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A member registered Dec 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

hi i wish i had time to say more im rushing ratings but omg this is my new favorite, some incredible soundscapes on actually EVERY song you dont miss, great guitar and bass tones and mixing (respect for live stuff question mark), sleeping theme carry over, everything fits the theme and i want to play this game, its all so complete and cohesive, i need more ok great job byeeee

edit i have to give credit for the vocal mixing too you found that perfect reverb pocket of not being prominent and you can hear it clearly and i need an extended version pf last track now

agree with the cave stuff, if you believe it it used to be MORE crunchy which i made him change a bit but it could use a bit more clarity, but still i feel theres a lot you can pay attention to

open vital, consider style, pick waveform and apply envelope and filter, turn on bit crusher, pick a random tempo and start playing notes until i find nice chords or an interesting arpeggio, loop it while i make a 2nd synth which can be turned into a pad or a lead or a bass depending on stuff, play random stuff over the looping pattern until i make something good, add a bunch of effects and automation clips, unison detune for wide sound full mix, and then done. in all fairness i didnt have that much time to put into stuff because i went on vacation but i finished one song and wrote another with no midi keyboard so i resorted to a randomized melody for one song and minimalism for the other but people have liked it so i think it workd

movement within these pads is really great, catches a lot of attention and gives some depth to the soundscapes, some very very solid ambience, some transitions could def be a bit smoother to complete the ambient vibe as sometimes it feels like stuff changes and then changes again without having been able to establish itself, but nothing is incredibly jarring and if any of it is intentional it def works, just trying to get into the headspace of making this, really nice use of delay, overall really great tracks!

i thought you were saying blue and orange was bad i had a heart attack, thank you! im glad the vibe worked and the simple synths are good, but gotta give credit to mr edge for pushing the change to this minimalistic style since the first one made was cave and i think its the most musically great

thank you so much friend, we did our best

man this is good, the bends in the lead at the end, the drums sound great, i was encapsulated the whole first half, motifs carried throughout, the bass dropping is a great touch for a transition of it, everything is just really clean

this is one of the best ones 

incredible example of this whole soundfonty style and its so good, i could see this on a list with so many huge soundtracks

im just gonna go track by track bc i want to

1 i actually really like this clipping, bass sounds super good, great transition actually its not too fast and really distinct, some of the reverb gets a little muddy at times but it all works, love the pitch modulation on the flute, ending could be less abrupt of a hard cut tho

2 holy cow this one jumps right in, loving the panning on the ambience as well as the detune and key modulation (or you could call it just straight up chromatic stuff), sidechaining might be a bit much but it works

3 i like the phasing on the bells a lot, melody is very nice, i like the pulsing of the drone it provides a lot of driving feel, jeez thats some bass, i quite like your bass work throughout this project, this song has so much going on you can pay attention to, might be my fav, good ending too

4 very nice pingpong delay, double kick i like it, flute motif again i like it, reverb on the drums is a very nice touch, very nice distortion at the end of that section, thats a nice ass lead, gonna ask you like everyone if youre making your own synths, very solid climax to the project, tasteful outro

honestly not much i can really say against it, def fits the theme and everything is interesting, first drums in sunken castle are a little quiet but idk what else you could really do with them, maybe make them a bit louder and put a low pass on em instead, that bass is still so fat

overall i quite enjoyed it, solid motifs and everything is catchy, drums kinda stick out sometimes but i struggle with drums to the point where i cant really criticize it cause they def work, really like that lead in the bigger part of plummet, idk im rambling yeah really good

i wish the mix filled out in the earth cant hold me a bit more, it just feels so empty with the high pass drums, but everything that is there is incredible, all of your musical themes are great, as well as the evolution of the track never getting boring and also that bass line earlier on SLAMS, but anyway the synths in the first track really fit the vibe, and the entrance of the guitar is great, love me some down sampling on the synths and piano, and the time manipulation and musical themes throughout are all great, only real criticism is the jump at 2:08 is jarring and i feel like that transition to the outro could be smoother, but it works nonetheless, and also i wish earth cant hold me got fuller when it got bigger but thats not realllyyy a criticism cause its just what i wouldve wanted

most of the songs really just leave me wanting more, the ambiences are great and the strings sound amazing, first track is def my fav just bc i love the arpeggiated piano and the synths and i wish there was some more of that present cause that song alone would sell me a whole game, only real criticisms i have are if the hard cuts on 4 and 6 are unintentional i feel there should be some ending there, and also cleaning up the breath clips on 6 cause the start and stop of clips are really uncovered in the silence, but overall great job!

(3 edits)

i 100% agree with the mixing stuff, i got stuck in another state with my laptop for half the competition and struggled with approximating volumes to my regular setup because everything was far louder outside of fl, but thanks regardless!

edit version 2 wait they arent that quiet why were they so much quieter on my phone this needs investigation

kk thsnks

hello yes can i add my teammate into the project after submitting? hes definitely asleep and idk his username.  i have a feeling i can but i havent submitted one of these yet so doesnt hurt to see if anyone around knows, since i dont want to put off submitting till the morning