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A member registered Dec 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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Because it was originally intended to be a mouse-only game. It was made for a gamejam, the controls were switched at the last moment, and I forgot to change the tags to match.

Tried playing through for about 10 minutes trying different sensitivities for the mouse. It was still very challenging for me to move around and to also use any of my tools accurately. I tried wandering around on the bus for a while trying to remember the controls. Due to the current load of the game, there are no controls on the game itself, and they can only be found in the description. However, the description and the game cannot be seen at the same time as it auto-loads to max window when you choose to select the game. So I tried playing by switching between tabs to keep track of the controls which made for a slightly clunky experience. 

On the positive side of things, the concept itself is very strong. I can think of all the times I've been on a train or bus, seeing the ticket inspector come for me and felt dread despite fully knowing I do indeed have a ticket and nothing to fear. Funny concept. Just needs a little polishing in the sensitivity and functionality departments - all easy fixes with enough time.

Hahahahaha! This gave me such a laugh! What a perfectly silly, enjoyable game you've created. It took me a little bit to realize I needed to press [Space] to start the game because I saw the warning about waiting for it to load, so I sat there stupidly for about 6 minutes before I started randomly pressing keys. But honestly, this whole thing is so charming, so much childish fun that I had to write it highly.

Great for the theme of the jam. Even if it's not usually my flavor, I can recognize that this game hits all the requirements of this jam and more. My only gripe is how quickly the game can be over due to the timer starting before all the "targets" (yeesh in the best way) load in. Would really love to play more of the game, and I definitely replayed it several times just to get that delicious bloody feel.

Such a fun and well-polished game for this jam. This is probably one of my personal favorites. Creative for the theme of the jam and entirely original, I can only say kudos to the team. If I had to nitpick anything - anything at all - my only gripe is that I wish it was clearer where I had to go to clear the level. But it's not enough of an issue for it to affect my rating at all, and that's a beautiful 5/5 in almost every regard. Excellently done; the team should feel nothing but proud.

Very simple game with a premise that's familiar to many audiences. The art and audio design could certainly be stronger, but I think this is something the team must be aware of. I can't fault the short gameplay because this is a short minijam, but I should note that the description has the controls as the WASD keys when, on Google Chrome, the game plays with the arrow keys (and smoothly, I should add). 

Game with a super fun premise that had me laughing from the moment I saw the icon to when I stopped playing. My only critique of the game so far has really just been the lack of difficulty. Able to drive through walls and completely avoid police, it would have been really fun if there was a sense of risk or danger. Otherwise, the premise is solid, the use of assets is well-placed, and it fits the jam very, very well.

Fun game! It comes with a simple premise, but the laugh it brings is tremendous. The smoothness of the car's movement is something to really be commended here, and there wasn't a single bug to complain about. Just the perfect kind of fun a Jame Gam needs <3

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What an absolutely wholesome idea. Even if this doesn't necessarily rank high in "fun," I would give you 10 stars in cozy and wholesome. You guys rock, and merry Christmas.

A cute concept with solid, cute art. It's short and sweet, and it left me wishing there was a bit more. My only critique is that it could have been improved with a good grammatical once-over to catch some of the more obvious mistakes.

You did not lie. There is snow, and it is simulated. What to do with that snow, I do not know. So I think I'll just watch it for a bit with my cocoa.

I love the little sprites, and the level design is so clearly carefully crafted. Well done! Makes me think a little bit about the Pale King's Palace in Hollow Knight with all those sawblades-

Cute concept. I love the idea of going in to bring your friends into the warmth. The little sprites are also so cute <3

A cute game with a phenomenal concept. I kind of wish there was a sprint button to help keep up a little better, but otherwise, I think there's magic in simplicity, and the gameplay is what really shines here.

What a cute little game with a great concept and solid execution. Like Neo mentioned, it might need a little polishing, but don't we all after a 3-day jam? I also love that you added a little story. Fantastic!

A cute, very well-crafted game that looks exceptionally polished. It's fantastic you were able to pull off something so cute in such a short amount of time. Kudos to you! My only critique is that I wish the timer were a bit longer so I could really get that conveyer belt churning~

This was a cute game. Not necessarily what I would call cozy for myself, but the gameplay was fun and inspired once I figured out what it was I needed to do.

I played through. Such a cute game. The concept and art is adorable, and as you may be able to tell, I'm a sucker for penguins - oui oui. If I had to improve anything, I think having the controls on the screen after the main menu would be helpful (rather than having to reload when I forgot to access the menu again), and I had an issue where I could not progress past the first fence no matter what I tried. It sucks because it meant I couldn't progress very far and I really wanted to.

Thoroughly enjoyed this game! I love a nice, polished game, and I'm shocked that you were able to scrounge together 17 full people for this. Congratulations to everyone. The gameplay is fun, the pixel art is crisp, the sound design on the snow is fantastic. You deserve nothing less the praise.

We actually have an entire folder for audio for the character (which is a cute squeaky noise) and for the monsters. But our poor programmers were so busy that they didn't have time to implement it :( Thank you for the kind comment!

Such a fun game. I was so absorbed in playing I hardly noticed when 15 minutes had passed. Great game. Just wish I could do things a little faster as, eventually, you get pushed into the corner and are unable to move because of your own snowmen, the enemies, and the leftover snowballs. Great stuff though, and proof that a game doesn't need to be overly fancy to be a great experience.

The game was unable to opened to me, so I'll abstain from leaving a review.

Copy/pasted from the review on page to here for Jam reasons: 
"Such a cute game! The writing is adorable (especially the gangster crows), and I love the artstyle something fierce. There are few bugs with the water being traversable and a giant "GAME OVER" white screen showing over 3/4 of the general store when you enter if you fell in the water, opening a second instance of the game over the top of the pre-existing game. I could play 2 snowmen at once.  Then, after reaching the boy, he hit the door, the instance played a second time, and then the game hard crashed back to my main menu. It's such a shame too because it would be a fantastic game if not for the fatal issues."

Cute game, but had some issues with enemies spawning on top of me while I was trying to speak with people at shops. With a few technical errors aside, it's a cute game that fits the vibes well. And the Better Together theme works perfectly with your little husky companion (who is perfect; I love him so much). It could use some work and polish, but there's a foundation of a solid game here.

Cute game! Wish it was able to be completed; such a shame it hadn't been. I think this would have been really strong, and I love the idea of local play. Absolutely fantastic for the theme <3

What an adorable game, fitting right on theme with "Better Together!" Adorable, well-made, with no glaring bugs other than our cute characters, I have no critiques or complaints other than I wish maybe there was a system to keep track of the items we needed. I do love the art, but I'm not sure if these were assets or a person on the team. With no credits to anyone except a website for the artist, this is a little unclear to me. If it is an artist on the team, well done. If not, then congratulations on fun gameplay at least.

Such a cute game! The writing is adorable (especially the gangster crows), and I love the artstyle something fierce. There are few bugs with the water being traversable and a giant "GAME OVER" white screen showing over 3/4 of the general store when you enter if you fell in the water, opening a second instance of the game over the top of the pre-existing game. I could play 2 snowmen at once.  Then, after reaching the boy, he hit the door, the instance played a second time, and then the game hard crashed back to my main menu. It's such a shame too because it would be a fantastic game if not for the fatal issues.

The concept of this is very nice, and that this was all done with a one-person team is exceptionally impressive. I had to rate it 3/5 of only because it's unfinished and because I think the button allocations could be altered a bit to feel better for a keyboard user (this actually feels like it could be a fantastic controller game!). But the art direction, the concepts, and the quiet, but calm music ties together a pleasant experience that makes me wish the jam had been longer so we could have enjoyed a full level. Honestly, it gives me early-game Hollow Knight (for platforming) x Lock's Quest (style) vibes, and that's a great compliment.

The concept is nice, and the movement and animations (as well as the art) is charming in a cozy way - though the rug design is...questionable at an angle, something myself and my partner experienced the first time I started the game. Otherwise, despite the cute gameplay and original concept, there are a few technical issues like the TV bar never going up/replenishing after completing tasks or sitting in front of the TV, unclear instructions on how to move the cat and person separate, and the task loop not having any variety. I do, however, understand that this was a first jam and a solo-team, and for that, I highly commend the effort and encourage to keep polishing this game; it's very, very cute.

The game premise is definitely interesting, and I enjoyed the design of the nightmare itself. I do wonder how many of these were assets, but otherwise, the style is nice. Nonetheless, the game is plagued by poor grammar, slightly unclear game mechanics, and a bug that requires you to relaunch the game every time you lose (as you cannot select the retry button; your cursor is hidden). 

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From my review: 
While deceptively simple, the gameplay is fun and absolutely inspired - everything it needs to be. It holds your attention alongside fantastic sound design and art. The concept is right in line with the theme of the jam, and I just can't get enough of this. I think I'll be coming back to play for a while.