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A member registered Dec 11, 2016

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Update 6 (end of Day 6):

  • Really ugly world map!
  • Ship engines required to allow movement between points of interest on the world map
  • City-ship movement
  • That's about it...

I've had no energy the past two days, so this is all I've accomplished; hopefully this exploration system gives me the energy to work on the system that interests me the most, though!

(3 edits)

Update 5 (end of Day 4):

  • Added 5 new structures: Housing Complex, Entertainment Complex, Greenhouse, Water Plant, Mining Rig!
  • Citizens are a new 'resource' though not yet fully integrated (since no structures can produce them)
  • Various changes to the Resource Manager to allow Food and Water control
  • Camera swivelling, rotation and pan clamping
  • Various bug and issue fixes

The following days will likely be less exciting as I've got lots of mostly coding to do to get future systems to work!

Update 4 (end of Day 3):

  • Tooltips for UI Resources
  • Day and Month system, mostly to manage resource flow
  • Resource Manager
  • Resource flow (#/day)
  • All other resource changes go through this manager
  • Adjusted manager relations (trying to get everything to connect via the GameManager)
  • Reduced foundation placement splash size
  • Resource removal text is now instantiated to allow multiple to show up
  • Adjusted build manager to allow normal structures to be placed on top of foundations
  • First structure: Power Station!

Tomorrow will most likely be a focus on getting most of the structures in the game, and ironing out bugs relating to the resource system to boot! Onwards to day 4!

(1 edit)

Update 3 (end of Day 2):

  • Foundation placement is in place (I'm funny)
  • The available cell grid expands as you build more foundations
  • Connector bridges are created between foundations that are neighbouring
  • Resource costs for structures taken from their stats script
  • A fancy animation, sound effects and particles for when placing Foundations because I get distracted easily
  • Quick simple dev window
  • Royalty free music!

Hopefully I'll get less distracted tomorrow and get some proper buildings to build on top of Foundations in!

Update 2 (end of Day 1):

  • The hexagonal grid is in place, and only the built-on cells and their neighbours are visible
  • More UI, allowing access to Build Mode, and the ability to quit the game
  • Raycasting that'll lead to the start of structure placement (foundation follows the mouse seen in the image)
  • Camera movement
  • Other things I probably couldn't remember!

Here's to hoping I can keep this up! I'm confident I can get something really playable within 2 weeks at this rate! ^-^

Update 1:

After about 4 hours of work, I've finally gotten the Hexagonal Grid to mostly work! Currently, it simply allows the selection of the starting cell via its coordinates set in the game manager, and then makes its neighbours visible thanks to some (messy) lines of code to calculate which cells they are. I had a fair bit of trouble getting the neighbour system to work, but with a method to make them visible and a few bools to let the game know that they are visible, I think it's finally stable! ^-^

The green cell is the starting cell, the outlined cells being its neighbours

There's an underlying 21x21 grid of hexagonal cells that aren't visible, so that instantiation of the cells isn't required during playtime, and since the play-space will be limited.

I also quickly put in the place the simplest of UIs as can be seen.

Cities Adrift is a city-builder with survival aspects, designed for My First Game Jam.

After Planet Earth is almost entirely below sea-level due to a failed attempt at halting global warming, the majority of the population has fled to the few safe zones at high altitude. This has however lead to overpopulation, and without any hope of a space program re-emerging to colonize space, many serious problems were looming. With no other options in sight, the great minds of Everest joined together to create the City-Ship, a massive self-sufficient aquatic vessel capable of staying afloat endlessly, and destined to find any remaining survivors or landmasses.
In Cities Adrift, you're the commander of this City-Ship, having the responsibility of piloting, expanding, and managing everything that happens aboard. Your goal is to create a new haven for humanity, and hopefully find a solution to this disaster.

Cities Adrift is far from my first foray into game development, but it'll hopefully be my first finished project (or more likely, prototype). For a 2 week jam, it may be a bit ambitious, but when the concept hit me I had to go with it.
My main inspiration for the game was definitely Frostpunk, with its survival aspects, and scouting parties to locate survivors or resources, which will also be featured in Cities Adrift. Another game that also inspired me is the 2013 reboot of Sim City, solely for it's modular building upgrades, which I'd also like to include in Cities Adrift, albeit a bit simpler.

Features of note include:

  • World Map with Points of Interest the City-Ship can be directed towards
  • Submarine Scouting Parties to explore said Points of Interest
  • Upgradable structures with visible changes
  • Quests and objectives
  • Underwater view to manage structures built beneath the surface

As it's easy for me to keep track of my work, I've made a public Trello of my progress on this project: Cities Adrift Trello

1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?

Heyo, I'm Kennedy! I'm an amateur game developer looking to iron out my skills and hopefully be able to eventually finish and release my larger game project.

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?

I did not, but I'm joining now because I'd love to try to learn about new things I may not have known, whilst also finally finishing a project! (I have quite a few difficulties with sticking with an idea and tend to lose interest)

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?

I'm in love with any games that are atmospheric and heavy on story or hint at a story like FAR: Lone Sails, VA-11 Hall-A, The Final Station, SOMA, and so on. Most of them have inspired me to work on my primary game project which will be similar in style to a lot of them. Naturally however, I also like a plethora of other games, anything ranging from big AAA RPGs, to the sweetest of indie games. Ni No Kuni 2 and A Hat in Time are among my favourites!

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?

I'm often told I'm really skilled, but I still say that I'm a serious amateur when it comes to game development as I've never really produced anything particularly playable. I've been messing with game development on and off over the last decade or so (and I mean really on and off), in engines like Unity, GameMaker, Unreal 4. Most of the ideas I've had have been small projects that I didn't stick with for over a week - ideas like a procedurally generated multiplayer RTS, a side-scrolling post-apocalyptic train management game, or a first-person cooking game.

The one project I keep going back to is the one I'm trying to work on currently, a sci-fi first-person atmospheric puzzle game, which I've spent about maybe 2 weeks total on, and barely have anything to show for it... But I'm motivated to mayhaps push it to completion someday!

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!

Coming up with ideas for games that are new and unique, whilst also being familiar to most people, telling stories without dialogue, creating atmospheric and calm but lived in worlds. Basically, what most indie devs seem to thrive for!

6. What are your goals for this game jam?

Learning new skills, systems and tricks relating to Unity, Blender, Substance Suite, and game development in general (since almost everything I know is from experimentation on my own), and hopefully finally finishing a project as I've yet to even get close!