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Roll 4 Tarrasque

A member registered Apr 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey feel free to comment, no problem!

The Plank weapon is indeed something that slipped through the multiple versions of the game (we are working on an updated version). We did fix it in the brazilian version: It should read "when you make an effective attack with this weapon, you may stun your opponent".

As for the description on Veils the wording is poor. When we say attacks, we mean special attacks from monsters like the Capymera, which asks for a Circus test (which is a Veils skill). We've changed the description of Veils in the new version to avoid confusion.

It is written for the Vanilla Game, But it is easily adapted to dnd-likes.

Indeed they are :)

I love you spear witch dot com

(1 edit)

Bakto Actual Play

░C ░O ░U ░P░ O░ N ░ I░ N ░ ░B░ I ░O░

Use code 


for 10% off the GLORIOUS PRINT VERSION at spearwitch

Glad you enjoyed it! 

The game got a lovely overview, alongside a bunch of other cool adventures, here in this video 

Terribly sorry, files got mixed up when I was updating the page!

Just a heads up, the files are for the original pamphlet, the new version is still not available yet.

Glad you noticed! Its a lovely detail the artist added :)

The first Brave Jam that happened last year:

An unique beach inspired adventure for Brave Zenith:

An extreme sports hack of Brave Zenith

A bit more on the Game of the Year Brave Zenith won in 2022:

The creator of Into the Odd did a readthrough of the book a couple of months ago, a good way to see if this game is right for you!

This is an article explaining a bit more of the project that helped make Brave Zenith (and a bunch of other games) into reality!

A couple of months ago I was a guest at the Not DnD podcast, where I talked at length about Brave Zenith's design, its influences and the experience of making the game.

Brave Zenith community · Created a new topic Podcast

A couple of months ago I was a guest at the Not DnD podcast, where I talked at length about Brave Zenith's design, its influences and the experience of making the game.

Brave Zenith community · Created a new topic LATAM Breakout

This is an article explaining a bit more of the project that helped make Brave Zenith (and a bunch of other games) into reality!

The creator of Into the Odd did a readthrough of the book a couple of months ago, a good way to see if this game is right for you!

Hey just wanted to let you know that you were one of the winners of the Brave Jam! If you could give me your full address over on my twitter so that I can set you up with a free physical copy of Brave Zenith. Remember that you will still have to pay for shipping! Thank you for your amazing entry!

Brave Jam community · Created a new topic Winners!

Hey everyone!

First of all, thank you for the 10 amazing entries! I'll be talking about them in a more detailed post later today on twitter. I was legit floored by how much everyone got Brave Zenith's tone and ideas: I wish I had had some of these ideas lol.

There is no ranking or anything:

I'll need the winners to contact me either on Twitter or by email  with their full addresses so we can get everything sorted out. You will still have to pay for shipping.

Since its a weak enemy CR 8 should be enough. Page 48 of the book has some quick guidelines to CR that can be applied to monsters too: 


8 - Easy 10 - Baseline 12 - Hard 14 - Extreme 

Its ok! Things are pretty loose, and don't worry about stepping on anyone's toes, if things are similar is because we are drawing from a common pool: I just don't see that as problem.

Soon! I will post about it when the time comes :)

Wowwwww, go ahead!

This is too cool


Coming from you this is high praise indeed! Thank you!

Oh noooo I goofed up. Fixed it now, thanks!

Thats is definitely a typo HAHAHAHAHA


The guidance for the adventure is on the mad lib portion of the pamphlet. It says that players will have 20 turns to gather ingredients and return to the main arena, these are the terms of the challenge. Think of it as a cooking show, If they don't have a dish done by then, death awaits them. 

Whether players think killing Bakto is a good or bad thing is up to them, there are rewards in the adventure for simply surviving. About allergies, as it is stated in the pamphlet, "Bakto will not willingly inform players about it". On room 6. one of the NPCs may inform players about his weakness.

Ideally at least 4, above that is up to the DM. I have seen partys of 8 and 10 members!