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A member registered Mar 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Wonderfully written horror game! Like another comment said, I thought it was one thing, and then another, and then a third different thing. What a rollercoaster. Raising a toast to Angel and Lee.

I do suggest the game's content warnings list some more things from the ending(s), if it's going to spoil story elements regardless, but it's ultimately up to the devs.

congrats on release!!!!!!!!! i wanted to make sure i committed some time to read this so i did a lets play

CONGRATS ON RELEASE!!! i'm so excited to play this one

i really enjoyed reading through this, the prose and mystery are both so well-executed. it's very atmospheric... i might need to give it a reread to fully understand the timeline here but i'm pretty sure i understood & followed along pretty well. such a cool idea, and the visual presentation of the text adds so much <3

looking forward to your next work!!!!!!!!!!! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!

omg, i absolutely love getting to read the development process for the logo, it makes me appreciate it so much more for the details!!

"made in roughly a week" dirk may not be a god, but perhaps you are??

i'm not the OP, but thank you so much for sharing the backend process of your narrative design for this game! i absolutely love elevatorstuck, too, and your games are such an inspiration for presenting visual novel-style stories with really well-executed design. (i'm also curious about the 'source code' for elevatorstuck, but no pressure!) 

i absolutely 10000% need to play your other VNs, and i'm rooting so hard for the development of your future work!! thank you for sharing more on the brothers' backstory... of course enjel is a theater kid smh

oh my god, thank you so much!!!! it was my first time playing with 3d stage/camera stuff, so it means a lot to hear!

omg i feely silly now orz
i was like wow it's so awesome how the subtle patterning calls to the struggle between brothers... but it was mushrooms!! i see it now that you point it out!! i'm pretty curious about enjel's mushrooms

(1 edit)

i can't believe we both wrote BLVNs with angel themes.... amazing coincidence.

what beautiful work! i love both evan & enjel, and i love how their dynamic is portrayed. it's a short story, but there's just enough information and implications to guide the reader's understanding toward how their relationship became so rotten. the visual motif of fingerprints is so good for this. the CG of evan looking up at enjel is soooooo good too,  and the main menu change is so beautiful (and rotten), i loved it!
there's so much nice symbolism in the story. the angel mushrooms...

this story fucks so hard. i love enjel <3 thank you for making this & sharing with the world!

thank you so so so much for your comment 🥹💕💕 and thank you for appreciating my idiot son yoyo

i went through your recommendation collection (i'm so flattered that you liked our game enough to include it!) and noticed, and i am a huge fan of Kenkou Land's works, so i had to mention it lol... but seriously, thank you so much for your kind words. what happened to nathaniel…? we will find out soon. 

thank you so much for playing 😭💕💕 your game is the next on my to-play list for sure!!

i did download your spooktober version, but i will refrain from playing it until the next update! i wanted to say that i'm really looking forward to this game, though. the UI is so cute and i love a good femcel protagonist. take some good rest & good luck with your work!! <3

i really enjoyed the presentation of this dream. the visual presentation is really inspiring! the scene with the text in the window, and the sliding images like everything was a puppet show, i loved all of that. and the story of the recluse and the ghost girl was quite sweet, how it began to open up his world... amazing work!

this was a very cute game :-) it reminded me a lot of early flash games online... the minigames were fun! i did genuinely enjoy alphabetizing the books

omg. the early reveal about sen got me! i didn't predict it, but it seems so obvious in hindsight. also, i want to know more about eito's backstory & his relationship with his parents... what's the deal with sen's mark? i want to know more!!! (i like natsume's earring, even though he's only a silhouette.)
wait, holy shit, this is a solo dev project?! that's incredible! the demo is so polished, i assumed this was done by a full team. amazing work, RUI!!

got all 5 endings, it was very interesting! i played anya first, and she was very nice, so it kind of shocked me switching over to silver and seeing how blunt & antisocial she is... but that drew me to her even more! love that she straight up admitted to wanting to take over the world For The Greater Good. she has my vote! 

The artist for the opening cinematic has a visual novel called MAMIYA - A Shared Illusion of the World's End!

that was really fun!

holy shit, this rules! the conversation gameplay is phenomenal, and i love the blackjack mechanics?? i love the character writing for the strilondes & co.  you get such a good feel of everyone, it makes me want to know more about this AU... i can't imagine what the backend of writing these dialogue trees looks like, but it's really smooth and fun to play. what a good mechanic. happy homestuck day!! amazing!!

i haven't played many solo ttrpgs but this one is my favorite and i expect it to hold that spot eternally

this is so cute, i love this character design & the clothes!

question: do you happen to have the download for using MousePSD, since the original creator seems to have taken it down? i would hate to bother them, since their creator page asks not to be contacted.

dw if not <3

i'm starting a readthrough of the game! i've been meaning to play for ages, and i decided to record it as an excuse to sit down and actually make myself play it