How to play in android?
Who are all of the side character you can marry?
I am following the guide yet whenever I talk to hellhound in the cave, she only talks the 2nd cg does not happen like the guide say.
Ps. I already got Leneth pregnant and I unlocked Hellhound 1st cg
I have 0 troops, how do I get troops? The barrack won't let me get troops
I cannot find the wolf
Any advice on the campaigning quest? I've talked to a lot of students already, but got stuck in two.
How to know if the students are already against prez?
it's been a while since i finished the quest, can i still get the plant?
I've imprisoned Flaire, but i can't make Ryen have his ways to her
I've researched the goldsmith, but i still can't find where to build the carpenter or goldsmith in the country management map
I recently researched the carpenter, but i can't find it on the map