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A member registered Jul 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! It was our first try to make a game :D

Hey, can you send me an invitation to the discord community?... I am still thinking if participate in the Jam and I would like to see what you have over there. My tag is Roka1492#1492

Perfect for me, my discord is Roka1492#1492... I already sended a request to volo but you can add me too

Good for me, I will add you in discord when I can... about the time, I am from Argentina, so we will have to know what time zone use. But usually I don't have problems with that and I think will have plenty of time for the week of the jam.

As you wish, I have no problem learning more in both 2D and 3D... about the art, I am not an artist but can try to aport something in that matter. Have you a discord account o some other way to comunicate?

Great!... A little question, you are working with Unity 2D or 3D... I am still learning so it would be better for me to know what we will work with

If you are still intrested I could join too. I am a programmer, still a beginner in making games, but I woud like to try and participate in the Jam.

Hi  there, if you are intrested I could join you. I am a programmer, still a beginner in making games, but I woud like to try and participate in the Jam. It would also be my first game jam and I am still learning about Unity