You can try to follow instructions given here
Hope this helps!
You can try to follow instructions given here
Hope this helps!
Check this thread for similar issues
Most likely you trying to run the game with an integrated video card, which does not support required gl extensions. Try to launch a game with a discrete video card (right click executable, navigate to "run with graphic processor" option and select "High-Performance ...").
I'm not sure what got you offended and why you think that I'm unable to accept criticism. I know, and I agree about animation and hit-boxes and they will get better over time, but I don't see where I've stated the opposite, so that you would feel the need to school me. Thanks for the kind words though.
Thanks, seems like you didn't play much of souls games:) Its very difficult to fight two beasts at the same time, but you can attract them one by one and it will make a fight easier. About hit boxes, yeah, there is some issues with that (mostly for human-like foes). Also there is one secret technique that people learn to do in souls game - if you already killed a difficult mob and its spawned again, you don't really have to kill it, you can just run past them.