Very cool! I'll try make some models using this method at some point this week!
Recent community posts
Hi all, just watched a great little Dead Gods Batrep just uploaded today to youtube by "World of Wargaming"; but I'm pretty sure he's either getting the activation rules wrong or I am completely misreading them .
Here's the vid:
He's playing it as standard skirmish alternating-actions. He makes the activation roll, but regardless of the outcome, play then passes to his opponent. I thought play only passes to your opponent once you fail to roll for any actions (thus the model becomes Unruly) or if you run out of any more models to activate for the round. Am I wrong and completely misreading the rules or is "World of Wargaming" overlooking something? I must admit, the first time I solo played this game, I too played it as alternating-actions and think it was only reading some comments here that made me question myself...
I'm just curious to see how other players keep track of their model's Activation and Momentum stats?
I really enjoy streamlined skirmish rule sets, but wish there was a solution for stat tracking as elegant as the rules themselves. I guess the main ways are the use of a pencil+paper stat sheet or placing dice/tokens next to the models on the battlefield. I like pencil+paper stat sheets as they don't clutter up the batlefield but they also make it harder for players to read the state of individual characters in play without having to constantly ask.
I've started playing more with paper minis to experience a wider range of games without having to spend time painting the appropriate minis. They also have the added bonus that they can be quickly drawn on to track things like wounds.