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A member registered Jan 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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This is pretty cool, Making a building mode and a first person mode really sits the game differently from other game, My feedback would be:

  • 1 - a sensitivity slider is a good addition 
  • 2 - a tutorial for dumb people like me
  •  3 - more precise inputs like adding a button that toggles the airlock or get the item from the drill when your aiming at it for example 
  • 4 - more automation perhaps like a pipe that connects the drill to the furnace so it automatically smelts the iron  

yeah thats pretty much all i got, im really interested to see what it turns to :)

I'm a unity programmer, I have 2 years experience with game development and i still suck at art, So please dm me if your interested.  my discord is ripozy

Hey, I heard your demo and its amazing. I'm programmer, if you consider teaming up my discord is ripozy

Lets just say that I'm the best racer in town (got #5 place in normal)

I reached 460m before i flew to space 

Quite Fun!

(1 edit)

Very Fun and Polished, I reached wave 7 then lost

Too many bugs but cool art

oh  that makes sense lol

Love the art style

Love the multiple endings

Great game,  dont worry definitely destroyed them all 

415 highscore Letss goooo

i reached level 7 hell yeah

Very fun indeed

Very fun indeed

Too Easy (died every single time)

thats fire (pun intended)

thats fire (pun intended)

no game?

really well made, next time ill kill the boss first

Love the elephant

not sure if theres an ending but id say i reached pretty far

The game was too hard but it was fun

All good, Good Luck!

yeah my discord is ripozy

I'm a programmer looking for a 2d artist because i suck at art ;(


Thanks for feedback!

a bit difficult but fun

Cool game

i figured it out i just have to stay still

I keep glitching off the elevator and when i restart the level theres nothing i can do, the game is great by the way

i sent a friend request, just to make sure your Eino#2778 right?

i use unity btw, if you use unity too send me your discord account name
What engine do you work on?

I sent a friend request 

(1 edit)

nevermind lets go with github

Let's go with unity collaborate, what's your discord 

I have this really cool idea but i dont think i can finish it in time so having someone to help is gonna be good, I use unity, also i'm stupid so i don't really know how to make must stuff.