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Emily S Behar

A member registered Sep 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! 💖

Honestly I liked this. It's simple but it was fun. I like the enemy ships and the sound effects. The biggest complaint I have is that the enemy ship SFX keeps playing for quite a while after they leave the screen, but other than that this feels like a great start.

Good base here. The ship is a little hard to read against the background, it could use more shading or a dark outline with a lighter body color instead of just being all dark.

It felt like the basic enemies took too many bullets to destroy, or like the ship could use a faster fire rate? But that also made it feel a little more authentically Game Boy.

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Controls well, looks great! The UI is a little hard to read unfortunately, but some of that is just it being 4 colors.

The music didn't really feel fitting to me. It might have worked better if it were more like a Game Boy chiptune? I'm not sure, but the vibe I got was more like the SNES game B.O.B. than a GB space shooter I think.

The mutant and asteroid sprites are great though. They're not too big for the screen but they're still nice and big and they look like what they're supposed to be, which is always impressive on a small palette and a small screen size. Great job!

I really like the jumping mechanic here, and the game looks great. My only complaint is that, visually, the smoke from the crashed ships looked really flickery, which is pretty minor.

I did fall into spikes and get stuck falling off the screen forever, unfortunately, but I liked this!

Great-looking game, controls well, and I'm a sucker for the classic Game Boy palette.

No music for the Jam submission was unfortunate, it would have been nice to have some tunes. Good SFX though. There's definitely potential here!

This game very much feels to me like "what if the Game Boy had the SuperFX chip from Star Fox"

Very impressive, solid Game Boy themeing overall. I loved the narrative intro complete with grammar and spelling mistakes, and the Metal Gear-esque call sequence before the first stage.

I'm also REALLY impressed how legible the 3D environment was even at a very low native resolution. Really excellent!

This game was cute! I'm terrible at the kind of controls where you want to dial in a direction and then let momentum do the carrying, but it's implemented very well, the controls are really good, and I like the background music, it's very fitting.

It's possible to scroll all of the parts of the level that tell you where you are off the screen, and then you're just hoping you're flying the right way in total inky blackness with very little reference for where you're moving to, and that makes it really hard to get back to where you're supposed to be. Even just some stars dotting the background to tell you that you're moving the right direction would be a big help.

The bones here are really cool! the graphics are great, and I love the way the dialog box is set up. The font is a little hard to read and would have benefited from being pixel-perfect at this resolution, and it would have been nice to have a 1px black background around the life bar units to make those a little more legible too, I think.

The gun's fire rate and the amount of time you're locked in place feels really long, especially when you're trying to destroy a barrier. Similarly, if you fall off the bottom of the screen, it takes kind of a long time to die.

I do appreciate that enemy health doesn't reset when you die though! Overall a really solid entry, one of the most Game Boy games I've tried!

Unfortunately we didn't really get to flesh the mechanic out over multiple levels, but the idea was for you to pick configurations of rooms that fill the empty space in the level, so that the player is manipulating the play space.

Thank you for the feedback!

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Plays pretty well, nice job! 

It's a little hard to tell what's an enemy and what's just the background. The palette was a little hard to parse visually. I like the purple-for-space idea, but it's a little hard on the eyes.

I have the same problem unfortunately :-/