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Savage Code

A member registered Dec 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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After coming back from a neck injury which kept me away from coding for an entire year, I am back in the swing of things.

This game is still in development but I will probably have 1 or two alpha updates I can release here before it all goes to steam and playtesters etc. 

Progress Video:

A LOT of progress have been made over the past few days. There is still a lot to polish up. But some major bugs have been eradicated, some welcomed additions made, audio progress. It is all coming together.

I want to expand the options so you can change the volume of music, dialogue, and sound effects independently. I want to explore some other pathing methods to get more interesting enemy flight patterns, point values or dps values on ships (dps depends on if I implement weapon strength multipliers), more voice stuff like alerting when you hit the forcefield and a warning when the forcefield timer is about to run out, and achievements.

Not to mention the art. The levels have an aura but that's bout it. Thinking I may want to export my blender ship models to sprite sheets.

OmegaStarFighter community · Created a new topic

Release an alpha update

known issues: 

* autoshoot when getting new guns still happens for some reason
* audio levels are not consistent
*enemies do not "die" when they hit the forcefield but they do not cause damage either
* sometimes the score does not full reset on replay
* when you die the pause is really short so you end up hitting "replay" but even noticing you are dead. LOL

Enjoy the play test.

Considering changing the movement but we shall see. 

It really has been 2 years since I put this project down. A lot was happening in my real life and priorities had to shuffle.

But... things have calmed down recently. The events were mostly positive with a dash of negative tossed in for some razzle dazzle. 

But as of today, I am picking this project up again. A lot is left to do. The art is a disaster and is meant as placeholder while I get the systems fleshed out.  I have learned a lot in the past few months and will be looking at a rewrite of this project to bring it up to coding standards. This is not the longest game in history and is going to get finished.

Oh, I hear ya, I agree. I had ideas but this was as far as I could get. 1 idea was for a "wild card" soul that could match anything but gives double the soul count. But yeah, I had to stop somewhere manageable. 100% agreed.

Will there be a category for underrated games? Totally asking for a friend. LOL

Wow... this game was a lot of fun to play. Looks great, sounds great, plays great. Time limit adhered to. I enjoyed playing this one.

Interesting concept. A little hard to see. I would keep working on it though, the mechanics make sense and this could be a great mobile title.

I love the UI! I didn't understand what I was building til the end. So I definitely had to play it again once I got it. I like the sound, I like the comic book style.

I really did like this game. The controls are a bit wonky but I like the idea. Minor tweaks to enemy speed or how many bullets it takes to kill em may be needed. Overall, solid game. I may have missed the stream theme though.

Oh wow! That is awesome man! I much appreciate that!

Thank you! I appreciate that you played it and that you enjoyed it. I did find myself playing it a lot while I was making it.

I like the coin use to change the boat's stats. Some spaces feel impossible to get through without hitting something but I am also not the best at wasd controls as a lefty. The increase in speed is a good challenge. LOL 

Thank you for playing it! :-) 

It is a set rotation of 8 streams of 6 souls per stream each with at least 1 or two purple orbs that are randomized. I should have made the purple orbs yellow or something as they are too close to the blue on some monitors. Definitely a big oversight on my part. :-(

I cannot guarantee all or any feature requests will be included but all will be considered.

We will start using Butler before too long so that itch users can have timely build patches without having to redownload a new zip file version.

OmegaStarFighter community · Created a new topic Feedback

As a new game developer, feedback is important.

Please do provide and constructive feedback regarding Omega StarFighter as development of this title continues.