height public float period = 5f; protected void Start() { startPos = transform.position; } protected void Update() { float theta = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad / period; float distance = amplitude * Mathf.Sin(theta); transform.position = startPos + Vector3.up * distance; } }
Heal or Damage: I mixed these two together so that I wouldn't need to make a bunch of scripts while still keeping things optimized. Simply by toggling the bool, this can either damage or heal the player. It's pretty useful especially if you have a game object that can heal and damage.
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class HealorDamage : MonoBehaviour { public bool _Healer; public GameObject _Target; public float _HealthPoints; public SphereCollider _SelfCollider; public float _Cooldown; private void Start() { _SelfCollider = this.gameObject.GetComponent<SphereCollider>(); } private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player") || (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Enemy"))) { _Target = other.gameObject; if (_Healer == true) { Healing(); } else { Damaging(); } } } void Healing() { if (_Target.GetComponent<CharacterHealth>()._HealthCurrent < 50) { _Target.GetComponent<CharacterHealth>().GainHealth(_HealthPoints); print("Have some HP!"); } else { print("You're already at max health!"); StartCoroutine(ColliderToggle()); return; } } void Damaging() { if (_Target.GetComponent<CharacterHealth>()._HealthCurrent > 0) { _Target.GetComponent<CharacterHealth>().TakeDamage(_HealthPoints); print("Give me that HP!"); } else { print("You're suppose to be dead!"); StartCoroutine(ColliderToggle()); return; } } IEnumerator ColliderToggle() { _SelfCollider.enabled = false; print("collider off"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(_Cooldown); _SelfCollider.enabled = true; print("collider on"); } }
Character Health: This one is similar to the HealorDamage in how it can be used on both a player and an enemy as long as a bool is checked off. The logic for the health lives and energy do the same thing but they do require images to display the info.
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.UI; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; public class CharacterHealth : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Health")] public float _HealthMax; public float _HealthCurrent; public Image _HealthBarSource; [Header("Energy")] public float _EnergyMax; public float _EnergyCurrent; public Image _EnergyRingSource; [Header("Lives")] public int _LivesMax; public int _LivesCurrent; public TMP_Text _LivesSource; public GameObject _Explosion; public bool _IsEnemy; public void Start() { _HealthCurrent = _HealthMax; _EnergyCurrent = _EnergyMax; _LivesCurrent = _LivesMax; if (_IsEnemy == false) { LinkUI(); } else { ClearUI(); } } public void Update() { Death(); if (_IsEnemy == false) { _HealthBarSource.fillAmount = (_HealthCurrent * 0.02f); _EnergyRingSource.fillAmount = (_EnergyCurrent * 0.04f); } } private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.CompareTag("Death")) { gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); Instantiate(_Explosion, gameObject.transform.position, gameObject.transform.rotation); } } void LinkUI() { _HealthBarSource.GetComponent<Image>(); _EnergyRingSource.GetComponent<Image>(); } void ClearUI() { _HealthBarSource = null; _EnergyRingSource = null; _LivesSource = null; } public void GainHealth(float _Hp) { _HealthCurrent += _Hp; print("Player has been healed"); } public void TakeDamage(float _Hp) { _HealthCurrent -= _Hp; print("Player has been harmed"); } void Death() { if (_HealthCurrent <= 0 && _IsEnemy) { Instantiate(_Explosion, gameObject.transform.position, gameObject.transform.rotation); Destroy(gameObject); print(gameObject + " has died"); } if (_HealthCurrent <= 0 && !_IsEnemy) { print("Restart the damn game!"); } } }