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A member registered Jan 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Fun game! A bit frustrating when you're forced to take a weapon that's worse than what you're using, but the fun gameplay and the way buffs transfer to your new weapon make even that scenario fun to play around. Good job!

I respect the guts it takes to make a multiplayer game for a 1 week jam, very impressive!

Love the aesthetic, really well executed and fun to play!

Got and lost ball drop 5 times in a row, guess my luck ran out. Fun game!

Thank you! Some more control over the camera would definitely be nice for avoiding walls or seeing places other than directly ahead.

Thank you, and great score! I agree, I really would've liked to have more levels and several small improvements and bug fixes. Next time I'll just have to be faster!

Thank you! I usually shy away from color and aim for a more monotone palette because it's easier, so I'm glad it turned out ok this time!

Unfortunately I was the only one that ever tested the game before the jam deadline, and it seems the meter is much easier to time on a high refresh rate monitor while playing at high fps.  The framerate is unlocked in unity, but the web build will be limited to the framerate that the browser tells it to run at.  If I play on my main monitor it's 144 fps and feels reasonable to time, but on my second monitor it's 60 fps and feels noticeably harder to time.  If yours (and other people's) are running at 30 fps for whatever reason, then I can definitely see how that would feel really bad to time.  I'll probably consider locking my jam games to 60 fps in the future, for a more consistent experience regardless of the hardware/software that runs it.

Thanks for playing, and thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for playing! That's some pretty consistent feedback I've been getting, so I'd definitely look into tuning/changing/removing the aim meter if I further develop this game in the future.

Yeah that was the one big thing I was concerned with when making this: having a random number of strokes added would feel unfair, so I needed a way of turning that into a minigame of sorts. Thanks for playing!

Thank you!


Thank you!

Thanks for playing!  Had there been time for some playtesting and iteration I'm pretty I would've ended up toning down the speed of at least the aim meter.

Thank you!

Nice score! And thank you!

Thank you! It's unfortunate that I was too slow to get more than the one level done (and just barely), but it just means I'll have to be more vigilant next time!

Thank you! I definitely wish I had enough time for more levels, haha.

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it!

Thanks! I think the core gimmick turned out pretty fun, so I might work on it some more in the future.

Thank you!

We had very similar ideas it seems, haha! I like the use of hazards and the level variety, though the randomness of the score feels somewhat unfair since there's little way to control it.

(3 edits)

Reporting back to say "heal scaling" and "relentless strike" are both super, super strong. Got a die full of each and became completely unstoppable (farmed 50k hp and 200 damage a hit on a slime that had a weaker accelerating heal).

EDIT: Didn't even realize before that these cards both keep their power between rounds. Now I can just "relentless strike" to 1 shot every single creature, and the power keeps growing.  Absurdly strong, and very satisfying.

I had a lot of fun with this! The balance seems a little wonky (using strong healing/shield skills w/o enough damage seems to make stalemates very possible against the cyclops, for example), but I think that's completely reasonable for such a short jam.  The sheer variety of actions is really impressive.

Thank you! I agree, material sfx and foley do a lot to subtly sell the feeling of actually being somewhere (far more than my green/brown checkerboard materials do, at least!)

Fun game!  The player has less control than a pure puzzle game, since the AI dice behave in random ways.  I think this helps make it a bit more relaxed that a typical puzzle game, though, since I don't need to stress over every single turn when part of the outcome is out of my control.  Good work!

Thanks for playing!  If you don't mind me asking, what browser/device/OS are you playing on?  Web builds are super convenient for getting the game playable for as many people as possible, but there's a lot of inconsistency in how it performs on different browsers and devices.

Thank you! I was honestly a bit torn on even including the aim-meter mechanic, since I didn't know whether the game would be hard enough without it at the time I was adding it.  If I were to simplify the shot process I'd probably start there and just increase the level complexity (and quantity...).

Thank you to you and your family for playing!  I'm glad you all liked it!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! It's actually criminal how little time I spent on level design.  I'll have to manage my time better next time around, because the rush on level design definitely hurt this project imo.

Thanks for playing!  I agree that more levels would be a big boon, as well as some solution for walls (even if it's just lowering them and creating an out-of-bounds mechanic).  Also, you raise a good point about this being a good fit for mobile!

Thank you! There's a handful of things I definitely would've done if there had been more time, and more levels + a solution for walls obscuring vision are two of them.

Thanks for playing!  The roll determines the "cost" of the shot (in normal golf, each shot "costs" 1 stroke).  So the goal is to consistently roll low.

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked the main gimmick. There's lots of small things I would've implemented if I had the time, and a guiding line while aiming is definitely one of them. 

that sounds better than "I ran out of time," so let's go with that

Great audio, haha. Obv getting balance right is nearly impossible in such a short jam, but it seems pretty easy to reach enough damage to 1 shot the enemies, then just camp a spawn point while only hitting the attack button.  Regardless, I'm a fan of your action-game spin on the jam's theme!

Ahh, yeah that's a really fair criticism.  Even over the course of just a 2-day jam, it's tough to tune difficulty for new players when I'm unavoidably going to be too good at my own game.  Regardless, thanks for playing!  I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you for the kind words!  I definitely would've wanted to do something more elegant with the walls, but in the end all I had time to do was shorten them so they wouldn't completely obstruct visibility.

I'm glad you liked it!  I agree with you, I also wish I had time for more courses.  It's honestly shocking to me that the ramp even works given how little time I had left when I finally got around the designing the level, haha.

(1 edit)

Awesome game, just beat it w/ 15 items! And happy belated birthday veibae!