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A member registered Jan 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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the top picture is in full screen ;)

ou i missed that :') my bad though. 

I did. It's cropped in both cases. Take a look

wow pretty deep! sadly,  the game is semi-freezed(?) when battling with beetle king (I can still switching item tabs, but the left side is completely frozen. but, wow, i like the depth!

hey, on my device, the screen is cropped at the sides. other than that, cool project!

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game is gud, just a bit laggy right from night 4. but it was a lot of fun playing it!

hmm sure, my game won't even win anything, anyway :')

ouu, I think I got your point. But I've added that html build right after I said "k, imma do it anyway". so am i disqualified now?

umm.. you might be right. but I don't even touch the .exe file, it's still there for anyone to download. Instead I add a new build. Just to make sure I don't change a thing, one could compare the two side by side

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well, i think my case is in the gray area. I don't "fix" the game, nor update it. I'm trying to make it more accessible

k imma do it anyway..

wow really good graphics!! i mean it's so AWESOME! unfortunately it's pretty laggy on my device, nevertheless i managed to finish it! cool work!

wow, cool credit scene- well made game!

is it allowed to add html version during this voting period? mine only have windows .exe version and no one seems to play it. At the jam I was using LOVR framework and it doesn't support html export, but now I got more time to finally port it to Love2D which support it. There's virtually nothing changes gameplay & content wise.

pretty neat!

noice work

wow it's pretty big for a 7 days game! I spot a bug where the ship can go through rocks & islands when I move diagonally, but hey it's pretty cool overall!


Yea I ran out of time 😅 thanks for playing!

ou really 😅 I was so dumb 

ngl I love the effects 🤣

Wow I gotta admit it's pretty fun and addicting 😆, but I always failed at the flappy bird styled level, it feels like time is too short for me to respond. But overall cool!

I don't really get the rule of this game, but I can just spamming my keyboard with all of my fingers and the score will just keeps increasing (at I think it's  faster than trying to stack the combo) 😅

but the idea is pretty neat!

thank you so muchh 😀

That was bad 😥, but thanks for playing! and I've played your game, can't imagine how could you made it in just 3 hours!

Kinda cool for a 2-3 hours project 😽. One thing that annoyed me was the jitter when I move if my mouse is near the ship.

But still really cool! I think I was still in the idea phase after 3 hours of work 😹

Sure you will 😄 good luck!

When I play your game it says that I need to install microsoft visual c++ and directx runtime, but I don't think that I'm gonna install it just to play this game😌

It's just my opinion, but I think for a 2d pixel game, you don't need the unreal engine's horse power.. which made the game size is quite big & overcomplicate things a bit (at least for me to play). There are pretty much other options available to make this type of game, and I don't think unreal is fit for that..

Sorry but I can't rate your game since I can't play it 😅

also don't take my suggestion to serious, if you really love unreal and comfortable with it then just keep using it and ignore what I said ;)

Thank you for your kind words 😁

Hey, it's kinda cool to have a lot of screen resolution option 😆

The polishing looks neat, I mean things like the sfx and particles. But I gotta admit it's a bit challenging for me personally 😅

Nice work!

ou really? I gotta fix it then. Thanks for your feedback 😊