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Rick Velez

A member registered Jan 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Wow, this game was pretty fun. I like how great the character felt to play, and it felt a lot like a game I made for last year's 2D Spooky Jam. The only critique I had was that it was pretty weird to see certain enemies rotate while staying in the same place. It would be nice to have some animations, or at least for some way for the enemies to properly face the direction they're moving in. Aside from that, this was great!

Not bad.  I really like the art for this game, it looks very stylish and spooky. However, some of the obstacle placements were a bit tricky to work around. It'd be nice if there was a better way to plan for the spikes in particular, but aside from that this was pretty fun.

Wow, this game was awesome. I had a blast blasting those enemies into bits. I also loved the different ways you can buff yourself, as it really changed how I played in all the best ways. I wish it were a bit easier to dodge enemies, but aside from that it was great!

Ok, this was interesting. I liked how the books gets randomly placed throughout the two levels, as it helps to add replicability since you can just go to the same spot to find an item. The enemies, felt a tad too unfair since they could catch you so easily. On the bright side, those scare screens were terrifying, and perfect for a jam project like this.

(1 edit)

Ok, this was quite interesting. I liked how the gameplay changes up every time you entered the darkness. But, the third trial felt like a repeat of the first with worse controls. Aside from that, it was a pretty enjoyable experience.

Wow, this game was incredible. I really liked how the options you pick after each round can dramatically change how you play the game, especially the ones that have a downside to it. However, the last wave felt a bit too long, especially after I had beaten the final boss. I think it would work better if enemies stopped showing up as soon as the boss was defeated. Aside from that, this was a blast to play!

Wow, this game was great. I really liked how there was so much of the farm to explore, and it really does reward you for finding every nook and cranny. I also really liked how the title screen transitioned to a cutscene and then to gameplay, that was really cool. The fact that you can play this on mobile is a really nice touch! Overall, I had a lot of fun with this game, and would love to see a more expanded version of it in the future.

Not bad. I do like how you can gather fire wood to keep the fire going. But I was very confused as to where I was hitting. It'd be nice to add some kind of a reticle so that players can see where they are attacking.

Man, this was so fun. While the controls were pretty simple, there was a lot of depth to be found here. I couldn't get enough of this game, as every time I lost I wanted to keep on going and try to gain the highest score. Great job!

Wow, this game is fantastic. From the graphics to the audio and gameplay, everything in this title felt just right! I photo limit really forced me to snap specific parts of the stage at just the right parts to get to the trophy. Excellent job!!!

Wow, this was pretty fun. I really liked how I needed to be strategic about my flashlight, as it kept me from simply leaving it on the whole time. This added a nice layer of challenge that helped to keep me engaged throughout my whole playthrough. I wasn't as crazy about the graphics, but other than that I think it was pretty good.

Wow, this game was awesome! I loved how seamlessly I could switch between the bat and the vampire. The puzzles were also really well designed, as it really challenged me to think through and find the best possible way to solve them. I would love to see this expanded upon in a full release. Great Job!!!

Ok, this was pretty good. I liked how the game really made you work to find those keys in the maze. I was a bit confused as to why certain enemies would still move even after I used the freeze action. Other than that, I really enjoyed it.

Not bad. It was interesting navigating through that maze, though I was a tad confused by the ending. Also, I had a really hard time seeing where I was going, which made it challenging to beat. Perhaps having the player explore new areas might clear things up.

Wow, this game looks and sounds amazing! The fact that you got voice acting and a compelling story on top of that is just spectacular! The only critique I have is that the gameplay was a bit basic and the game itself was a tad too short. Aside from that, this was incredible, and I can't wait to see what a more complete version of this game might be like.

Wow, that was awesome. I was really sold by the atmosphere alone. Great work!

(1 edit)

I don't know how to feel about this one. It looks like the game threw me into the middle of the level with no context as to what I'm doing. I also had no idea why I died or how the shooting really works. I think this game just needed a bit more polish in key areas to truly feel like a satisfying experience to play. However, I will give you kudos for making this game work on mobile.

Ok, this alright. The main objective was clear and I was able to beat it, but I got bored just walking around an empty field. If there was more stuff to do aside from turning on the lighthouses, I would probably have enjoyed it a lot more.

Wow, that was a fun adventure. I really enjoyed the banter between the main character and his friend, as it added a lot of humor that helped to keep me going. Unfortunately, I was very disappointed by the ending, as it left me wanting more so I can see what happens next. I hope you do a follow up to this, because I really liked what I saw so far.

Wow, that was terrifying. I think the art direction and audio combined really helped to sell the sense of dread that I felt as I went through the game. However, I did get lost at multiple times and got a bit frustrated as to where to go next. I think if there was a better sense of where to go next, it could really help better encourage replay ability. Still, great job with the fear factor, that was quite the experience.

Wow, this game was a blast to play. I love how intense the game got as you progressed through the level, as it added to the sense of dread as I was trying to collect the blood. However, it did start to feel a tad old collecting the same items as I was progressing. I think if there were some more items thrown into the mix, such as a shield power up, it can help to add another layer of challenge and reward on top of the compelling enemy design. Aside from this, great work!

Unfortunately, I didn't really like this one. I didn't understand why I was doing what I was doing, and just kind of went back and forth until the game ended.  I think if there was a clearer path to the better ending, I think it could have been more satisfyingly. 

Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll be sure to look into that bug.

Eh, this is OK. I think the visuals look pretty decent. However, the object was very difficult to control, as I kept falling off at the exact same spot. I would suggest spending some time refining the controls to ensure a smoother experience.

Ok, not to shabby. I really like the idea of the die influencing what traps came my way, as I had no clue what came coming until it stopped rolling, which forced me to be really cautious as I navigated through the kitchen. However, I would have liked to see some kind of a checkpoint system, as it got really annoying to have to start over from the start when I died once. Overall, I thought it was enjoyable. 

Not bad. I liked the animation that was done for the dice roll, as it looks really fluid. However, I don't like how there's no other way to stop the turret, as I got overwhelmed pretty easily once the dice started piling up. It would have been nice if there was some other way to stop the turrets, as much fun as kicking the dice was.

Wow, this game is incredible. I really like the way the die was used here, as there were multiple instances that I actually rolled the die as I was solving puzzles. I also liked how the high score actually updates if you beat the level in fewer rolls, as I haven't seen a lot of game jam titles do this. However, I felt that the environment outside of the main path looked a bit plain, as it would have been nice if this had a casino theme to it, as that would have greatly tie into the die aesthetic greatly. I also didn't like how the camera rotation, restart and menu buttons were tied to the mouse. The camera would have been easier to control if I could have used a different set of keys to rotate, or mount the restart and menu buttons to actual buttons on the keyboard. Other than that, I really do enjoy this game, and I would love to see where this concept goes.

Wow, the visuals of this game looks phenomenal. I really like the whole 80s neon aesthetic that you have going on here. The music was also pretty good as well. However, I felt that the game was a bit too easy, as all I did was shoot at the enemy a few times and I won. I would suggest adding a few more levels that include more challenging enemies, as this can add a lot more replay value to your game. I do hope you continue working on this, as I think this could have a lot of potential.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll take a look into that glitch once the voting period is over.

I’m actually not sure. I made this with the Oculus Quest, so I think it must be looking for an Oculus headset.

I’m sorry, but this is a VR Game. You’ll need a VR headset to be able to play it.

Wow, this was pretty good. I was very impressed by the level design, especially the later levels. They were very challenging and I had to think really hard to solve them, which kept me engaged the whole time. I also like the simplistic art style, as every felt consistent and looked really well. Last, this is a perfect fit for the theme, and I'm always down for some more rotation puzzles. Great work.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ve been having that issue in several of my games for quite a while. I’ll be sure to look into that solution.

Thank you for the feedback. I’ll see what I can do about the levels.

Thanks, I’m glad you liked it.

Wow, this game was awesome. Everything from the theme and visuals to the gameplay was phenomenal. I love how you can smash enemy ships with meteorites, and the teleporter mechanic felt really intuitive and fun to use. It felt great to play from start to finish, and I just could not put it down. Excellent work!

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of this one. I was confused as to how this ties into the rotation theme, since all you do is move pieces of land around. I also felt the visuals were a bit plain, and didn't hold my attention for long. Lastly, I didn't like how the game played. It felt a bit too simple, and it was too easy to lose. In fact, I had no idea how to beat it. Overall, I think this game needs a bit of work for it to become truly special.

Ok, this game wasn't so bad. I really liked how you added controller support, as it gave my hands a break from my keyboard :-). I also liked how the game looks, as its very polished and nothing sticks out in a bad way. However, I wasn't too fond of the controls, as even on controller they felt a bit clunky. I think it would be nice if you had one stick move forward and back, while the other rotates left and right. I also suggest updating your controls, as only the right trigger worked for shooting. I think if you took the time to fix the controls, this game will improve immensely.

This game was ok. I liked how you used the rotation theme, as switching between different characters was a nice change of pace. The art was ok, but it was really hard to tell who was infected and who wasn't. In fact, I kept losing because I kept killing the wrong person. It also didn't help that everyone kept accusing each other of being infected, which made trying to find the true infected even harder. I think if you added a way to track clues from the NPCs in game, or highlighted key points of the map when a location is mentioned, it would make the process of finding the infected a lot easier.