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A member registered Aug 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Theres several other guns, but the drop rate was too low in the jam build.  They kill in faster ways, and are a lot of fun to use

Hello, thank you for the review and liking my game :), unfortunately I ran into a lot of trouble trying to support other resolutions, glad the game worked for you for the most part though.  I haven't heard of anyone having delays when shooting, the post-jam updated Windows version may work better for you.

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This is a super interesting take, a bullet hell type game mode could be a lot of fun!  I'll think about updating it with something like that, or make another game built around that concept.

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Thanks for the review! I've already updated the game to address your suggestions.  I'll send you a message once the jam is over if you'd like to try the improved version!

Now in the post jam version, a list of other changes can be found on the game page. Thanks for the suggestion!

The game was pretty fun and seeing how my weapons would stack was a great incentive to push to the next wave.  Awesome Job! The only thing I see that could be improved is that the gameplay can be a bit slow, especially the early levels you can feel like you're just waiting around for excessive amounts of time.

Thank you for the review, I definitely want to change the way the fires work at the end of the level, and slightly adjust the melee damage/gun drop rate.  Ran out of time though