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Ryan Armstrong

A member registered Sep 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! This is inspired by retro horror games, and we're very happy with the result for the Ludum Dare 53 game jam.

Restart 12 and 13 definitely looked like the nail in the coffin, but ended up our underdog story.

Thanks for playing, i'm glad you enjoyed it!

Sorry, was still setting up the page, it is indeed windows, and I just built the web player version to put up as well.

Good reminder that I should be looking up twin star exorcists' soundtrack, since I loved it so much.

Great game idea btw.

Thanks for playing! Our game certainly requires a different kind of skill over usual rhythm games!

Added a gameplay video the the main page, if you wanted to know what the win screen looks like: 

You nailed it! It was unintentional planned at first, but I didn't want to change it. Games made with passion really do reflect their dev in the end.

This was pretty awesome, and a surprising amount of content for a jam!

Good to know, it bugged me our game didn't run well on lower end machines and laptops; for simple graphics and quality. As well as forgetting to add the option to view the games instructions/controls (forgetting to tick an 'enabled' checkbox).

I've updated the game so hopefully it runs better on lower end machines who have trouble with note timing, as well as enabling an option to view instructions for the game in case anyone was confused the first time around.

Thank you for the comment, I'm happy you like my game so much! I'll consider working on a better version of the game!

Thanks for the feedback. I guess it was in the nature of testing it so many times, we kinda got used to the difficulty after a while. I'll take note of your music theory advice; I definitely need it! 

It was a ton of fun to make, there was a moment where all I could do was facepalm and question what we made.

This looks stunning visually! Plays very fluid too!

Solid rythm game

Simple and fun!

I love the visuals

Interesting idea

Really cool idea!

Thanks! I tried to do something that fit my level of musical knowledge/ experience.

Ah okay, simple enough, thanks!

Does each team have one person who submits, or does everyone in the team submit?