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A member registered May 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!
here's the OST

awesome! sorry about the vug and haha

Thanks for playing!!
Adding landmarks is a really good point, will keep that in mind for the future

ohh yeah I know which one you mean, do you know how you got stuck there?

oops sorry

would love to know where you got stuck though?

Thank you so much!

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Thanks to your hint I completed it :>
in retrospect it should have been obvious since the game hinted at it as well haha

not sure what this is? is it a game?

Thank you so much!! What's an amongus?

Thanks for playing!!

This is super cool

looking forward to the release

Thank you for playing!! I'm glad you enjoyed the puzzle

- p.s. yeah we realised after the jam was over so I added a tip to the controls page on itch.
hopefully people will see that

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Yeah the team were really decisive on keeping it as GB-like as possible, to the point of making animations less smooth on purpose haha

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Great game, exploring is really fun and I love the artstyle, it's super atmospheric
it feels a bit like minit because of being 1 bit
the audio is great as well
well done! 

Thank you so much! - we made it in godot!

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Fun game! the mechanics are quite enjoyable, the sound effects are good too, I like the thumping every time the spikes turn on and off
( I beat it btw  😎)

Very atmospheric game, sadly I couldn't find the key to the door,

there was a couple of issues with the controls where I couldn't look up/ or interact
and I thought the hand control to inspect things was really cool
although you could use some indicators in places so you know when you can click on something or interact

The art is really nice, the sketchy part has a strong aesthetic!

Sorry you couldn't finish, the art looks cute!

Really cool! has some classic horror game vibes while having a cute artstyle

So glad you like it! ❤️


Really clever use of the charm mechanic! well done

Really interesting game! I really enjoy the bomb mechanic

Really cute scam business simulator!

Really clever twist on minesweeper! Wish it had some of the convenience mechanics of the original like middle clicking and flagging! Hope you make this into a full app


no sorry <3

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Really addictive, well designed! (I would like to be able to hold down mouse to mine instead of repeatedly clicking)

That's fair! we're currently working on post-jam updates. some of them have been posted on newgrounds ^^

actually comedy gold 

Thanks! and yeah we chose not to include a timer :)

Great first gamejam game! well done :D keep it up

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what the hell is that audio recording playing

a recording of John Cage's 4:33????

damn I have a pretty high IQ

I'm guessing it's your first game jam, well done for submitting! keep working at it! :)

Surprisingly simple yet relaxing!

Nice game!

btw please change the text color here to be not red, it hurts my eyes x)

absolutely love the animation here

a very important feature

Haha yeah I'd say it applies, the game is seriously nice though!

Great! I felt there could be a little more strategy involved, I didn't really need to think much, but that's fine / nitpicky for a jam game. It also doesn't reaaaallly fit the theme too well either. Man though, that aside this is one of the better submissions for sure. Had a lot of fun with it. Not to mention the high quality art/music. Good work.