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A member registered 28 days ago · View creator page →

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Thank you :) It was a lot of fun to create!

This may be the game of the jam for me. Love the concept, love the art, love the music, love the core concept. The art direction and and polish you were able to pull off in 96 hours is amazing. Loved the animations as well!  I agree with Zachary Richman. Only 15/15 I've given.

Thank you for playing! So glad you enjoyed the visuals :)

Thanks for taking the time to play :)

The movement is so satisfying. Really great work!

Addicting gameplay concept! A lot of fun :) I could see myself loosing a lot of time trying to build the perfect tower lol

Really like the art direction! Fun little game loop as well and I like how you incorporated the ui as in world elements. Also love the photo snapshots. Super satisfying even though you're supposed to avoid them! Great work especially for a solo undertaking :D