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Thor Merlin

A member registered Sep 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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Sorry! I haven't tested the sound with headphones so I didn't know

Thanks! You're just supposed to protect yourself from the red stuff by blocking it by drawing the green stuff.

I unfortunately didn't have time to implement as to whether or not you actually saved yourself.

What gfx card do you have?

Wow! Thats a really clever way of doing this (over engineering at its best)

I ended up sending most of them flying, because it was fun

Best looking trash can I've ever seen!

I like the graphics a lot! Controls are smooth and its really cool to look at the ants doing their thing when they work.

Soo cute

Interesting graphics. Loved the way it changes a bit later on in the game. Rabbits are way too hard, couldnt get past them

Cool control scheme, got used to it surprisingly fast!

Cool graphics! Love the characters and the city scape

Nice atmosphere! Really liked the ending, well done

Really cool concept. I enjoyed it a lot. Fucking around with the gift was interesting and caused much chaos, especially with the escorting quest.

I get rejected every time. I guess I don't have enough stank

I think the game got messed up somehow when I am running it on linux through wine because it doesnt look like the screenshot you provided and it is not a first person  shooter.

But still interesting. Because the background image changes based on where your mouse cursor is.

Fun game! I sold a lot of stuff. Nice idea with merging and unlocking treasure chests

Its really hard to tell whats going on, but my points went up when the drinks went into the bin. I like the fish design a lot!

Very cute game, love it!

I'm doing the same actually.  Working on finishing a game that I made for ludum dare 5 years ago. hope it works out for me and you both, good luck !

You might be confusing indie games with game jam games. Most of the games I have published on my site are from game jams I have attended where you get less than 48 hours to make a game (lately I've even been doing 1 hour jams), it's hard to make a game complete in that time frame even when multiple people are involved. So you should think of these games more like a prototype or proof of concept than actual games :)

They are good starting points to make actual indie games. 

I also love the concept of a gta game in antic Athens, I hope we get to see something like it one day!

I have good news, I've fixed the bug.

It was very simple. In older version of love, space was represented like this ' ', now it is 'space'. So I only had to do a simple change.
I have uploaded updated version on my page now, please try it out. And btw you're supposed to press space when intro is done playing :)

Haha, honestly the intro-scene is the best part of the game. What comes after is just a really basic demo of walking around the tilebased othrographic map and shooting 1 guy with your crossbow.

This is a really old game, so I haven't really tried it in a few years. Maybe you need an older version of love?
I can try running it on my computer to see if I get past this scene.

Thanks for playing! And glad you liked the concept, it's one of my favorite jam games.

Having a unique hairstyle is usually not enough, you'll also need to stand out with your clothes

GTAthen community · Posted in Help

Hi! Thanks for trying to play GTAthen!

In order to play this, you ned LOVE!

With that I mean you need to install löve to play this: https://love2d.org/

Let me know if you still can't figure it out :)

Thank you! I will add sound next time :)

Impressive amounts of mini games for the purpose of propagating the bamboo. Nice job :)

Cool concept! It's hard to figure how to play the different songs. I can't seem to mimic them properly.

Cool and addictive game :)

Thanks for telling me! I have updated the links now should work :)

Great game! A lot of creativity on how the babies are produced. Love it!

Cool idea! I haven't beaten the game yet, but the way he moves is  hilarious and interesting

Nice idea with snake becoming the colors it eats :)

Thank you for playing! And thanks for the feedback! I wish you good luck with your youtube channel :)

Btw, since you were asking about it. This game is based on the real sewer cleaning facility in Oslo, Norway. I was there and did some research. It is a totally crazy place, it is definitely worth a visit if you ever come to norway.

This is me with a hard hat!

Thank you so much for playing it through to the end! I'm glad you enjoyed the experience :D

I'm happy it made you feel a little odd :)

(1 edit)

Hi there. Thanks for the feedback!

The amount of turning is dependent of how far you drag the oar in the water. It doesn't matter how fast you do it, or the angle of the oar. The direction of the drag is also a factor in how the turn is applied. If you drag the oar from the back to the front, it will cause a reverse turn.

However the factors you are talking about are definetely something I would like to account for so that rowing can be even more fine tuned and intuitive.

Hey guys! I just published a small game where you explore a poop cleaning facility.


Cool idea! I find the whacky nature of this game very interesting.

Although I must say that it is way too hard to upgrade your body, as poison is consuming the body faster than I can heal it and events happen way too frequently.

As for the ludum dare theme, I really like that you didn't make a planet game like 90% of the other entries :)