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A member registered Aug 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really fun game!

Really cool concept and fun game! 

Great art and fun game! Really cool concept with the theme! Well done!

Awesome, good luck with it!

Fun game, also reminds me of monument valley! nice job!

Fun game, also reminds me of monument valley! nice job!

Awesome game and a really nice implementation of the theme. I love the walkman mechanic it's very clever! 

Thanks, I plan to keep working on it so feel free to follow for updates :D 

Fun game and awesome graphics!! 

Really fun game and cool implementation of the theme!

This is probably one of my favourites I've played so far! Really awesome game. Interesting puzzle and I really like the art style and music! Well done!

Cool implementation of the theme and nice spelling/word type game. Just a couple of things, I was able to complete it it pretty easily without losing all lives, the visuals could be a bit more impactful and the UI a bit more dynamic to give it some energy. Also not sure if you are aware but the music just stops after it plays, might need to make it a loop audio. Great job though!  

Thanks, I’m glad you liked it. I got a lot of feedback it’s too difficult so will definitely take it on board.  

Thank you! And thanks for the feedback on the sound too, I’ll take it on board!

Wow thank you 😊 and thanks for the feedback, I agree the resolution is weird and I hope to fix this in future versions, I was trying  to focus on the verticality but ends up looking weird on different screen sizes etc. And yes I want to improve the player animation for sure, it’s a bit janky but the best I could do in the time! 

Fun little game, really cool concept! 

Really like the aesthetic of this game but I found it difficult to play! I like the idea though and how it captures the theme!

Really good looking game and love the way the concept plays on the theme!

Thank you, I agree about the theme, I had an idea to do a cutscene at the start to explain the backstory (theme tie-in) but I didn't have time!

Wow thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Cool concept, thought I think I am missing something because I keep dying immediately!

Fun little game!

I like the concept but the movement is a bit sticky and the physics is a bit janky. If you continue to work on it though could be good potential!

Haha really cool concept! Fun to play, reminded me of Flappy Bird.

Awesome for your first game jam. It's my first one too! There might be some issues with the physics, at one point I went flying into the air on one jump. Really like the music. 

Cool colour palette and art style. I don't really like the auto shoot, would be fun if it was up to the player. The movement is a bit stiff too.

Cool I'll give it a follow :D 

Cool idea and really nice art style, the end of the first level was impossible but not sure if that was my own ineptitude! Good pacing and potential 

This is a really nice little game, love the concept and it ties into the theme really well. I really like the music, some sound FX would have been nice. I really like the animation when you kill a slime, good job!

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This is a really cool idea, at first I had no idea what I was doing but once into it it's really fun. I could really see it with a scoreboard and trying to beat friends scores etc. I'm not sure about the art style though, I think with the music (which creates a nice atmosphere) something more futuristic/sci-fi would mesh better. 

I didn't really know what was going on in this game but the art style and music is amazing! Really cool game from a visual point of view! Gameplay and mechanics could be a bit clearer though.

Fun game, it's quite difficult but makes you want to try again! Love the retro arcade style. This is definitely a project you could expand!

I really like the eery vibe you've managed to convey here! It's an interesting concept, definitely see potential. If you are building on it I would suggest improving the UI and tips, they are not very obvious and kind of difficult to read which can make the game hard to pick up. Nice art style! 

This game has such a chill vibe, I love the colour palette, really really nice design. The controls are difficult with a trackpad, would be good to have key option for grapple. 

Wow this game is stunning! Amazing art style and music! I didn't want it to end!! 

That's good to know, thanks  for the feedback!

Yeah, I found sound assets right here on itch! 

(1 edit)

I think it's a really cool concept. The game bugged out on me  a bit so couldn't really play it through but I like the idea. There is no music or sound FX though, I think this can definitely add to the ambiance of the game. Also the colour of the text in the tutorial menu makes it difficult to read. Cool idea though and nice interpretation of the theme!

The art style is really cool and love the music. The game itself is really fun too, one thing I would suggest is adding a key option to shoot as an alternative to the mouse click, playing on a laptop is a bit cumbersome. Other than that it was a really nice chill game!

I thought this was really fun. I like the theme music in the background but could use some more sound FX. The idea for my own submission actually kind of evolved from a similar idea to this. I think there is a lot of potential here!