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A member registered Apr 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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Bravo à vous pour le prix !!

Cui-cuivre :)

Petit jeu mignon bien sympa, j'ai bien aimé les touches d'humour dans les dialogues :) On sais pourquoi on fait notre récolte et on apprends bien avec les descriptions comment fonctionne la récolte / reconstitutions de génomes adn.

Petits retours pour amélioration :
- pour le déplacement des fragments d'adn lors de la reconstitution du génome, j'ai bloqué 5 secondes sur comment les déplacer car mon intuition première était que ça se faisait en drag&drop. Peut être que ce n'est que moi, mais ça me semble plus intuitive pour déplacer des objets à la souris
- J'ai cru qu'il n'y avait pas de musique au jeu quand je l'ai lancé car il n'y en a pas sur le menu de départ du jeu / scene dans le labo, avant de découvrir les supers musiques thématiques par continent :) Peut être y ajouter une musique dès le départ pour l'accueil du joueur (la musique de fin ?)
- Les petits bonus mais qui ne m'ont pas perturbé plus que ça : une animation en 2/3 frames quand le personnage se déplace rendrait le jeu encore plus stylé ! faire disparaitre le bloc de mur qui est sur les routes entre continents lors du déplacement de la voiture, puis les remettre. Simplement pour pas "passer" à travers.
Je suis conscient qu'on est dans le cadre d'une game jam et que souvent on a pas le temps de tout faire, mais vous avez un jeu stable qui se termine :D

Bravo et merci pour votre jeu !

Joué sur la V4 puis sur la V5

J'aime bien les puzzle game et donc ce concept aussi m'a plu ! Et j'ai pu finir les 3 niveaux :)
La musique et les design / effets visuels sont cools !

Quelques retour sur le jeu :
- Il me semble que  le nombre total d'orbes qui se déplace est 100 mais que leur répartitions sur les différents fils n'est pas équitable et fixe, ce qui rend le résultat non déterministe sur une même configuration. Et comme la condition de victoire est de dépasser les 50% parfois on gagne parfois on perd selon la répartition des orbes sur les lignes.
- On peut changer la tuile pendant la le "feu !" Je ne sais pas si c'est volontaire d'un point de vue gameplay (et grace à ça faire un 100% parfois)  C'était en V4
- Sur certains niveaux j'ai l'impression que le 100% n'est pas faisable est ce volontaire ou dois-je chercher un peu plus ?
- J'aimerai bien plus que 3 niveaux, car la mécanique du jeu me parait intéressante surtout à partir des multiplications et j'imagine peut etre d'autres opération encore ?

Bravo pour votre jeu réalisé dans les contraintes de temps de la jam de ce wee-end ! Merci :D

Merci pour cet instant poésie :) Et la musique est très agréable je l'ai laissée tourner un moment !

Pour l'énigme de fin, de quels type d'arbre parle-t-on ? J'ai l'impression que l’arbre représenté est planaire et enraciné mais je ne trouve pas le même résultat qu'annoncé pour 16 noeuds :/

Très cool et ça donne envie de rejouer encore et encore !
Bravo à vous :)

(allez venez me chercher :P)

Vraiment propre ! Bien joué à vous !
Jeu complet avec tuto non obligatoire. J'aime comment vous amenez le joueur à deviner lui même les règles du jeu. Un gameplay simple a base de questionnaire, mais qui représente bien le deep learning !
Pas de bug en vue de mon côté. Et une belle musique / artworks.

Bravo :)

Le jeu est super beau ! Et le concept bien intéressant ! Quelques retours sur mon expérience : Au début j'ai un peu regretté qu'on ai pas de vision claire sur le niveau du peuple, sénateurs, philosophes, etc.. avec des jauges par exemple. Mais en jouant j'ai l'impression que les poètes nous renseignent chacun sur une thématique particulière, représentants alors cette "jauge" fictivement. C'est une bonne approche mais je pense que comme ce n'est pas trop explicité les joueurs peu persévérant ou explorateurs peuvent vite se perdre en pensant que leurs choix dans les bienfaits n'ont pas d'impact réel. Pour aider vous pourriez par exemple déjà mettre les poètes dans le même ordre vertical que les bienfait, pour les aligner respectivement selon leur critère. J'ai mis un temps a comprendre que Martial [représentant Graveleux] était représentant de la jauge du peuple car il est tout en bas et le peuple bienfait tout en haut.
J'ai bien aimé voir l'évolution des commentaires des poètes et de voir les liens fait entre les évènements historiques et leur impact dans le jeu.
Je n'ai pas pu terminer le jeu car j'ai eu un crash peu avant la fin (pas réussi à le reproduire désolé :/ ) Mais j'y était presque ! Et j'ai fait plusieurs partie :)
Petit coeur aussi sur la musique sympa et évolutive au fur et a mesure de l'histoire !
Et aussi les petites touches d'humour dans les textes : "Jules César ne se sent plus", rhalala ces empereurs avec la grosse tête..

Merci pour votre jeu !! :D

(2 edits)

J'ai été un peu perdu au début  en ouvrant simplement le jeu, je n'avais pas identifié mon personnage et le fonctionnement du déplacement. Puis je suis revenu lire attentivement la description du jeu ici et tout s'est éclairé !
Je suis venu à bout des 4 niveaux avec une approche par estimation sur le nombre de passage des cases les unes par rapports aux autres. Car ce n'est pas si facile !
J'aime bien le gameplay et ça laisse l'opportunité à plein d'amélioration de gameplay, des blocs obstacles qui repousseraient notre robot, des zones "glacées" pour glisser, etc.. C'est chouette !
Pour la clarté en jeu, une petite explication dans le menu, un "comment jouer ?" qui reprendrai les explications faites dans la description serait cool à ajouter :)

Jeu bien sympa merci ! :D

Oh yeaah thanks for the music link ! SO funkyy :D

We totally agree and we would have done that if we were allowed to put another version online, and if we had done more beta testing before the submission deadline. Thanks for your feedback !! :)

Yeah the tutorial was among the last task we did and it actually writes Z,Q,S,D. It was a reflex because we're using AZERTY keyboards (french weird habits..) but the game was code for WASD !
Thank you for your feedback !

I just tested your game, and I beat it twice(the game, because I've beaten the unruly fans way more haha !
I liked the art first , the characters design and the animation , HIGH KICK ! are fun and well done.
Also the music that of courses make you feel the beat. By the way I laughed seeing some of these attackers wearing "peace ☮" tee-shirts haha !
About gameplay it has been a bit too easy for me, I could have hit perfect kick that could one shot any enemy, just waiting next to the DJ and hit them once. It's good that being on the beat is  rewarded, and indeed the hits that are not on the beat aren't that much efficient. I know how hard it is to have a rhythm game balanced for everyone, this could be really easy for some and really hard for other.
Also maybe you can add some new mechanics, I was expecting the gameplay to change at some points, like new enemy patterns, or new danger for the DJ, that could force to go of the stage and do some action.
Good idea, art, music, and I hope you had a blast making this game and that my feedback can help you understand the player experience :D

Just came back and finished the game, The last level was haaaard but made it through and, welp .. I felt it hehe  :D I read that last message. 13/30 !

I liked the game ! And the story about reconnecting the world together, it's just a bit sad I have to destroy forest and walk over animals for that, poor little monkey haha 🐵

I like the graphics, simple and yet clear enough for us to understand the board.
I also liked the progression and addition of new interesting mechanics step by step with clear example level.
I got a bit lost at first on because I wanted to put my tiles in advance, unconnected to the powered node or link, and I couldn't in spite of having the "free space" for it. Then I understood it had to be begin from the powered node, not anywhere, and of course that's part of the puzzle mechanic. Maybe it's just me, if not maybe add a small text about it on the beginning.
Another thing that could be good is a "undo" button along with or instead of the "restart" button, to undo just the last move. It makes the users experience less frustrating when putting a tile that in fact is not correct and having to put back all the tiles from the beginning. 👍
All in all great puzzle game thank you ! :)

Thanks for sharing your game !
Firstly congratulations on participating in your first game jam, I hope you had a good time 😃
I also like the music, thanks for making me search about Eric Skiff, he has good tracks indeed !
Your game good but very simple and could have many more things coming in,
Some ideas :
- The story, meaning of why we play is very abstract for now. You named Bob and Billy, use them to add some context / story and explain who, why they are, why do we need to protect the central cube. Some lore :D
- I found the beam weapon much more efficient next to the laser shot, maybe boost up the laser shot damage a little. Being slow while firing beam is not enough as a drawback. Maybe also allow auto-firing while keeping leftmouse pressed.
- Add some diversity in the enemies, you can keep them as simple design like this but for example change the colour, make them faster, moving differently, etc. For now the waves goes on but doesn't bring new stuff to the gameplay

Keep it up ! 💪

Well done on this original concept of the player losing his head, and the 2 phases that makes the gameplay change asking the player to adapt, I liked it !
I also liked the pixel art and the fact that the shot head rebound like that on the player/walls haha
What would be good I think is to add a feedback sound on the player getting hit. I sometimes didn't noticed I lost that much health and got surprised by my death :')
But tried again !
Thanks for sharing your work and game !

(1 edit)

I liked playing that game ! :D
I especially liked the music, jazzy chill tune that perfectly fits the casino ambiance.
Some token design are interesting like the regenerating one that I didn't see often in Tower Defense games !
I ran into one "bug" the heart card laser's sound completely muted the music, and I "died" at lvl 38 ~ my health went to 0 but the game continued and I played until 50, no gameover ^^'
Also I would have liked to get cards statistics when selecting it, one the left side for example between card pool and money. So that I can compare, pick my build and see hand bonus.
And last small GUI, when hovering  something that can be selected, you could highlight it so the user knows he can click there, and you could make the description tooltip appear right when hovering, following the cursor as anchor.
Thanks for sharing your game ! :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for testing and for your feedback :)
We also really liked the boss, the art was inspired of the little automated vacuum cleaner x)
I can understand that it would have been more of a rhythm game to punish off-beat attack, but we kinda wanted the rhythm to be just a bonus for the player. Rhythm game are a particular category since it won't be the same "difficulty" for everyone, some people feel the rhythm some other just don't. And some of our friends testers proved that to us haha. So we didn't want to exclude some people from having fun on our game because of that. But that was a big subject during this week hehe. Thank you !

Thanks, same for your game, was great playing it :)

(2 edits)

I really liked your game, I find the  levels smart and more than that, the tutorial part, how the mechanism are explained is great. just icons, descriptions of it in another context, but no order or precise explanation, the player has to find by himself what "slow" "fast" and "exploding" would do mixed together, and I liked it. For example the slow + exploding mix I was like "uuuuuh of course it would do that !"  anyway liked the logic of it. Also for how we have to guess when to use the green pot by ourselves.
Catchy music not so boring on repeat, good job.

"My day has been good thanks ;)


Merci pour cette expérience en stream, tu as roulé sur le jeu haha, effectivement avec autant de pouvoir, de passif, de monstres, de parametres en général, l'équilibrage était une tâche plutôt hardue. Et on a sacrifié de ce temps pour développer d'autre fonctionnalités ^^'
Au final notre objectif c'était plus rendre la scène de plus en plus festive, On pourrait désactiver le menu lorsque tout les musiciens sont déjà recruté et permettre au joueur de profiter du level sans s'arreter.

Thanks for feedback !
Actually we had this coded, the games calculates it and gives "perfect", "great", "okay" on player attack, we could've had displayed as the damages and bonus displays.
But the web export ruined the music/image sync, and we don't want a player doing shot along with the music's beat getting flooded by "Missed" messages :/ Not really rewarding and frustrating x)

I totally liked how the character design is assumed by "This game is about BEANS." Haha
I was solo, I guess it's also interesting to play this with someone. However I tried controlling both chars at the same time and that was hard haha. In the end I controlled them one by one.
I almost felt like on the Portal 2 coop tutoria , with the glass on the middle  ^^
Indeed the game is hard, and I had some struggle with the inertias of my beans, accelerating a bit to fast , and a bit too slippery :P
Thanks for the game !

Really nice one ! I especially liked the pixel arts, the background art/effects fits well the ambiance. Aswell as the musics (menu and ingame) that respectively brings the calm of space and then the uplifting rhythm of battle.
About level design, I feel like you could make the last boss a little bit stronger. As player we do feel stronger with levels, recruiting  spaceships, but I felt the last boss level a bit easier than the 1st or 2nd one. As every player comes at the last level with the same build  you could make it a bit harder in my opinion :)
Thanks I had a lot of fun !

Very nice game, the concept is simple and yet so complicated to achieve. I liked the complexity, even though I didn't manage to solve some levels, but the one I solved were soo satisfaying. Great job on the level design !

Congratz, it's a nice chill game, the soft music, the rain, makes the mood. The graphics also are pretty cute !
One thing I ran into some issue about the double jump that sometimes don't cast. For example if I keep pressing "right" then jump, then jump again without releasing "right" it doesn't trigger :)

(1 edit)

I really liked the groove and playing the game !
Just some improvement points : I didn't manage to get the full band and I would have liked it. Because I have to grab other spaceship but dodge their bullet at the same time is where is the game challenge. But, the more you have spaceships, the more you automatically shot bullet at enemies, and I often get to the point that I couldn't grab other ships because I killed them before without willing it.
And I'm not fan of the rotation/forward deplacement, I'd prefer either a regular mouse oriented and forward control.
However, I came by the game name and the picture because I wanted to test a music game and I wasn't disappointed , let's grooove !!
We also have a rythm game if that style please you :)