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It was somewhat of a challenge to manage the balance between the right movement/jump speed and the level design, plataform distance, speed of movement, etc. Still, thanks for the nice words! We managed to learn a lot, both about Unity and even coding for games, since most of our experience was with web development, which is still in C#, but very different.

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, that mix with the high jump + moving platform got a little weird, both because you can't really see the platform above, just slightly a moment before you land on the mushroom, and because it's too early in the level, so you don't have enough time to take a peek before the lava gets to you. Room to improve, I guess. But glad you still enjoyed it!

Thank you! The main inspiration was actually Jump King, and we wanted to add some rogue-like features, but we didn't manage to, but still glad with what we could accomplish.

Now that I think about it, I don't think I looped the background music, I was just so used to getting through the levels I haven't noticed it. Thanks for pointing it out!

Probably, my game also had a lot of bugs and weird things, but it was literally my first game, so guess we can expect that. Plus the whole Game Jam was targeted at novices, so we're good! Still, you achieved something really cool in such a short period of time, gotta be proud of that!

This gave me Flappy Bird PTSD. 80 Attempts later and never being able to go past the first check-point, here we are. Awesome game!

Nice game! If I can give some feedback, I wish the movement was a little more snappy, sometimes the player "drifts" a little after you release the button. Also, there's a problem with the jump sound, if you keep holding "W" after you land from a jump, the sound SFX just plays non stop till you release the "W" key. Still, nice one :)

Very cool game! It visually teaches you a lot of stuff with ease, some pretty nice mechanics, being able to used "older" robots on the world, and some pretty cool graphics too.

Nice cozy little game! If I can give any feedback, I wish the movement felt a little less 'drifty', and on the 3rd phase I kept hitting the wrong part of the last bridge hitbox and dying. Still, cool game!

Awesome game, I just get killed by the 3rd dude, but is more of a skill issue lol

Nice game! Can't get passed the dashing obstacle, but I believe is a skill issue lol