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A member registered Aug 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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cool 👍👍👍


sadly we do not have any tutorial videos for the program the best we can do is give you instructions on how to fix a problem

as for the cracked accounts we have tried that before with the file and have seen some success but due to the limitations of batch itself it cannot be done at least not with a typical batch file

we might look into the problem in the future but for now the server manager cannot edit the file

thx man the support means alot

As for the automatic restarts we'll see if it's possible and well get back to you!

hello as I was testing the server manager I had realized that it was a bug with the world creation that just closed it instantly. 

I have already released a quick hotfix for it v.1.4.1.

(2 edits)

I suggest you delete all the previous sub folders from the server folder (that includes the 2 batch files and hidden sub folders) and then re download the MSM and extract it to your server folder. If it still does not work let me know.

Hi again.

id like to let you know that i still do code and develop batch games and that its not about the time 

the thing is that the dark souls spinoff has had a confusing development process with the game losing a newer version and the constant renaming of versions 

if we ever come back to this game we are going to need to build it from the ground up 


I've made the latest version available for download

(3 edits)

This is a common mistake made This has been made easier for versions 0.3 and up 

v0.3 and higher

  • open the game folder 
  • Goto Data
  • and double click the Music Fix.bat file

  • and your done!!

v0.2.6 and lower

if you closed the game from the X on top then you need to open it up again and press 6 (exit) on the main menu

if you did those things and the music is still playing then go into task mangaer and look for an app called "Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host" and end that task 

Now if that doesn't help then a restart may be required 

(2 edits)


This is a simple on to fix:

1) Delete the shortcut

2) Goto the data folder

3) make a new Shortcut of the "DARK SOULS.bat" file

At this point you can stop and play the game but for a better experience you may continue

4) Goto Properties

5) select  Change icon

6) change the icon to the dark souls icon 

7) Click apply and ok 

8) drag it out of the data and into the main folder 

9) enjoy :)